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2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)

IoT applications to combat Aedes aegypti: a

Systematic Literature Mapping
1st Henrique de Araújo Silva 2nd Rosana Teresinha Vaccare Braga
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC) Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC)
Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
São Carlos, Brazil São Carlos, Brazil

Abstract—Dengue, zika and chikungunya are examples of seri- Brazil [1]. These diseases have in common the Aedes aegypti
ous diseases affecting mainly developing countries, such as Brazil. mosquito as a transmitter. This specific mosquito is already
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) about these adapted to urban conditions, and its resistance to insecticides
diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito are worrisome,
especially in relation to their possible effects. Considering this has made current control activities ineffective [2]. In order
scenario severity, Internet of Things based applications (IoT to fight it, a joint effort is needed, which means an alliance
applications) are being used to support it. So, this paper aims between government and citizens [3].
to select and organize, through information collection, difficulties Although there are solutions for that and in some points of
that can be found in the medical use of IoT applications to combat view it may seem obvious and easy to implement, it does not
this mosquito. The objective was to find possible gaps for future
research. A Systematic Literature Mapping was performed to always occur. Because dengue (and other diseases transmitted
find possible deficiencies in the methodologies addressed by the by Aedes aegypti) is very easy to spread – it is enough to
authors of the returned studies. This systematic mapping intends have standing water in the area for the mosquito to reproduce
to list these difficulties, as well methods proposed to improve the – fighting it is not a trivial task [3].
use of IoT in Health (especially combat to Aedes aegypti). In Despite the recent increase in funds to control mosquitoes,
total, 570 studies were found. When applying the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, 22 studies were selected for a full reading, dengue remains a real threat. For example, according to
which led to rejection of 15, therefore 07 studies were finally the official website of Brazil Health Ministry, in 2015 the
accepted. By analyzing these selected studies, it was possible to resources spent by the Federal Government increased by 37%
observe monitoring of information is essential in dengue combat compared to 2014. There was also a resource increase of 31.89
systems. It was also possible to notice the lack of software reuse % spent by the States and Brazilian municipalities. However,
initiatives that could make it easier to develop new applications
in this domain. 745,957 dengue cases, including 229 deaths, were officially
Index Terms—Internet of Things, IoT Applications, Devel- registered in Brazil only in the first 5 months of 2015. In 2017,
opment, Support, Health, Disease, Mosquito, Aedes aegypti, 251,711 dengue cases, 185,854 of chikungunya and 17,594
Outbreak of zika were registered. At this point, it is crucial to find
and unite cost-effective technologies and approaches to detect
I. I NTRODUCTION Aedes aegypti outbreaks diseases as early as possible, so that
When the subject is diseases transmitted by the Aedes mosquitoes can be efficiently killed.
aegypti, a crucial aspect is the prevention of mosquito breed-
B. Technology in Health
ing, i.e., finding ways to avoid that mosquitoes lay eggs. In
fact, this is a useful action, since one of the most efficient The use of technologies in Health has increased significantly
prevention methods is to identify and eliminate environments in recent years, with the growing concern to modernize med-
that accumulate water, which are appropriate for the mosquito ical processes and fight diseases [4]. With such a scenario, IT
breeding. professionals had to adapt technologies which already exist
In weather conditions terms, IoT technologies that deal for these purposes [5].
with sensors can be very useful in this regard, since they There is a growing interest in the use of new technologies
can handle information about humidity, water quantity in a in Health. This concern has brought adaptations of new
location, temperature, motion detection, among many other technologies to support Health and several computational tools
information that can collaborate to combat these mosquitoes. have already been created for this purpose, such as those for
calculating diabetes risk, body mass index, etc. The insertion
A. Motivation of these new technologies had impact on health improvement,
In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in as they facilitated management and optimization of several
dengue cases, followed by zika outbreaks and chikungunya in activities [5].
As an example of this impact it can be mentioned the
We would like to thank CNPq and CAPES for the financial support mobile application popularization and Web Systems, which

