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What home remedies can Medically reviewed by

Cynthia Taylor!"#$%&)?!@
MPAS, PA-C (#'$#&!($#A
— Written by

stop flatulence? Bethany Cadman on January

20, 2020

Ways to stop farting Causes When to see a doctor


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While farting can seem embarrassing to some

people, it is a natural part of the digestion cycle.
Everybody does it, and it is a sign that a person’s
digestive system is working as it should.

It is, in fact, essential that the gas produced by the body is released. If it is not, it
can build up and become very uncomfortable.

People can expect to fart between 5 and 15 times per day. This may seem like a
Latest news
lot, but it is entirely normal. Most farts do not smell and are not noisy, and so they
go unnoticed. Metabolism during sleep:
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Many people may feel as though they are unusually gassy, but it is probably just
because they are more aware of their farts than anybody else’s. It is usual to pass
1–3 pints of gas per day. Heart medications do not
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For those who feel as though they have excessive gas, there are several steps to
reduce flatulence. Here, we look at 12 possible remedies.
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Ways to stop farting

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Eating quickly causes excess air to enter the body, which can lead to trapped wind.

There is usually no need to worry about farting. While some people do it more
than others, it is a regular part of how the body works.

However, if a person feels that their farting has changed, or it is making them feel
particularly embarrassed and uncomfortable, there are some things they can try
to reduce the amount they fart:

1. Eat meals and snacks slowly and carefully

The majority of gas produced by the body forms because of swallowed air. A
person cannot completely avoid swallowing air, but certain habits can cause
excess air to enter the body. Eating too quickly is one of them.

Eating slowly with the mouth closed will reduce the amount of air a person
swallows at mealtimes. People should try to sit down and take time over food
rather than eating on the go.

2. Stop chewing gum

Many people chew gum to keep their breath fresh and to help avoid snacking.
However, those that do may find they have more gas than others. Chewing gum
means continually swallowing air, which builds up and increases the number of
times a person needs to fart.

3. Look out for food intolerances and allergies

Different people may be sensitive to different foods and may have allergies that
bring about a reaction in the body. These can lead to gas and other unpleasant
symptoms, such as bloating, nausea, and diarrhea.

A person with excessive gas may find that an elimination diet helps. An
elimination diet is where a person would cut out all of the known gas-causing
foods before introducing them back in, one at a time, to find out which ones
cause the problems. !*+,-&./01&+
4. Avoid tight-fitting clothes /50-6*/07

Loose clothing helps to ensure a person remains as comfortable as possible

should bloating occur. Wearing clothes that are not too tight also helps when gas !"#$%&'()
does occur, allowing it to pass freely out of the body. !"#$%&'()*+#$),)-+%"&$%-.+%/))-%*)(#)0)'
5. Avoid or reduce intake of gas-producing foods )=<))'%')8.$#+$9

Some foods are known to increase gas production. Carbohydrates that contain
fructose, lactose, insoluble fiber, and starch ferment in the large intestine. Gas
releases as they ferment.

Cutting these foods out entirely, however, is not recommended, as they are an
essential part of a healthful, balanced diet.

Fruit and vegetables can often cause gas, but eating several portions of fruit and
vegetables a day is more important than eliminating gas. However, reducing the
amount of these gas-producing foods may help to minimize a person’s flatulence.

Foods to eat less of include:

Beans, green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli,

and asparagus. These vegetables contain complex sugars that are difficult
for the body to break down.
Soft drinks, fruit juice, and other fruits, as well as onions, pears, and
artichokes. All of these foods contain fructose, a gas-producing ingredient.
Dairy products as dairy foods and drinks contain lactose, which can also
cause gas to build up.
Fruits, oat bran, peas, and beans. These foods all contain insoluble fiber.
Starchy foods, such as potatoes, pasta, corn, and products that contain

6. Give up smoking

People who smoke swallow more air than those who do not. The more frequently
a person smokes, the more air they swallow. There are, of course, lots of other
health benefits to giving up smoking, too.

People who use e-cigarettes also swallow more air than people who do not, so
avoiding e-cigarettes could also help when a person has excess gas.

7. Do more exercise

Regular exercise helps keep the digestive system in good shape. A gentle walk
after large meals can also help kick the digestive system into action and move
the food along smoothly.




Staying hydrated reduces the likelihood of constipation, by allowing waste to pass smoothly through the
digestive system.

8. Drink plenty of fluids

Staying well-hydrated encourages waste to pass smoothly through a person’s

digestive system. This helps keep their stools soft, and so drinking enough
through the day is essential.

