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Nature in a cubic foot – Student B

(to listen to the audio click HERE)

1. Listen to the audio and answer these questions:

e. How long did David Liittschwager’s project take?
Answer: 5 Years recording different places around the World .
f. What was David’s main tool for his photography project?
Answer: He used the green frame and one metal Cube.
g. What did David photograph during the three weeks he spent in each place?
Answer: He captured photos animals, plants, fish
h. Where did David take his photos?
Answer: In different places such as Forest, ocean and river

2. Ask your partner these questions.

a. What do people living in the middle of the cities think?
Answer: That no way to look at nature .
b. What do people living near parks usually see?
Answer: They can’t see anythings except people walking their dogs.
c. What does David Liittschwager want to show us?
Answer: That everyone can find nature
d. What does the photographer think about different species of plants and animals?
Answer: That always somewhere at by

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