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Why young people commit crimes?

Teenagers and adults in their twenties can be easily influenced by the people around them and the
things they’re going through. The differences in the world shape us, and unidentical surroundings make
us go for a life where we will be an example for people or the ones that are neglected.

In other words, being in a company full of young adults whose path probably will end up in jail,
somewhere dead, or who go with the wind without a vision for a brighter future might take you with
them down the road. The saying is to choose wisely who your friends will be. It is a lesson when you are
with the wrong people and see for real who they are, and to have the strength to leave them, because
you become aware they will only do you unfortunately.

But the fault isn’t the young ones, a lack of control of their parents is. Most problematic kids from the
youth group come from a family where the parents are having relationship problems, the father is
abusive, or they don’t have enough time, lack of money in a family may also make you commit a crime
like becoming a mugger.

Everything comes from the family, if yours is full of love, time, and affection, and your parents have a big
heart, you probably will turn pretty good, and it is the same for families where hate and conflicts are a
daily routine. The people that most influences are your parents.


Dear Alfredo,

I am writing in response to give you more details about the adventurous sports centre I have recently
been to. The place is worth the hype and is suitable for people our age.

You wouldn’t believe the things I had done. The centre is near a river with a waterfall and a cave. I stayed
for two nights and each day you can experience a new sport. The variety of packages that you can
choose from is incredible. On my first day, I tried rock climbing. There is a special place for it with ten
different walls to climb on, there are ones for professionals and beginners, and you also have an
available personal coach for all the activities. The next day I was supposed to go canoeing, but I preferred
to go for a walk along the river and watch the others. On my third day, we went to the cave. You have to
be equipped to go there because they are falling rocks, it was beautiful, the view was taking my breath.
Then it was time for me to go home.

It was an experience that made me feel young again. I would go back and try more of the things they
offer. I haven’t felt joy for a long time, but being around these young people and meeting with ones with
good hearts made me happy. Years ago, I was brave, the experience there made me believe in myself
again. I recommend you go see it. If you have any more questions, I would be happy to give you more

Yours sincerely,


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