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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

ALzaeim ALazhri University

Faculty of Medicine

:A proposal to study
Disease prevalence rate among children in Al Gezira state

And its relationship to drinking water in the last five years

Submitted by

 Aya Isameldin Mustafa Mohamed

 Malaz Nasr eldeen hassan

 Hawa saif

 Tasneem Osama

 Aya hajo

 Ayat Kamal

 Elaf Badereldeen

 Reem Ahmed

 Azza motaze

:Supervised by

 Thoraya salah

Sudan is a country located in North Africa, and it is home to over 40
million people. The prevalence rate of disease among children in Sudan is
high, with an estimated one in five children under the age of five suffering
from some form of malnutrition. This high rate of disease prevalence has
been linked to a lack of access to clean drinking water. In Sudan, only
about half of the population has access to safe drinking water, and this
number is even lower in rural areas. Poor sanitation and hygiene
practices are also contributing factors to the high prevalence rate of
disease among children in Sudan. The lack of access to clean drinking
water has been linked to increased risk for diarrheal diseases, which can
lead to malnutrition and other health issues. In addition, contaminated
water can also lead to the spread of water-borne diseases such as cholera
and typhoid fever. Improving access to safe drinking water is essential for
reducing the prevalence rate of disease among children in Sudan.[1]

is that there is a high prevalence rate of disease among children in

Sudan, and there is a need to investigate the relationship between this
prevalence rate and access to safe drinking water in the last five years. It
is well known that access to clean drinking water is critical for good
health, and inadequate access to safe drinking water has been linked to a
high prevalence of waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and
typhoid fever. In Sudan, where access to clean drinking water is limited, it
is essential to understand the extent of the problem and its possible
relationship to the high prevalence of disease among children. By
examining data on the prevalence rate of diseases and access to clean
drinking water in the last five years, it may be possible to identify ways to
improve the health of children in Sudan.[2]

The prevalence of disease among children in Sudan is a major public

health concern. Poor access to clean drinking water is a major
contributing factor to the high rate of disease among children in Sudan.
Contaminated drinking water can lead to the spread of water-borne
diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea, which are particularly
dangerous for young children. Additionally, poor access to clean drinking
water can lead to malnutrition and dehydration, both of which can have
serious health consequences for children. Therefore, improving access to
clean drinking water is essential for reducing the prevalence of disease
among children in Sudan.

conclusion :
The quality of drinking water is a significant factor in disease
prevalence rates among children in Sudan. The lack of access to safe
drinking water has contributed to high rates of waterborne diseases,
malnutrition, and weakened immune systems, making children more
vulnerable to a range of other diseases. Improving access to safe drinking
water is therefore critical to reducing disease prevalence rates among
children in Sudan.[3]

Objectives :
The General objectives:
The aim of the research is to investigate the relationship and extent of
the effect of drinking water on the increase in the spread of diseases in
children .

  The specific objectives:

include the following:

1. Identifying diseases transmitted by drinking water .

2. Contaminated areas of drinking water .

3.The extent of the effect of contaminated water on .:

: Methodology
The study design of this research is community base cross sectional .

Anyond Under 18 Years Old Who Has Exposed To Contaminated Water

al gezira state

All under 18 years old and they are exposed to contaminated water and
the has related diseases .

Anyone refuse fill the questionnaire


Random sampling

Population size:
Children under 18 years old more than thousand individuals

Sample size:
n= z² x (p) x (1 – p) ÷e²

n= sample size

z= Z score

p= prevalence (0.5)

e= margin of error.

Sample size is 384

Confident level 95%

margin of error 5%

Survey monkey

384 questionnaire will be created and developed by authors, the
questionnaires will contain 3 sections, The first section will contain
personal information, The second section will contain exposed to
contaminated water,The last section diseases they are suffer from .

Questionnaires will be filled in manually by samples.

The collected data will be presented as numbers and percentage and the
results will be analyzed by an expert analyst using SPSS, then the report
will be written by the authors and reviewed by the supervisor.

The ethical approval will be obtained from the children's parents and the
written consent will be obtained from both

AI , GPT ]3[,]2[, ]1[

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