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NIM : 04021182126014

1. What was the articles type?
Answer : the article type is description article.
2. What was the title?
Answer : the title is Factors Related To quality Of Life Among Children With
Thalassemia Major.
3. Who were the authors?
Answer : the authors is Lailil Fatkuriyah and Ainul Hidayati
4. What was the research problem?
Answer : the research problem is about Thalassemia Major
5. Was there any mention of previous studies on this topic?
Answer :
6. Why was this study performed?
Answer :
7. What were the aims and objectives of the study?
Answer : this study aims to identify the factors that contribute to the quality of
life among children with Thalassemia Major.
8. What was the study hypothesis?
Answer : Thalassemia major is the most severe type among several types of
thalassemia because it requires blood transfusions every 2-4 weeks and
continuous iron chelation therapy. People with thalassemia major in Indonesia
had increased from 4,896 people in 2012 to 9,028 people in 2018. Physical
changes of patients with thalassemia major, especially in developing countries,
include growth retardation, pallor, muscle hypo-trophy, hepatosplenomegaly,
genu valgum, foot ulcers, and bone deformities caused by the expanding bone
marrow. Regular blood transfusions can compensate for chronic anemia,
prevent bone deformities, support normal growth, improve activity tolerance, and
improve children’s quality of life. On the other hand, long-term blood transfusion
has several risks, such as triggering iron overload, transfusion-transmitted
infections, and alloimmunization.
Materials and methods
9. How did the researcher attempt to answer the research question?
Answer : this study design used a systematic review method
10. How was the sampling done?
Answer : the data in this study were obtained by reviewing articles from previous
studies using PRISMA check-list and PICOS.
11. How were they grouped?
Answer : Data collection was conducted using there databases, including
Pubmed, science direct and NCBI.
12. What were the inclusion criteria?
Answer : the inclusion criteria were determined using PICOS framework:
➢ Population, children with thalassemia major aged 2-18 years.
➢ Interest, quality of life was should be measured using Pediatrics Quality of
Life (PedsQLTM) 4.0.
➢ Context, the research was done in countries located on the “thalassemia belt”.
➢ Outcome, articles that contains quality of life covering four specific
dimensions of quality of life such as physical function, emotional function,
social function, and school function among children with thalassemia major.
➢ Study design, cross-sectional, case study, and experimental study with full
text; 6) Publication years, 2017-2021.
➢ Language, English.
13. What were the exclusion criteria?
Answer : the exclusion were determined using PCOS framework :
➢ Population, children with thalassemia major aged 2-18 years.
➢ Interest, quality of life was should be measured using Pediatrics Quality of
Life (PedsQLTM) 4.0.
➢ Context, the research was done in countries located on the “thalassemia belt”.
➢ Outcome, articles that contains quality of life covering four specific
dimensions of quality of life such as physical function, emotional function,
social function, and school function among children with thalassemia major.
➢ Study design, cross-sectional, case study, and experimental study with full
text; 6) Publication years, 2017-2021.
➢ Language, English.

14. What procedures were followed?

Answer : they do a research article search begins from July to September 2021.
The keywords used in the article identification were “Quality of Life” AND
“Children” AND “Thalassemia Major”.
15. Which variables were measured?
Answer : The three articles obtained were cross- section study. The remaining
articles are case control study. Learn well to use the cross cross-sectional design
and control cases are rated 6 of the 8 points on the check-list. Process from
selection of articles using variables title screening, abstract screening, full text
review, and included study review.
16. What instruments/equipment were used for data collection? Were they
Answer : Researchers analysed the quality of each study included in review using
The JBI Critical Assessment Tools that provides several criteria to assess research
quality. The criteria assessment was rated “yes”, “no”, “unclear” or “invalid”.
Each criterion with a score of “yes” was rated one point, and the other scores was
zero. All the criteria of each study were then summed up.
17. What statistical methods were employed?were they apt for evaluation?
Answer : This study used a descriptive analysis which describe the research
results through a narrative method. The data obtained from each study include:
author, year, research design, number of samples, instruments, statistical analysis,
and the study results of each articles.
18. What were the key findings?
Answer : Based on the results of the Quality Appraisal, it was found that there
were 6 articles that could be used in the preparation of this literature review.
19. Were all the subjects present in the beginning of the study accounted for at the
end of the study?
Answer : Yes, The articles that can be used in the preparation of this literature
review have been described summary of included article about factors related to
quality of life among children with Thalassemia Major.
20. Were the results reliable?
Answer : Yes, because it is in accordance with the research criteria.
21. Were the results valid?
Answer : yes, the result is valid.
22. Which results were statistically significant?
23. Which results were statistically non-significant?
24. Were the tables/graphs easy to comprehend?
25. Did the result answer the research question?
26. What the authors interpretation of the data?
27. Whas the analysis of the relevant to the research question?
28. How were these resuts different/similar when compared of other study?
29. What were the strenghts of the study?
30. What were the limitations of the study?
31. Were there any extrapolations of the findings beyond the range of data?

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