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Abortion is illegal in Poland. Poland and many other countries also claim to
operate their states according to the laws of democracy. This means that
everyone has their own freedom, and in fact everyone can do whatever they
want, as long as it doesn’t harm others. I don’t think that would be compatible
with banning abortion in many democratic states.
But we must not forget that it is about human lives. And I’m not just thinking
about whether or not an abortion is a murder, but also whether it might be better
for a child not to be born? I think there are cases where abortion is the more
humane solution. There are plenty of pregnancies that parents did not expect.
Parents may be poor, live on the streets, too young, or the mother has become
pregnant as a result of violence, the worst case scenario. My opinion is that until
the moment of birth, the child is completely dependent on the mother’s body
and that she does not have a soul until she is fully developed. I think as long as
the child has no soul, preventing his birth is not a murder, just a medical
intervention. If parents can’t provide a perfect quality of life for their child, if
they can’t love him, they’d rather not be born. It is better for him than to spend
his childhood in orphanages and live his life with the fact that his parents did
not want him in this world and it is only a consequence of an accident. I’m not
saying abortion is the best option, but it’s certainly often the better option. Not
to mention cases where parents know in advance that their child will be born
with a very serious illness that will eventually kill them after a few years of
Based on these, I say that if abortion is banned in one country, it will pretty
much ruin their own society. We need abortion, and it is up to everyone to
decide whether to take advantage of this opportunity, because whatever you
decide, it does no harm to anyone.

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