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CLASS/SEC: III B SUB: MATH DATE: 15 th Aug – 31st Aug

UNIT: Place value

Expanded and standard form

CHAPTER/TITLE: Large numbers

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: As a result of this lesson, students will:

 learn how to express a number in expanded notation.

 learn how to convert numbers between standard and expanded notation.

Students will demonstrate their understanding of place value to create and read large numbers.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students are able to write and read the large numbers. They are able
to identify the place value and places of each digit in a number. Prior
knowledge help them to write the numbers in expanded form.
They now know why the plus sign comes in between the place values.

MATERIAL/ RESOURCES REQUIRED: Access to video lesson What is Expanded Notation?

Sets of index cards with the names of place values -
thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: The goal of this lesson is for the students to have a clear understanding of the
concept material. In this case the students should have concise knowledge on
place values with numbers in expanded form. The students should also have an
understanding of how to create smaller values from larger place values. These
are learnt in the previous class.

TEACHER’S ACTIVITY: Teacher uses the currency notes of India to explain the topic to the children
in a story of shopping framed to show how the payment was made by
using the notes of the given place values.
INTRODUCTION: Teacher explains the topic by telling them that
When we write a number as a sum of place value of its digits, the number is
said to be in expanded form and when we write a number using digits, the
number is said to be in short form. There are 3 ways to write the expanded
form for a given number.
Write the short form for the given expanded forms.

(i) 8 ten thousands + 6 hundreds + 6 tens + 3 ones

(ii) 9  × 10000 + 7 × 1000 + 4 × 10 + 2(iii) 40000 + 3000 + 900 + 70 + 8

METHODOLOGY & TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Here’s an example how the teacher teaches the
place value showing the relationship between the place or position and the place value of the digits in
a number.
In 13548, 1 is in ten thousands place and its place value is 10,000,
3 is in thousands place and its place value is 3,000,
5 is in hundreds place and its place value is 500,
4 is in tens place and its place value is 40,
8 is in ones place and its place value is 8.

Expanded and standard form: Place value is followed by expanded and standard form.

CONNECTING TO REAL LIFE: Teacher plays the video to show how a mother makes payment at the
billing counter using 4 currencies of different place values. They also learn
how the different currencies have different values. They learn that the Place
value helps us make decisions that are used in our daily lives ex) costs,
weight, distances, time etc.
EXTENDED LEARNING: Children learn the three steps of writing the expanded form or expanding
numbers. They now know to expand the numbers with more digits and with
higher place values.

ASSIGNMENTS: Write the following numbers on the board and have students write them in
expanded notation:
1,745 3,551 5,16 7

ADDRESSING CLASSROOM DIVERSITY: Students will be able to visualize place value of ones, tens,
and hundreds using manipulatives. Activities provide students
opportunities to transfer concrete information to more abstract
practice using digits without physical place value representations. The
topic was stretched to 2 classes in order to make the concept clear.

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