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The chart shows the proportion of renewable energy in total energy supply in 4 countries
from 1997 to 2010.

The charts give information about the proportion of renewable energy in total energy supply
in 4 countries within 13 years since 1997. Overall , in 2010 ,Iceland had the highest percent
renewable energy while Australia had the lowest percent renewable energy in the same year
In general, in 1997, Iceland had 45% the percentage of renewable energy but in 2000 this
number was increased to 60% and in 2010 this number was 70% , Contrary to it, in 1997,
Sweden had 6% the percentage of renewable energy and in 2010 this number was increased
to 9%
The other outstanding trends in the proportion of renewable energy in total energy supply in 4
countries from 1997 to 2010 was Australia and Turkey , The percentage of renewable energy
in 1997, Australia had 9% but in 2000 was decreased to 7% and in 2010 was decreased to
5%,while that Turkey in 1997 this number is 38% but in 2000 was increased more 2% and in
2010 was decreased to 32%

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