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Wishes about the present

Wishes about the past
Wishes about the future
If only
Conditional clauses It's time
Wishes and related forms I'd rather
Suppose, Imagine
Week 14 / 12
I hope, I wish
Week 13

Kondicionalne rečenice u engleskom jeziku

If you fall I won't be able to catch you.

Glagolski oblici (vremena)!

Tri tipa kond. rečenica – tri kombinacije glagolskih vremena


Kondicionalne rečenice/Conditional sentences

conditional = uslovni, koji izražava/podrazumijeva neki uslov/uslovljavanje

I. Ako padneš [uslov], neću te moći uhvatiti. [posljedica] (uslov u budućnosti, realan)
II. Da padneš [uslov], povrijedio bi se. [posljedica] (uslov u sadašnjosti, potencijalan)
III.Da smo ih poslušali [uslov], ne bismo sada bolovali. [posljedica] (uslov u prošlosti, neostvariv)
Kondicionalne rečenice možemo podijeliti po tome kakav uslov izražavaju:
1. AKO: realan uslov (=ostvariv)
2. DA: potencijalan, nije nemoguć
3. DA: neostvariv

Fokus: važno je upotrijebiti pravilan oblik glagola (glagolsko vrijeme) u kondicionalnim rečenicama (u dijelu USLOV i u
dijelu POSLJEDICA). Ta glagolska vremena u engleskom jeziku su različita od glagolskih vremena u našem jeziku – zato je
važno naučiti engleska glagolska vremena u kondicionalnim rečenicama. Od tih glagolskih vremena zavisi značenje
kompletne rečenice.

I. AKO – realan uslov

1. Ako padneš [uslov], neću te moći uhvatiti [posljedica]
✓If you fall, I won't be able to catch you.
USLOV: present. POSLJEDICA: future (will) AKO = IF

✓If it rains, we are going to get wet. (POSLJEDICA: going to)

✓If the cases are too heavy, I can help you carry them. (POSLJEDICA: modalni glagol)

Umjesto IF, možemo imati i PROVIDED, UNLESS, AS LONG AS:

✓Unless you leave at once, I'll call the police. (Ukoliko…)
✓Provided you leave now, you'll catch the train. (Pod uslovom da…)


Practice 1.a (write in your notebook)

1. If I go out tonight, you _______________
2. If you get back late, I _______________
3. If we don‘t see each other tomorrow, we ____________________
4. If he comes, I ________________
5. If we wait here, we __________________

II. DA – potencijalan uslov (nije sasvim

2. Da padneš [uslov], povrijedio bi se [posljedica].
✓If you fell, you would hurt yourself.
USLOV: past POSLJEDICA: present conditional (would+glagol) IF = DA

✓If I became a millionaire, I would buy this house. (Da postanem…)

✓If he asked her to marry him, she would not accept. (Da je zaprosi…)
Umjesto I WAS možemo reći I WERE, naročito sa značenjem 'da sam na tvom
✓If I were you, I would turn their offer down. (Da sam na tvom mjestu…)


Practice 1.b (write in your notebook)

1. If were you, I __________
2. If he were younger ___________
3. If we weren‘t friends, I ____________ (be) angry with you.
4. If we had enough money, we ________________
5. If she was not always late, she _________________
6. If they won the lottery, they ________________

III. DA – neostvariv uslov

3. Da smo ih poslušali [uslov], ne bi sada bolovali [posljedica].
✓If we had taken their advice, we wouldn't have been sick now.
USLOV: past perfect POSLJEDICA: past conditional (would+have+past participle) IF=DA
(past participle: verb+ed; "3rd column" for irregular verbs (e.g. cut, broken, sung))

✓If you had spent less on clothes, you would have had more money now.
(Da si trošlia manje …)
✓If you had tried harder, you would have succeeded. (Da si se bolje
✓If you had tried harder, you might have succeeded. (POSLJEDICA: modalni
glagol+have+particip prošli)


Practice 1.c (write in your notebook)

značenje If... (uslov) Posljedica
Realan (ako=if) If you fall, I won't be able to catch you.
Ako padneš
Potencijalan (da=if) If you fell, you would hurt yourself.
Da padneš
Neostvariv (da=if) If we had taken their advice, we wouldn't have been sick now
Da si prihvatio



Write in your notebooks
Odaberite odgovarajući oblik glagola od dva ponuđena u zagradi:
1. If the machine …, you … this button. (will stop/stops; press/would press)
2. If it … sunny tomorrow, we … to the coast. (is/will be; will go/would go)
3. I … happier if I … in a house in the country. (will be/would be;
lived/would live)
4. If anyone … me like that, I … extremely angry! (treats/treated; 'll be/ 'd



Put each verb in brackets into a suitable form:

1. Why didn't you phone? If I (know) you were coming, I (meet) you at the
2. It's a beautiful house, and I (buy) it if I (have) the money, but I can't
afford it.
3. If Mark (train) harder, he (be) a good runner.
4. If Clair (listen) to her mother, she (not marry) Dan in the first place.
5. If I (have) my phone here with me, I (be able) to call a taxi now, but I left
it at home.



Practice 4

Prevedite na engleski jezik:

1. Ako padne, dočekat će se na sigurnosnu mrežu. (to land, safety net)
2. Bilo bi još gore da smo naručili supu.
3. Da imam takvog psa, držao bih ga na uzici. (keep on a leash)
4. Više bi mi se sviđala ta slika da liči na nekog koga poznajem.


