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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
(formerly: CNHS – Andres Bonifacio Extension High School)
Cadiz City
Media and Information literacy
Summative 2

Instruction. Read and answer each question. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The ability to understand printed and written materials refers to?
A. information B. literacy C. media D. technology
2. The ability to access, evaluate and create media is
A. media B. Information literacy C. Media literacy D. Technology literacy
3. These refer to processed data for specific purposes.
A. information B. literacy C. media D. technology
4. The skill that allows people to recognize when information is needed and how he
will be able to access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
A. media B. Information literacy C. Media literacy D. Technology literacy
5. Refers to how person is able to look for relevant information from various media.
A. media B. Information literacy C. Media literacy D. Technology literacy
6. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper, magazines and social media.
A. information B. technology C. literacy D. media
7. An ability to acquire relevant information and use modern day tools to get, manage and
communicate information.
A. Information media C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
8. Harry found erroneous facts from the magazine he is reading. What literacy is presented by
A. Information media C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
9. Laika prepared a Powerpoint presentation for her business report. Laika displays?
A. Information media C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy

10. Nina is fond of video-chatting with her friend in the province every other day. Nina shows?
A. Information media C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy D. Media and Information literacy
Write the word True if the statement is correct, and False if not.

. __________1. Digital citizenship has something to do with your birth race.

_________ _2. Every human being has the full authority to post whatever he/she
wants without being reprimanded by the authority.

_________ _3. Netiquette requires respect towards other on line users.

________ __4. Being a digital literate individual means considering digital citizenship.

_______ ___5. Digital divide is an example of digital access.

_______ ___6. Paying attention to one’s health and welfare while online is an element
of Digital Citizenship.

________ __7. Respecting and protecting oneself are the only main elements of Digital

__________8. Looking good online means having good profile pictures.

__________9. Flaming is an acceptable act in the digital world.

_______10. Having an open mind and heart is a must in the digital world

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