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Art Homework

1. Hanunoo-Mangyan
Definition: One of several Mangyan cultural groups indigenous to Mindoro Island,

2. Balukas
Definition:  To separate, put asunder, tear. away from.

3. Ramit
Definition:  A textile made by the Mangyans.

4. Lambung
Definition: Shadow, shade; to give shade

5. Nito
Definition: Any of several climbing ferns (genus Lygodium) whose stems are used in the
Philippines for making hats and baskets.

6. Pakudos
Definition: A visual motif used by the Hanunuo Mangyan people of Mindoro in the

7. Kimona
Definition: Is an upper garment worn by women.

8. Patadyong
Definition: Is an indigenous Philippine rectangular or tube-like wraparound skirt worn by
both men and women of the Visayas islands and the Sulu Archipelago.

9. Hablon
Definition: Is a handwoven fabric used for clothes and tablecloths.

10. Pintados
Definition: is a term that refers to the native Filipinos who Spanish colonizers
encountered in the 16th century.

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