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Tema 1: El objetivo de la empresa y el analisis contable

Al terminar, usted debería saber responder a estas preguntas:

1. ¿Cuál es el objetivo que persiguen las empresas?
2. ¿Qué papel desempeña el sistema informativo contable?
3. ¿Cuál es la misión del gestor de la empresa?
4. ¿Qué es la gestión basada en el valor?
5. ¿Para que sirve el analisis contable?
6. ¿Cuáles son los pasos que sigue el sistema contable utilizado en el analisis contable?

Relacion de agencia: Now a days, companies are growing and usually in big multinational
companies, the owners and the managers are not the same person. The managers, often termed as
agents, who run the company have different objectives than that of the shareholders, who are the
owners of the company. This misalignment of objectives could lead to the principal agent
problem. To insure that the interest of the owners is taken into account by the managers and there
is alignment of the interest, the manager should be recompensated accordingly or there should be
an incentive which is often termed as the costes de agencia.
Stakeholders: Stakeholders are any people that have interest in the activity of the business. It
could be the workers, shareholders, local government, clients, suppliers, creditors. The
stakeholders, including the managers and the owners, are interested in the increase of wealth. To
know how the company is doing, they need the qualified internal and external information that is
available about the company. This information helps them make decisions like whether to invest
in an company or not, whether to lend supplies on credit to the company, whether to work in this
company. All the agents are connected one way or another through their link in the company.
Freidman theory: Theory of shareholders (The Friedman Doctrine holds those decisions
concerning social responsibility rest on the shoulders of the shareholders, not the executives of
the company. He argues that an entity is not obligated to any social responsibilities unless the
shareholders decide to such an effect.)
Freeman theory: Theory of stakeholders (Freeman's theory suggests that a company's real
success lies in satisfying all its stakeholders, not just those who might profit from its stock.)

Objetivo en este capítulo es hacer una reflexión sobre estas dos cuestiones:
a. ¿Cuál es el objetivo de las empresas?
b. ¿Qué información utilizan los stakeholders para analizar y controlar la consecución del
objetivo empresarial?
1.2 El sistema de información contable en la empresa
Información contable:
Analisis fundamental:

1.3 Objetivo de la empresa: La creación de valor

1.3.1 La creación de valor económico en la empresa
1.3.2 La gestión financiera basada en el valor (GFBV)
1.4 La información contable: el analisis contable
1.4.1 El proceso de la información contable
1.4.2 Agregación contable y requisitos de la información
1.5 El analisis contable externo

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