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Suggested Solution to 2012 H2 Physics Prelim Paper 1

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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


1 Units of c = J kg-1K-1 = (kg m2 s-2) kg-1K-1 = m2 s-2 K-1

Units of b = units of c / K3 = m2 s-2 K-4

2 Large systemic error gives inaccurate reading (ie. mean far from true value)

Small random error gives precise reading (ie. Small spread)

3 P = Fv = (ma)(s / t)

% P = % m + % a + % s + % t =0.1 + 1 + 1.5 + 0.5 = 3.1%

4 Let the time taken for the shutter to fall 2.50 m 1 2

be t. s = ut + at
1 2.5 + 0.12 = 0 + (9.81)t12
s = ut + at 2 2
t1 = 0.731s
2.5 = 0 + (9.81)t 2
2 The time when the shutter remains open
t = 0.714 s = t1 – t = 0.017 s
Let the time taken for the ball to fall 2.62 m be t1.

5 Let the velocity of the 2 objects after collision be v.

→: Mu + M (- 2u ) = 2Mv

- Mu = 2Mv
Mv = - Mu
v=- u

6 The upward velocity decreases to zero at an increasing rate when the ball is thrown up,
and the downward velocity increases from zero at a decreasing rate when the ball falls to
its initial position. The final speed is less than the initial speed as some of the initial KE is
lost through work done against air resistance.

7 R1 = R2 = W, weight of picture

R1 = 2T1 cos 1

R2 = 2T2 cos 2

 2T1 cos 1 = 2T2 cos 2

Since 1 >2  cos 1 < cos 2

 T1 > T2

OR Draw and compare the closed triangle force diagram

8 Couple consists of a pair of parallel force, of equal magnitude but opposite direction.

9 At lowest point,

student is momentarily at rest hence minimum ke

rope is most stretched hence maximum epe

10 F = mv2/r

For same F and m, v2  r

r1 / r2 = (100/50)2 = 4

r1 = 4 r2

11 WD against friction = 1500 – mgh = 1500 – 50x12 = 900 J

12 By COE, mgr = ½ mv2 (where r is the radius, v is speed of m at the lowest point)

At lowest point, T – mg = mv2 /r

T = mg + mv2 /r = mg + (2mgr)/r =3mg

13 WD = change in GPE = m∆ = (1.00)(-400 – (-800)) = 400 kJ

14 GPE = -GMm/r. GPE increases with distance from Earth.

KE = Gmm/2r. KE decreases with distance from Earth.

15 -0.5 = -1.0 cos (2πt/6)

t = 1h

16 Total E = max pe = ½ k xo2

Since amplitude, xo, decrease exponentially, total E also decrease exponentially

17 using PV = nRT, PV is the minimum for point B. Hence temperature is the lowest.

18 The gas molecules rebound from the piston with increased speed as the piston is
compressed rapidly. The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases and
therefore the temperature of the gas increases as well.

19 Observable diffraction occurs when size of the aperture is comparable to the wavelength of
wave. Hence, X ray with wavelength ~ 10–10 m would have the most significant diffraction

20 I a
I  Amp  new  new2 
2 a cos 60  0.5a   I  0.250 I
2 2 2

I a a cos 02 a 2 new

For diffraction grating, d g sin   n  d g 
sin 30

For double slit, D D D  (1.0)

x     1.0  10 3 m
dd 500d g  (1)   (1) 
500  500 
 sin 30   sin 30 

22 Density of field lines greater throughout compared to other options.

23 Electric field, E = 40/0.002 = 20 kN C-1

Direction: Towards lower potential (the right)

24 Resistance of steel core = ρL/A = 1.0 x 10-7 x 1.0 / [π (1.0 x 10-3)2] = 0.031831 

Resistance of aluminium coating = ρL/A = 2.8 x 10-8 x 1.0 / [π (2.5 x 10-3)2 - π(1.0 x 10-3)2]

= 0.001698 

Resistance of wire = [(0.031831)-1+(0.001698)-1]-1 = 1.61 m

25 Option A – The I-V characteristics for Q shows a decreasing resistance with increasing
current whereas a filament lamp would have increasing resistance with increasing current.

Option B – At 2.0 A, the resistance of P and Q are the same. (R = V / I and not V / I)

Option C – At 7 V, the resistance of P is smaller than Q.

For values of I less than 2.0 A, the respective p.d. across P is always less than Q.
Therefore, the power dissipated (Power = IV) in P is always less than Q.

