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Critical Reflection

Understanding Ourselves Appreciating Difference  

My favourite hobby is cooking, it makes me feel in control of myself and relaxed and
it is a means of being pleased with myself whenever I prepare a meal that people
loved and enjoyed after having them.

This picture of a cooking pot is to express how cooking a variety of meal is a part of my

Several times I have prepared variety of meal for large gathering events, I invite
friends and my workers to join me to assist me in cooking and serving the meal. I
have learnt a great deal of patience during these times and how to manage others to
cooperate with me. (Barton et al. 2018)

I don’t like any activity that can be stressful but cooking activity too can be stressful,
therefore it has enabled me cope with stress in other things by seeing and keeping
the gains or benefits of that activity in mind (McCarthy et al. 2018).

I love adventures due to my curiousness to discover new environment, cultures and

traditional meals. Because of my adventure I can create new ideas of cooking at
home, which I always enjoy doing to surprise my family.

The holidays are also a good time to practice what I have learnt from my adventure,
in these holidays most members of my family are usually present, and we usually
have many visitors too, they are usually exited because they know they will get to eat
something uncommon.

My family have been very supportive, they saw the wonder of my cooking and
helped me open a restaurant to be able to put my ideas into business. I run the
restaurant for some years and stopped. During this period of my life, I had to deal
with different kind of people both my customers and my employees. I have learnt to
know what I like and what I dislike and the difference between me and others. I
made good friends, I love people who are sincere, open, and truthful.


Barton, G., Bruce, A. and Schreiber, R., 2018. Teaching nurses teamwork:
Integrative review of competency-based team training in nursing education. Nurse
education in practice, 32, pp.129-137.

McCarthy, B., Trace, A., O’Donovan, M., Brady-Nevin, C., Murphy, M., O'Shea, M.
and O'Regan, P., 2018. Nursing and midwifery students' stress and coping during
their undergraduate education programmes: An integrative review. Nurse education
today, 61, pp.197-209.

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