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Advanced Materials Research Vols.

383-390 (2012) pp 1787-1791

Online available since 2011/Nov/22 at
© (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

Static Performance Parameters and Analysis of the Hydraulic Expansion

Wang Shulin1,a, Zhang Weizhan1,b , Liu Gang2,c and zhoubo1,d
School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, P.R.China
High Speed and Precision Tool Engineering Research Center, Shanghai, 200093, China
a,, cliupingchao@126. Com,

Keywords: Hydraulic Expansion Toolholder, contact analysis, static chuck torque

Abstract. Based on finite element analysis, the static transmitted torque of Hydraulic Expansion
Toolholder is validated. When Hydraulic Expansion Toolholder is on the static state, the article
does the analysis of the contact region deformation and contact stress under different structure sizes.
The calculation and the analysis results can provide theoretical guidance for Toolholder application
and structure design.

Hydraulic Expansion Toolholder is ultra-precision tool clamping toolholder which adopts static
expansion principle and has excellent technical performance. Relative to the spring chuck,
contraction chuck and force expansion chuck, Hydraulic Expansion Toolholder has maximum true
running and repeat accuracy( < 0.003 mm), stable and reliable clamping force, able to deliver high
torque and excellent vibration damping.

Structure principle of Hydraulic Expansion Toolholder

The structure of hydraulic expansion toolholder is shown in Fig. 1, there is a ring closure oil
chamber between chuck of the main and the expansion wall on the champing hole, the chamber is
filled with specific hydraulic oil. Hydraulic oil can be uniformly delivered to each part of the oil
chamber. The hydraulic oil also increases the structural damping, improves the dynamics of chuck,
reduces vibration and has a significant effect in improving the processing quality.
When using inner hexagon spanner to tighten clamping screw and improving the pressure of
hydraulic oil, closed chamber in each part of the oil will be under the same pressure, so that the
inner wall of the oil chamber expands uniformly and symmetrically on the axis direction to clamp
the tool; When the clamping screw is released, the oil pressure drops down, the inner wall of
clamping hole turns back to the original diameter under the action of elastic restoring and the tool is

Fig.1 Structure chart of hydraulic expansion toolholder (

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1788 Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST2011

Static state simulation data validation

Selecting hydraulic expansion toolholder of the SCHANK product TENDOHSK-C63, the clamping
diameter of this series chuck has large range which changes from ø6.0mm to ø32.0mm. Here only
study the shank the inner diameter is ø32.0mm, the analysis of hydraulic chuck is carried out on the
platform ansys12.0. In the process of building the finite element modeling, the chuck is entirely
axisymmetric except an oil inlet channel, so the two-dimensional axisymmetric model will be
chosen to simplify the model of chuck. Fig. 2 is the two-dimensional section size chart. Fig.3 is the
finite element contact model of Chuck and Tool.

Fig.2 Chuck section size map Fig.3 Finite element contact model
In the chuck section size map, the bulge length S1 and width S2 is not known, now S1=22.9mm
and S2=2mm is chosen to validate the simulation results. According to the information[1]
introduced when the diameter of caught tool is 6 ~ 8mm, the tool of accuracy grade is required to
h 6 - 1 6 µ m ; when the outside diameter of the tool is greater than 8mm, the accuracy grade can be

broadened to h60-16µ m . Here take accuracy grade h6, do the numerical simulation when the gap was
10µm, 13µm, 16µm and verify the reliability of finite element analysis. Hydraulic expansion
toolholder and tool performance parameter is shown in Table1.
Table1 Chuck and tool performance parameter
elastic Poisson 3
Kg / m 3 ] yield Coefficient
Performance material Density[ 10
modulus[Gpa] ratio strength[MPa] of friction
chuck 40cr 210 0.28 7.8 785
Cemented 0.2
tool 640 0.22 15 5460

At present there is no effective way to calculate the value of critical oil pressure (one information
[2] introduce the critical oil pressure about this series is 83MPa, the other information [3] introduce
to 80 ~ 130MPa).
In the product catalog CHUNK company provides, the 32mm diameter chuck can withstand the
minimum torque of 650 N ⋅M ; In one information [4] measured tool is smooth cylinder, accuracy
grade is h6, testing temperature is 20~25℃, the 32mm diameter chuck can withstand the torque of
700~900N·M. Fig. 4 is the tool and chuck contact pressure distribution map when oil pressure is
65Mpa and the gap is 16µm, the pressure unit is KPa. When the gap is 16µm and the static pressure
is 65Mpa, the calculated torque is 450.986. When the static pressure is 83Mpa the torque calculated
is 804.056N·M at 16µm gap; the torque calculated is 709.9N·M at 13µm gap; the torque
calculated is 898.676N·M at 10µm gap. Compared the torque by numerical simulation with the
given torque by the information, it is easy to get the conclusion that finite element model and
simulation results are reliable.
Advanced Materials Research Vols. 383-390 1789