Option D – Power dissipated in an electrical component is the product of the p.d. across
the component and the current through the component. For the same current (of value less
than 2.0 A) through P and Q, the power dissipated in P is always lesser than that in Q, as
the p.d. across P is smaller than Q.
26 Rearranging the network of resistors, the circuit is as shown below:

Effective resistance across XY = [(5)-1 + 2(25/3)-1]-1 = 2.3 

27 p.d. across R1 = 12 x R1 / (R1 + R2 + R3) = 4.0 V

p.d. across R2 = 12 x R2 / (R1 + R2 + R3) = 3.0 V

p.d. across R3 = 12 x R3 / (R1 + R2 + R3) = 5.0 V

Hence ratio of R1:R2:R3 is 4:3:5.

28 Forces on E due to A and C cancelled off. Force on E due to D in the direction of B is

greater than the force on E due to B in the direction of D as force produced depends on the
product of the currents in the two wires.

29 B field within coil W will be directed upwards.

Using LHR, force on wire will be directed towards QS.

Hence rod will move towards QS with increasing speed.

30 dBA
E dt
I= R= R

A dB
= R ( dt )max

0.40 0.6
= 0.25( 3 )

= 0.32 A

31 The super-cooled metal disc is the best condition for the eddy current to flow, hence the
damping is the greatest. The wooden disc being insulator prevents the flow of current and
least damping seen. Weaker eddy current is induced in slotted metal disc compared to
metal disc.

32 V2 1202 1202
P= R P1 = R = 2402
800 = R 1 2402 1
= (4)( R ) = (4)(800)
R = 800
= 200 W

33 E = ½ m v2 ; p = mv

E = p2/(2m)

de Broglie wavelength,

 = h/p = h /  (2mE) ;

  1/ E

The graph of  vs 1/ E is a positive gradient straight line through the origin .

34 From qV = hf, as potential difference (V) increases, (hf) increases. Since intensity of x-ray
is nhf/tA, it will increase with hf.

Cutoff wavelength is reduced as f increases.

Rate of emission of x-ray is dependent on rate of electron hitting the target. Since power
supplied is unchanged, rate of electron emitted is unchanged. Hence no change to rate of
emission of X-ray photon with time.

35 Square of the wave function, Ψ2, describes the probability density function – the probability
of locating the electron at distance r from the nucleus. At r = a, it has the highest
probability, hence electron is most likely to be near a. 

36 A  True. Since there are more electrons in the excited state in population inversion, the
chances of a photon causing stimulated emission is greater than that of it being

B  True. Excited electrons stay in the metastable state for about 105 times longer than
in a normal excited state (metastable = 10-3 s & excited = 10-8 s). This allows for more
electrons to be in the excited state than ground state, hence creating a population

C  False. Electrons will not stay at the meta stable state forever, just about 105 times
longer than the average lifetime in a normal excited state (metastable = 10-3 s & excited =
10-8 s). It will eventually de-excite spontaneously if no photon comes in to stimulate
an emission.

D  True. The spontaneously emitted photon in option C can be in any direction and may
therefore not be in line with the direction of the laser beam. If this photon is not in
line with the direction of laser, and it goes on to stimulate an emission, then the
emitted photon will also not be in line with the direction of laser.

Side note: All the stray photons in option D will move out of the system leaving only those
that are in line with the direction of laser. These photons are reflected by the
mirrors at the ends of the lasing material, thus making many passes in the
material, each time generating many stimulated emission in the same

37 BE of nucleus =

38 For an intrinsic semiconductor at absolute zero, there are no free electrons in the
conduction band. Valence band is fully occupied.

Note: At room temperature, the thermal energy is enough to cause some free electrons to
be liberated to the conduction band, creating some holes in the valence band in the
process. These electron-hole pairs then contribute to the conduction of electricity in the
conduction band and valence band respectively.

39 1 half-life after time t, the number of nuclides of X will reduced by ½ and the number of
nuclides of Y will increase by ½. The ratio will then become 1:3.

40 Beta decay occurs when a neutron in the nucleus decays to produce a proton, a beta
electron and an anti-electron-type neutrino.

With each beta decay, the mass number of the daughter nucleus remains unchanged but
the atomic number increases by one.

Hence, after double beta decay, the mass number of the daughter nucleus remains
unchanged at 130 and the atomic number increases by two to 54.
52Te→ AZ Xe +2-10

Therefore, Z = 54 and A = 130

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