Also, a lack of fluid may cause constipation, which can result in smelly wind.

People should try to drink a glass of water with every meal to help the body
digest foods more easily.

9. Avoid carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages contain air bubbles, and a person who drinks a lot of
carbonated beverages may find they burp and fart more than others.

When someone reduces or removes these types of drinks from their diet, it may
help cut the amount of gas they have.

10. Take probiotics

Probiotics are supplements that contain the healthy bacteria already found in a
person’s digestive tract. These good bacteria help to break down food, and can
even work to break down the hydrogen gas that is produced during digestion.

Occasionally, probiotics may cause an increase in gas and bloating. This is

usually short-lived #, and it will probably lessen when the body gets used to the
new bacteria.

Many probiotic supplements are available online.

11. Try enzyme supplements

Research suggests that enzyme supplements can aid the breakdown of proteins
and complex carbohydrates. This means they could help with numerous
digestive diseases and their symptoms.

If complex carbohydrates can be broken down in the small intestine, a person will
produce less gas.

However, if they do not break down in the small intestine and move to the large
intestine, it is the gas-producing bacteria that work to break them down. This ADVERTISEMENT

means more gas will develop that will need to be released.

Lactase enzyme supplements may help people whose excess gas is caused by
lactose intolerance. Lactase is the enzyme that helps people digest dairy
products, and so can make people less gassy after eating meals that include
dairy. These supplements are also available to purchase online.

Peppermint tea can settle the stomach and aid digestion, which may reduce excess gas.

12. Tackle constipation

Constipation could be a cause of excess gas. If stool remains in the colon for
extended periods of time, it will continue to ferment inside the body. This
produces extra gas that can smell particularly foul. ADVERTISEMENT

Treatment for constipation varies. However, drinking lots of water and increasing
fiber intake can help to reduce the risk of it occurring.

Certain medications and stool softeners, which are available online, can also

General tips


eat little and often, and avoid huge meals

take time to chew food and take sips rather than large gulps of drinks
take regular exercise, which will help to improve digestion
eat a healthful, balanced diet
drink peppermint tea, which is thought to aid digestion # and settle the

Do not

chew gum, suck pen tops, or hard sweets
wear dentures that do not fit properly
eat any trigger foods that are hard to digest, or foods known to cause farts

If a person is embarrassed about excessive wind or farts that smell, they can
speak to a pharmacist. A pharmacist may recommend specific medication or
remedies to help. ADVERTISEMENT

Charcoal tablets are thought to absorb excess gas in the stomach, which could
reduce flatulence.

A person who has smelly wind could also try special underwear and pads that
absorb the smells.


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Causes of farting
Many farts are due to swallowing air throughout the day. Swallowing air is not
something a person can entirely avoid.

Other gas develops as the gut works to break down the foods a person eats.

Farts are a combination of mostly odorless gases, such as carbon dioxide,

oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sometimes methane.

Excessive or smelly wind can occasionally be a sign of a medical problem. If a ADVERTISEMENT

person has concerns about their flatulence, they should make an appointment
with their doctor.

Farting can be a symptom of conditions that may require medical treatment, such

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
celiac disease
food intolerances or allergies
Was this article helpful?
Certain medications can also cause excessive or smelly wind. It is essential
always to consult with a doctor before stopping or switching medication.
Yes No

When to see a doctor

Excess gas is not usually anything to be concerned about. Making a few lifestyle
changes can often help improve symptoms.

However, in some instances, excess farting could be a sign of something more

serious. A person should make an appointment with their doctor if excess gas is
accompanied by:

stomach aches or pain

nausea or vomiting
unexpected weight loss
blood in stool
continual instances of constipation or diarrhea
high temperature or feeling hot and shivery

If flatulence affects a person’s life badly, and dietary and lifestyle changes and
over-the-counter medications have not worked, they should see a doctor for
further advice.


Last medically reviewed on January 20, 2020

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Public Health GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology Nutrition / Diet

! 7 sources $ % ! " FEEDBACK: & '


How to make yourself fart

Medically reviewed by Saurabh Sethi, M.D., MPH

Farting is an everyday term for the expulsion of gas

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What's to know about

vaginal gas?
Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, D.O.

Vaginal gas occurs when air becomes trapped in

the vagina. While it can cause embarrassment for
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What to know about

Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, D.O.

Constipation develops when stool becomes hard

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How much fiber is too

Medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R.D., L.D., ACSM EP-

Eating too much fiber can cause bloating, gas, and

constipation. Find out how much fiber is too much
and how to relieve symptoms in this article.



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