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A. How do you perceive the emotion of the speaker?

= His
voice is very sincere and brought out the emotion behind what
is feeling. Hamlet's soft tone makes the audience feel all the
emotions about him comtemplating own life.
B. What is the main content of the monologue? = The main
content of To be or not to be is the doubt, uncertainty, Life and
death, and lastly madness.
C. Who do you think is the audience of the speaker?Why? =
The audience of the speaker is the one who are in pain and
madness, and also a person who have problem. Specifically, he
wonders whether it might be preferable to commit suicide to
end one's suffering and to live behind the pain and agony
associated with. And wants to decide what is better for him or
her to those facing right now.
D. How does it apply to you? = I know that we all go to death
but I should not commiting suicide to death because that
problem,we know that all things have time to death, I just
always remember that commiting suicide is not the solution like
not to be, I should think possitively not negatively thinking
because this problems will give pain but the end is, will give you
more strength to face those problems in life. It is better to live
or to die.

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