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Learner-centered approach means that the learners are more actively engaged in the teaching-
learning process. The teacher just acts as a guide or facilitator and will let the learners simply
discover, unfold or learn on their own provided with the right knowledge, skills and process for
the problems presented.
2. In teacher-centered approach of teaching, he/she is the only source of knowledge or
information needed for the learning. The learners are just spoon fed or passively listening and
just do what they are told to do so. There are also minimal interactions, less creativeness and
inputs from the learners and likewise development of other skills like communication, critical
thinking and problem solving skills are not much utilized. Unlike from learner-centered
approach, the learners are free to search, discover, participate, solve and present solutions to
problems encountered. They are well-engaged and not just passive learners. Research shows
that when learners are included in the teaching-learning process, the more they learned.
3. For an educator in this time, it is very advisable and necessary if we can craft beneficial teaching
practices and techniques in order to ensure that our learners will learn the necessary
competencies. For an AP teacher like me, I tend to do first introduce the essential and vital
information of the lesson. And then, I will design an activity that the learners will try to search,
look, discover and solve problems that I’ve presented. Activities like case studies, public
interviews, role playing and active and experiential learning activities. With that, I knew that my
students are able to know the right information or answers regarding the lessons. Likewise, they
are able to experience what I am trying to imply.
4. In learner-centered approach, it is not only the learners who benefits the most. It is also
beneficial for the teachers as he/she will not just the primary source of information. The
learners can also add, modify, question and present new ideas adding to the primary ideas
presented by the teacher. The teacher will also get the most ideal, practical or realistic answers
since learners experienced it firsthand. It also lessens the burden of the teacher as he/she will
not talk or teach a lot as they will only serve as guide or facilitators of learning.
5. Formative and summative assessments are still used by the teachers in assessing learning. Since
the teachers is only guiding or facilitating the learners, he/she must craft a rubric for assessment
suited for the activity. It is where the learners will depend through the course of their learning
process. For challenges and considerations, since the learners of today are very diverse, the
teacher must be passionate and eager to motivate all of the student to participate. He/she must
encourage each one of the learners to ensure that all of them will knew the lesson and thus,

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