2372-9198/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 696

DOI 10.1109/CBMS.2019.00141
allow to schedule consultations in clinics and to have access • Q2: What were the benefits/contributions that the use of
to exams results without leaving home. The medical system IoT technologies brought to combat Aedes aegypti?
modernization helped to make the service queues shorter and, Q2.1: Which type of contribution (System, Archi-
consequently, people can have a better life quality. tecture, etc.) was given?
Although the usage of IoT in health applications, in special Q2.2: Was the contribution focused on the control,
for helping detecting conditions for mosquitoes proliferation, prevention or combat of diseases transmitted by Aedes
is highly justified, we could not find secondary studies that aegypti?
identify the state of the art concerning how IoT has been used A. Databases and inclusion/exclusion criteria
in this kind of application. This has motivated the realization
of the research presented in this paper. The search string was formed by keywords considered
relevant to execute this mapping. It was executed through the
C. Objectives following search engines: IEEE Xplore, Engineering Village,
This paper aims to select and organize difficulties in medical Scopus, Web of Science, ACM Digital Library and Science
use of IoT applications to combat the Aedes aegypti mosquito, Direct. Similar terms were considered for the string construc-
by performing a collection of information in studies published tion, as specified in Table I.
in the literature. The goal was to identify the current state of
the art and to find possible shortcomings for future research. T ERMS TO BE SOUGHT
To achieve that, a Systematic Literature Mapping was
carried out to determine possible shortcomings in the method- Term
ID Main Term Similar Terms
ologies addressed by the authors of the studies. This system- IoT
atic mapping aims to list these difficulties and the methods RFID
proposed to improve the use of this technology in Health, 1 Internet of Things WSN
particularly in the fight against Aedes aegypti. Wireless Sensor Network
2 mosquito mosquitoes
II. S YSTEMATIC L ITERATURE M APPING 3 epidemics outbreaks
According to Peter and others [6], a Systematic Literature dengue
Mapping (SLM) is a method that involves research in the 4 diseases zika
literature to estimate the extent and papers quantity published
in a domain area. It is possible to select and categorize primary Table II represents the web addresses of the chosen search
studies, thus allowing an overview of this area. In order to engines to allow the reproduction of this SLM. Table III
be able to better understand what has been researched in the enumerates the inclusion (I) and exclusion (E) criteria used
interest area and identify gaps and research opportunities that to filter the studies in the subsequent phases.
will be used in this work, a SLM was performed following
the protocol established by [6]. TABLE II
The mapping was divided according to the four steps S ELECTED E NGINES
established by [6]: research questions definition; conducting Engine Address
research through relevant primary studies; extraction and data IEEEXplore
synthesis; and data analysis. ACM DigitalLibrary
Web of Science
It was agreed by the authors that the objective of the Science Direct
SLM was to identify the state-of-the-art regarding how IoT Engineering Village
application concepts are used in Health, specifically in the fight
against Aedes aegypti. This served to map the contributions
made to that purpose. TABLE III
Firstly, the research questions were defined, which served
as the north for most relevant studies selection, as well as the Criteria I/E
data to be collected from each study. The following research Studies which use IoT technologies applied in the fight against
diseases transmitted by mosquitoes I
questions have been proposed: Studies that are not fully available on the Web E
• Q1: Which were the strategies adopted for the imple- Redundant Studies of the same author (duplicates) E
mentation of IoT technologies in the fight against Aedes Studies that do not present approaches based on IoT technologies
applied in the fight against diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. E
aegypti? Absence of verification / validation methods E
Q1.1: What was the application environment?
Q1.2: Which were the IoT technologies used? The search was based on domain research keywords, to-
Q1.3: Which institutions involved in the use of gether with corresponding synonyms and/or plurals. As a result
Health resources were used? of the terms union, the resulting search string was:

(“internet of things” OR iot OR rfid OR wsn OR “wireless Fig. 2. Studies distributed by years
sensor network” OR sensor) AND (mosquito OR mosquitoes)
AND (epidemics OR outbreaks OR diseases OR dengue OR
zika OR chikungunya)
B. Conduction
The studies selection occurred in three steps, all of them
performed on May, 2018. In the first step, the search string was
applied in the search engines and 570 studies were obtained,
although without applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
In the second step, the search string was applied, and the
title and abstract were also read, in order to find studies that
were strongly related to the subject in question, resulting in
22 studies. In the third and last stage, all 22 studies were
completely (thoroughly) read and the inclusion and exclusion
criteria were applied again, resulting in 07 selected studies may have been due to dengue outbreaks in 2016 and mobile
in total that are compliant with our systematic mapping goal. technologies popularization, which includes IoT and the large
Figure 1 illustrates the three steps performed during the SLM. use of Smartphones.

