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1. MELC: Describe the historical development of theories that explain the origin of the universe 2. Content:
The Universe and the Solar System
3. Formation Standard: Manifests awareness and concerns for one’s surroundings and respects other’s
property (Stewardship)

 Religioso, Teresita F. (2017). You and the Natural World Earth Science. Philippines: Phoenix
Publishing House. pp. 2-18
 Olivar II, Jose Tolentino. (2016). Exploring Life through Science Series Senior High School Earth Science
Philippines, Phoenix Publishing House. pp. 3-12
 Source:

1. The early explanation of the origin of the universe were based on religious mythology and tradition.
2. Several cosmological models have been proposed to explain the early origin of the universe.
3. Cosmological models include steady state theory, big bang theory, inflation theory, string theory and M-theory.
4. The universe is believed to have been created 13.7 billion years ago. It is composed of dark energy, dark
matter, ordinary matter, and radiation.
5. There are several models that explain the origin of the Solar System. Among these models are Descartes’ vortex
theory, Buffon’s collision theory, Jeans-Jeffrey’s tidal theory, and Kant-Laplace’s nebular theory.

A. Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided for. (10 points)

Column A Column B
1. It explains the origin, history and evolution of the universe A. Accretion
based on the creation, mythology of a specific tradition
_____I.______ B. Big Bang Theory

2. One of the several models that explain the origin of the Solar C. Descartes’ Vortex Theory
System ____E.______


3. Propose that the universe is unchanging in time and is in D. Galaxies moving away
uniform in space ____J.______
E. Gravitational force
4. It is the prevailing cosmological model of the early
development of the universe ____B.______ F. Kuiper Belt

5. Weak, long-range and attractive force that binds the Solar G. Milky Way
System ____D._____
H. Oort Cloud
6. One evidence that supports the Big Bang theory
____C.______ I. Religious Cosmology

7. One of the many galaxies found in the universe J. Steady State Theory

8. A process or microscopic solid particles

condense to form a large mass which becomes planets

9. Where large cloud of icy materials rocks


10. Region of the Solar System beyond the planets, extending

from the orbit of Neptune____F.______

B. Multiple Choice. Read the statement below and underline the letter and answer of your choice.
(10 points)

1. A collection of stars, dust and gas bound together by gravity

A. Nebula B. Universe C. Galaxy D. Protostar

2. The Milky Way Galaxy

A. an increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other wave.
B. a particle attracts every other particle in the universe.
C. the galaxy that contains our Solar System.
D. an instellar cloud of dust, Hydrogen, Helium and other ionized gases.

3. Earth and other planets closest to the sun are mostly made of
A. gas. B. water. C. metal. D. rock.


4. What is the best evidence for the Big Bang Theory?
A. How fast light travel C. Movement of celestial bodies B.
Creation of new planets D. Expansion of the universe

5. What two (2) things make up everything in the universe?

A. matter and heat C. energy and matter B.
energy and dust D. mass and volume

6. The theory that explains the formation of the Solar System is called A. Nebulis
Theory. C. Nebular Theory. B.
Big Bang Theory. D. Inflation Theory.

7. Which is not a characteristic feature of the Solar System?

A. Not all planets revolve around the sun in counter clockwise direction.
B. The orbits of all planets are almost in the same plane.
C. The distance of the planet from the sun can be express in simple relationship called Bodes’ Law.
D. The planetary orbits are nearly circular.

8. Which is not a fundamental force in the Big Bang timeline?

A. Gravitational B. Strong nuclear C. Static D. Electromagnetic

9. Planet orbit the sun in a shape called a(n)

A. circle B. focus C. ellipse D. Perihelion

10. Which of the given theories states that the assembly of the point-light particles often use in particle physic is
replaced by fundamental building blocks called strings?
A. M-Theory C. Vortex Theory
B. Inflation Theory D. String Theory

How did the universe originate from something that is very small and hot?

- The universe originate from something that is very small and hot because It mainly focused all of its
energy into a single, little point and because of the expansion of the big bang theory.

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