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Internal Combustion Engine

ME134-2_E01 Week 06

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of LPG/CNG as alternative fuel

• Low Calorific Value
• Easily transported through pipelines
• Does not produce smoke when burnt
• Can produce sufficient amount of heat and energy

• Reduced Power
• Limited availability
• Higher compression is required
• Storage requires high pressure tanks

You are buying a new car. One model has a turbo charger while the other has a
supercharger. Which one will you buy? Why?

I would pick the one with a turbocharger. It is cheaper, more efficient

and quiet.

What are SAE Standards and DEMA Standards? What are the similarities and difference?
When would it is applicable to follow one standard over the other?

SAE stands for ' Society of Automotive Engineering '. SAE is a code
system that grades motor oils based on their viscosity. DEMA stands for
Diesel Engine Manufacturers Association. DEMA standards apply to mainly
diesel engines and its performance. When looking for lubricants, oils and
other similar fluids, SAE is more applicable. For engine performance and
measurement data, DEMA is more applicable.

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