g 1. Study
y Selection Stages
B. Country
During the studies evaluation according to their origin
countries, it was possible to highlight the developing countries,
where more studies about the research subject were published,
corresponding to 87.5% of the studies (Brazil, India, Malaysia,
Iraq and Sri Lanka). It can be seen that the countries with
more published studies are Brazil and India. The United
States, Malaysia, Iraq, and Sri Lanka each represent 12.5%
of the studies, as well as all other (except Brazil) developing
countries which have studies in Asia (62.5%). They are
countries that suffer from simple problems, including basic
sanitation, which make them more susceptible to dengue. It is
still possible to highlight the participation of a major world
power, the USA, which has the first study published [7], whose
focus was the identification of outbreaks with the help of
Smartphones and social networks. The analyzed data can be
verified in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Studies distributed by countries
In this section, we present data collected and evaluated
from the 07 selected studies, in order to answer the research
questions, as well as to gather other data relevant to this SLM.
A. Year
When evaluating the selected studies according to the
publication year, studies were identified for the years 2012
[7], 2016 [8], [9], 2017 [2], [10] and 2018 [2]. The most
significant volume is related to the years 2016 and 2017, in
which more works were produced. These numbers indicate that
the research problem investigated is recent, and that there is
much to explore from the subject in the use of IoT applications
to combat Aedes aegypti. Figure 2 represents the use of IoT
technologies to combat dengue over the years.
One fact which shows the subject is a recent concern C. Type of Disease and Motivation
is that 85.7% of studies have been published in the last 3
years (2016, 2017 and 2018). A significant increase in the The authors mentioned in this SLM defend several points
number of studies published since 2016 is noteworthy. This about the importance of carrying out their studies. Mostly,

they are closely related to the prevention, control or combat Fig. 5. Studies according to the motivation
of diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti.
Most studies (66.6%) highlight the serious consequences
that these diseases (dengue, zika and chickungunya) can bring.
For example, to [11], these diseases are still a challenge for
governments and health services. Thus, a Public Health System
based on Information Technology (IT) is strongly needed to
prevent the dissemination of the Zika Virus (ZIKV). The idea
of building a cloud-based infectious disease monitoring system
that is accessed by mobile devices to monitor and detect Zika
infected patients in real time can be an effective solution.
In addition, the detection and remote monitoring of serious
disease outbreaks in real time is strongly required to con-
trol the outbreak. Sareen and others [11] argues that recent
advances in IT, such as cloud computing, IoT, Smartphones
and Geographic Information Systems, can be used to improve fever (DHF). These factors have led to huge economic losses
Health Services quality by providing users with a wide variety and health complications [2]. Another worrying factor is that
of computing services. There is a trend in the use of real Aedes aegypti females can use any sites with standing water
time systems to control the diseases, since they spread rapidly. for breeding, especially places with water stagnation that
Figure 4 shows data on diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti. people cannot readily reach or identify (i.e., roof gutters, water
tanks, inaccessible roofs and materials that are capable of
holding water). Due to the impact of water retention over a
Fig. 4. Studies according to type of disease (or mosquito) long period of time, these areas are conducive to reproduction
of the Aedes aegypti [10].
D. Contribution type
The studies presented several contributions with different
types of results. However, many of these results present similar
solutions to each other. In general, development of systems,
mobile applications and sensor approaches were carried out.
Figure 6 shows the studies contribution type.
In the study of Saren and others [11], Bayesian Naive
Networks were used to diagnose possibly infected users,
and the Google Maps service was used to provide Global
Positioning System (GPS) based risk assessment to prevent
outbreaks. The proposed system, based on cloud-computing,
contributed to a precise classification, as well as for the precise
According Rani and others to [12], chikungunya is a disease
identification of areas prone to the risk of having outbreaks,
transmitted by the rapidly spreading of Aedes aegypti. Ac-
doing a mapping with Google Maps.
cording to the author, a measure of awareness and prevention
of this disease, a new paradigm of intelligent health, needs
Fig. 6. Studies in relation to the contribution type
to be planned/implemented. The evolution perspective of IoT
applications for interconnected heterogeneous devices and
objects has played a vital role in health care systems for
patients with chikungunya. Therefore, there is still a need
for real time health monitoring to analyze patients to take
preventive measures and precautions for a healthy life.
The studies emphasize the importance of having localization
mechanisms to find breeding sites for Aedes aegypti. As stated
by Andrade and others [9], it is very important to locate and
eliminate the causative elements (vases, pet bottles and other
objects that can keep still water) quickly and immediately, a
very important preventive measure.
Figure 5 provides a view of the primary motivation for the
studies to be carried out, i.e., combat, prevention, or control.
In addition to increasing dengue cases in the last decade, The study of Rani and others [12] presents an IoT model
there has been an increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic in which data collected from sensors, objects and people

