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Jhoven A.




Week 6

Learning Task 1:

1. Quart pot plant auger

2. Quart pot auger
3. Bulb auger
4. Thumb

Learning Task 2:

Fertilizer Requirement will be,

UREA=12x2.17=260.4kg per ha

SSP=6x6.25=3.75kg per ha

MOP=4x1.67=66.67 kg per ha

Organic fertilizers are natural, in that the nutrients they possess are strictly comprised of plant-
or animal-based materials. Either byproducts or end products of natural processes. While
inorganic fertilizer is synthetic, comprised of minerals and synthetic chemicals. Inorganic
nitrogen is commonly made from petroleum. I think the best to use is Organic fertilizers since
it Continue to improve the soil long after the plants have taken the nutrients they need.
Therefore, the longer your soil is fed with organic fertilizers, the better its composition and
texture. So, while inorganic fertilizer is cheaper in the short term, it adds less to the soil in the
long term.

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