Fig.4 Tool and chuck contact pressure distribution map

Static performance parameters analysis

As the contact changing trend is the same when the hydraulic expansion chucks is under different
oil pressure, numerical analysis on the chuck performance is made only when the oil pressure is
under 65Mpa. The Static analysis of expansion chuck focuses on the chuck contact pressure and
transmission torque because of the bulge in the expansion wall, and also discusses the expansion
chuck contact performance in the static state.
Figure 5 is pressure distribution for different lengths of the bulge S1, and S1 changes from 0mm
to 30.9mm, the results can be concluded: chuck clamping pressure on the tool presents the same
saddle-shaped distribution under different bulge length, and the two saddle-shaped peak positions
do not change with the change of the bulge length, the bulge length S1 only affects the pressure
distribution of the saddle-shaped bottom. 0mm means the location of the entrance of clamping hole
and the same to the following figure. In the 0 ~ 8.5mm and 47.5 ~ 61mm range, the contact pressure
is 0Mpa, and the two maximum values of saddle is at 10.0mm and 44.5mm, the practical clamping
range is from 8.5mm to 47.5mm and the length of the actual clamping is 39mm.
80000 0mm
contact pressure(kpa)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Shank length of inside wall(mm)

Fig.5 Pressure distribution for different lengths of the bulge

Figure 6 is the contact pressure change curve of the two points which are the two highest points
of the two saddle-shaped curve under different bulge lengths, it can be seen that the values of two
points shows the trend of increasing and then decreasing, the peaks of the saddle-shaped curve
reaches the maximum value when the bulge length is around 24.9mm.
1790 Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST2011

Figure 7 is the x-displacement curve distribution of the chuck inside wall under different bulge
lengths, it can be seen that: all curves almost coincide because of the


pressure value(Kpa)





14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
the length of bulge

Fig.6 The change curve of two maximum values of saddle shape because of different S1
compression of the tool, and x direction of displacement is positive at the range of 0 ~ 4mm and
53.25 ~ 61mm, that the state between the chuck and tool is clearance in these two intervals, these
conclusions can be obtained: For the chuck and tool, the machining accuracy must be ensured in the
39mm range of actual clamping length; another when the tool is installed, the clamping length
should also be enough. The entrance and the bottom of chunk show tilt state.
0.015 14.9mm
0.010 20.9mm
inside wall x displacement(mm)

0.005 24.9mm
0.000 30.9mm




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Shank length of inside wall(mm)

Fig.7 Inside wall x-displacement curve distribution under different S1

Figure 8 is the contact pressure curve distribution of the chuck inside wall under different bulge
width S2, it can be seen that: with the increase of the bulge width, the bottom pressure values
decrease and it is easy to get that the torque of the chunk is also reduced correspondingly.
S2=1m m
S2=1.5m m
S2=2m m

contact pressure(kpa)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Shank length of inside wall(mm )

Fig.8 Pressure distribution for different S2

Advanced Materials Research Vols. 383-390 1791












0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
middle Raised(mm)

Fig.9 The torque change curve under different S1

Figure9 is the torque change curve under different bulge lengths S1 and S2=2mm, with the
length of the wall bulge changing from small to large, the chunk torque decreases linearly. Thus the
following conclusions can be got: the torque of the chuck can be raised by increasing the bulge
length when chuck stiffness is enough, in addition can it also increase the transmission torque of
expansion chucks by increasing the length of oil chamber.

Using ANSYS12.0 the article does a numerical simulation for hydraulic expansion toolholder at
static state and analyzes the clamping performance of the chuck because of different structure size.
The following conclusions can be drawn:
1) The article does numerical simulation for the clamp between hydraulic expansion toolholder
and tool, calculates the clamping torque and validates the reliability of finite element analysis.
2) For the chuck and tool, the machining accuracy and the clamping length must be ensured in
the 39mm range of actual clamping length. The entrance and bottom of chunk show tilt state.
3) The torque of the chuck can be raised by increasing the bulge length S1 or reducing the width
S2 when chuck stiffness is enough; in addition can it also increase the torque transmission of
expansion chucks by increasing the length of oil chamber.

The authors are grateful to Major national science and technology special projects for support of
this project. (Grant No. 2009ZX04012-012).

[1] Information on
[2] Liu Wang-yu, Ming Dong-lan, Tang Yong, Zhang Fa Ying, Li Jiu-fa. Clamping torque
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[3] Zhao Bing-zhen. Machine-Tool Interface Development of HSK,World Manufacturing
Engineering & Market,1996(3)
[4] Shen Jian, Expansion Precision toolholder of using the principle hydraulic expansion, Tool
[5] Robert D.Cook, David S.Malkus, Michael E.Plesha, Robert J.Witt: Concepts and Applications
Of Finite Element Analysis(2000)
[6] Tony L. Schmitz, Kevin Powell. Shrink fit tool holder connection stiffness/damping modeling
for frequency response prediction in milling, International Journal of Machine Tools &
Manufacture 47 (2007) 1368–1380
[7] Jia Yue-mei, Zhao Qiou-xia, Zhao Guang-hui, Fluid mechanics.Beijing: National Defence
Industry Press(2006,8)
Manufacturing Science and Technology, ICMST2011

Static Performance Parameters and Analysis of the Hydraulic Expansion Toolholder


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