are gathered in the cloud, enabling health professionals to Fig. 7. Studies according to the institutions involved in the use of Health
perform preventive actions. Precautionary measures are taken
by collecting information about the causes of Aedes aegypti
growth. The appropriateness of the approach is validated in
the IoT base layer and the data is transmitted to the cloud
with the help of edge nodes.
In the study of Mathew and others [7], PowerSense was
developed, which is an extensible module for mobile appli-
cations. It has functions that help the mapping of specific
places to detect dengue, and proactively facilitates the pro-
cesses management for mobile applications assisted by web
services. PowerSense uses power consumption measurements
and processing delay for Smartphone devices. This allows
the users to dispatch image processing jobs either locally or
remotely to the Web service at run time.
The published studies, in general, have an emphasis on potential Aedes aegypti breeding sites in difficult access areas
two areas: Information Systems (IS) and Robotics. IS refers (supervisory activities).
to mobile systems and applications [7], [9], [11], [12]. In
Robotics, the focus of the development is on sensors and other F. Studies Overview
auxiliary electronics [2], [8], [10]. According to Table IV, it is possible to notice that most
In the study of Andrade and others [9], it is presented of the selected studies are concerned with the disease control
DeuZikaChico, a system which makes use of Geographic (5 out of 7), followed by prevention (4 out of 7) and combat
Information Systems technologies, mobile platforms, crowd- (2 out of 7). This highlights the fact that the control of the
sourcing and social networks, with the objective of providing disease is a priority, i.e., once the disease is controlled, less
public managers with better monitoring of epidemics with the investment is needed to prevent and combat it.
support of society. The system maps disease cases. Regarding technologies used for implementing IoT appli-
Another study worth mentioning [10] presents a new ap- cations in the diseases control domain, we can observe on
proach to identify areas of Aedes aegypti reproduction through Table IV that, among the variety of IoT devices that are
drone images of the distinct staining found in these areas, by available nowadays, the most commonly used in the studies
applying the Oriented Gradient Histogram algorithm. Using were sensors embedded in smart phones, such as GPS, and
this algorithm, potential areas of water retention were detected. other conventional sensors for humidity and temperature. A
Salim and others [2] state that their study is the first to report specific kind of sensor to detect the mosquito itself was also
the detection of Aedes aegypti female in human dwellings identified.
using a surface acoustic wave sensor. The viability of an It is worth to mention that the use of drones has been
acoustic-based device recording differences in signal and noise explored in only one of the studies. This can be an opportunity
levels of different mosquito species was demonstrated by to researchers, since the analysis of images captured by drones
instructing frequency differences to detect female mosquitoes. in areas of difficult access can help to identify and combat the
mosquito proliferation. This brings us another aspect presented
E. Institutions involved in the comparison table: the environments of application
Figure 7 presents the main institutions involved in the use of identified in the studies are mostly concerned with propitious
health resources. It is important to identify these institutions, areas for Aedes aegypti procreation.
as they are relevant stakeholders that need to be contacted in It would be desirable to improve software reuse during the
the scenario of studies of this SLM. A health resource can development of specific applications to control/combat/prevent
be defined as a resource used in the medical area, such as diseases. For example, a public health department might
medical equipment or exam materials or results. The studies be interested in developing a customized application that
presented different final interests and applicability as well. allows users to collaborate with updated information about
There was a variation of institutions and they could have mosquitoes and people suffering from the diseases in each
different names in different contexts, so a standardization was region of the city. Applications for the Health area present so-
important. For example, Hospitals, Disease Control Centers, lutions for similar problems, so reusing existing components,
Health Centers and Health Inspectors are used to denote the services or software classes could help improving productivity
institution or person that should receive alerts from the system and quality. However, if we observe the Technology/Services
or be assigned as a supervisor (a person who is responsible column of the table, it is not explicit that reuse initiatives are
for triggering actions to combat or prevent an outbreak). being applied during development.
A possible scenario involves the Public Health Inspectors, V. T HREATS TO VALIDITY
who have the task of detecting and eliminating areas where
there is still water. However, they face the problem of detecting Possible threats to the validity of this SLM include, mainly:

Technology/ Control/
Contribution Institutions Environment of
Study Motivation Country Services Prevention/
type Involved Application
used Combat
Propitious areas
Image, Control,
[11] System Zika India Hospital for Aedes aegypti
Cloud, Prevention
GPS, Sensor
Dengue focuses
and Hospitals
Control, (People
[12] System Chickungunya India Cloud, Hospital
Combat information
GPS, Sensor
and mosquito
In people,
Web Services, Diseases
Mobile to know if
[7] Dengue EUA Web Page, Control Control
App they have
Image, Center
dengue mark
GPS, Sensor
Digital Media
Dengue, Networks,
Health Control, and Propitious areas
[9] System Zika, Brazil Mobile
Centers Prevention for Aedes aegypti
Chikungunya Platforms,
Approach with Malaysia, Sensor Prevention,
[2] Dengue None Any environment
sensor(s) Iraq GPS Combat
Approach with Sensor,
[8] Aedes aegypti Brazil None Control Any environment
sensor(s) GPS
Approach with Image, Health
[10] Aedes aegypti Sri Lanka Prevention Any environment
sensor(s) Drone Inspectors

• Selection Bias: In order to narrow the scope of the study from the studies found in the literature that resulted from this
and select only papers relevant to the subject, inclusion SLM.
and exclusion criteria based on our understanding have
been applied, so that some studies may have not been R EFERENCES
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Salim, “Frequency-based detection of female aedes mosquito using
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LS, Bahia L, Gadelha CAG, organizers of Health, Development and
VI. C ONCLUSION Innovation: CEPESC, pp. 279–309, 2015.
[5] L. H. C. Pinochet, “Trends in information technology in health manage-
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[6] K. Petersen, R. Feldt, S. Mujtaba, and M. Mattsson, “Systematic
selection of seven studies in which IoT applications are used mapping studies in software engineering.” in EASE, vol. 8, 2008, pp.
to control/combat/prevent Aedes aegypti. 68–77.
Supporting systems that use sensors (such as Arduino [7] J. Matthews, R. Kulkarni, M. Gerla, and T. Massey, “Rapid dengue and
outbreak detection with mobile systems and social networks,” Mobile
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that it is possible to combat Aedes aegypti by benefiting from [8] V. M. Souza, “Identifying aedes aegypti mosquitoes by sensors and one-
IoT without high expenses to build effective applications. class classifiers,” in Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition.
Springer, 2016, pp. 10–18.
Considering the basic mechanisms for IoT application de- [9] L. H. Andrade, B. S. Amorim, M. G. Oliveira, A. L. Alves, J. N.
velopment, e.g. RFID, WSN, middleware, cloud computing Abrante, D. F. Leite, J. H. Rocha, and C. S. Baptista, “Deuzikachico:
and the IoT application itself, the studies presented a series of the power of agi to monitor and combat epidemics such as dengue, zika
and chikungunya,” in Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Symposium on
resources using these mechanisms. Opportunities for software Information Systems on Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems:
reuse have also been identified. For example, Google Maps Information Systems in the Cloud Computing Era-Volume 1. Brazilian
Web service was used to detect infection spread at high Computer Society, 2016, p. 50.
mosquito-dense sites [11] and was also used in an application [10] A. Amarasinghe, C. Suduwella, C. Elvitigala, L. Niroshan, R. J. Ama-
raweera, K. Gunawardana, P. Kumarasinghe, K. De Zoysa, and C. Kep-
to identify and highlight recently affected regions [7]. How- petiyagama, “A machine learning approach for identifying mosquito
ever, the studies did not make explicit their reuse initiatives. breeding sites via drone images,” in Proceedings of the 15th ACM
Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems. ACM, 2017, p. 68.
Finally, it was possible to observe that monitoring of infor-
[11] S. Sareen, S. K. Sood, and S. K. Gupta, “Secure internet of things-based
mation is essential in dengue combat systems, and IoT plays an cloud framework to control zika virus outbreak,” International journal
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can be useful for researchers interested in developing solutions [12] S. Rani, S. H. Ahmed, and S. C. Shah, “Smart health: A novel paradigm
to control the chickungunya virus,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
for diseases control, combat and prevention. They can benefit 2018.


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