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Name of Philosopher Notion on the Soul (What is Do you agree or disagree with

Soul?) the Philosopher's

notion/definition on the soul?
Why or why not?
Plato - parts of the soul Plato believed that the soul is
- Body and soul are distinct from the body and can
separable exist separately. According to
- Spiritual – Enable the his philosophy, when our
human person to physical body dies, our soul
experience emotional continues to exist and
feelings. transcends to another realm of
-Rational highest part of existence that is beyond our
the soul and guides the comprehension. In other
spiritual and appetitive. words, Plato postulated that
-Appetitive thirst, the soul is immortal, while our
hunger and other physical body is mortal and
physical wants. subject to decay.
Aristotle While I agree that our body and
-Integral rather than soul are interconnected, I
dualistic. disagree with the notion that
-Body and soul are the soul is indivisible. In my
inseparable. view, the soul is influenced by
the actions we take in our
-level of the soul physical bodies and serves as a
reflection of our moral
-Vegetative – Plants, character. Therefore, it is
has the capacity to important to lead a life that is
grow, reproduce and aligned with our values and
feed itself. beliefs, as this will ultimately
-Sensitive – Animals, are shape the state of our soul.
capable of sensation.
Rational – Rational soul,
has all the types of
faculty and is capable of
St. Thomas Aquinas -Adapted the concept of I hold the belief that the soul
Aristotle originates from a divine source,
-Body( Corporal ) namely God, and that upon our
-Soul( Spiritual ) physical death, it will return to
Him. In my view, both our body
-Follows Aristotle in
and soul are created by God, and
thinking that the soul therefore, have a purpose and
inheres in a body which meaning in this world. I find
is a composite of matter comfort in the idea that there is a
and form. higher power responsible for our
-The will moves towards existence and that our lives have a
its end, it’s happiness, greater significance beyond our
such that its ultimate physical existence.
end is God.
Gerald Jame Dawn M. Chiong INTROPHI TVL-HE 11

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