Practice 5



Practice 6


Wishes and related forms

Wishes (želje) about the present:
✓I wish I knew the answer to this question (Volio bih da znam odgovor…)
✓I wish I didn't have so much work to do (Voljela bih da nemam …)

Šta je ovdje važno znati?

Iza glagola WISH – koje glagolsko vrijeme?
Past simple u engleskom = Prezent u BHS – isto značenje: želje koje se
odnose na sadašnjost
Prezent u BHS >>> present in English GREŠKA!



Practice 7 (write in your notebook)

Use I wish to express your wishes about the following:
>I wish I had a car.


Wishes about the past

✓I wish I had gone to your party last week (but I didn't). (Volio bih da sam otišao …)
✓The train journey seems endless. I wish we had gone by car. (Voljela bih da smo

Šta je ovdje važno znati?

Iza glagola WISH – koje glagolsko vrijeme?
Past perfect u engleskom – Perfekt (prošlo vrijeme) u BHS – isto značenje:
želja o nečemu u prošlosti, neostvariva.
Perfekt u BHS >>> past simple u English GREŠKA! (drugo značenje!!)



Practice 8
• Choose the right
tense after wish:


Wishes about the future

✓I wish I didn't have to get up early tomorrow. (Voljela bih da se ne moram rano ustati…)
• I wish June could meet me next week. (Voljela bih kad bi June mogla da se nađe sa mnom…)
• I wish I could drive (Volio bih da znam…)
▪ I wish Peter wouldn't chew gum all the time. (Volio bih kad P. ne bi žvakao …)
▪ I wish the police would do something about the traffic. (Volio bih da policija poduzme
Šta je ovdje važno znati?
a) Past simple se može odnositi i na želju u budućnosti (kontekst)
b) COULD+glagol, WOULD+glagol u engleskom = Prezent ili kondicional u BHS – isto
značenje: želje koje se odnose na budućnost
c) Prezent u BHS >>> present in English GREŠKA!



Practice 9
• Write in your notebooks:


Želje sa IF ONLY (kad bi…)

• If only I knew the answer to this question! (Kad bih samo znala odgovor na ovo pitanje! Ili Eh, da znam ...)
• If only I had seen this earlier! (Da sam samo to vidjela ranije!)

Past simple u engleskom – kondicional (npr. bih znala) ili prezent u BHS > neostvariva želja u sadašnjosti
Past perfect u engleskom – perfekt (npr. sam vidjela) u BHS >neostvariva želja u prošlosti
Prezent u BHS >>> pesent in English Greška!
Perfekt u BHS >>> past simple in English Greška!



Želje sa I'd rather (više bih volio/voljela, radije bih…)

• I'd rather you didn't tell John about this. (volio bih da ne kažeš…)
• I would rather you didn’t go to the party this weekend, you have exams next week.
• I would rather you didn’t talk in class, it is very distracting.
▪ I‘d rather you hadn’t called him and told him I was late. (voljela bih da ga nisi zvao...)
▪ I would rather you hadn’t gone to the party without me last night.
Past simple in English – prezent u BHS > želja koja se odnosi na budućnost ili sadašnjost
Prezent u BHS >>> pesent in English Greška!

Past perfect in English – perfekt u BHS – isto značenje: želja koja se odnosi na prošlost
Perfekt u BHS >>> past simple in English GREŠKA! (drugo značenje)


Želje sa I hope (nadam se)

• I hope you have a good time. (Nadam se da ćete se lijepo provesti)
• There's a lot to see. I hope you won't be late. (Nadam se da nećete zakasniti)

• I hope to see you next month. (Nadam se da ću vas vidjeti…)

Present, Future (will), Infinitive u engleskom – futur u BHS > nada/želja
koja se odnosi u budućnosti i smatra se ostvarljivom



Suppose/Imagine +
suppose/imagine + past tense:

✓Suppose you lost your keys (pretpostavi(mo) da izgubiš ključeve)

✓Imagine you were rich. What would you do? (zamisli da si bogat/a)

Present u BHS >>> present in English GREŠKA!


It's (high) time (vrijeme je/krajnje je vrijeme)

• It's high time we finished our class. (Kranje je vrijeme da završimo čas)
Prošlo vrijeme (past simple) izražava želju koja se odnosi na sadašnjost

Past time in English – present u BHS : isto značenje, želja u sadašnjosti
Present u BHS >>> present in English GREŠKA!



• I wish I knew
• I wish I had gone
• I wish I could meet / we would meet

• If only I knew / If only I had seen

• I'd rather you didn't smoke / you hadn‘t gone there
• I hope you (will) have
• Suppose/immagine you were
• It's (high) time you finished


Practice 10
Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form
1. What can we do to get in touch with Robert? If only we (know) … his phone number.
2. Come on children! It's time you (be) … in bed.
3. Actually I'd rather you (not smoke) … in here.
4. Suppose you (see) … a ghost. What would you do?
5. I'm so annoyed about breaking my leg. If only I (be) … more careful!
6. It's high time you (start) … working more seriously.
7. I'd rather you (not put) … your coffee on top of my book.
8. I've no idea where we are! If only we (have) … a map.
9. Your hair is rather long. Don't you think it's time you (have) … a hair cut?
10. Visiting museums is interesting, but I'd sooner we (go) … swimming.



Practice 11
Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form
• I wish I (have) … the money to buy some new clothes, but I can't afford any at the
• I wish the government (do) … something about the pollution here.
• I'm getting really soaked! I wish I (not forget) … my umbrella.
• I wish you (not do) … that! It's a really annoying habit.
• That was a lovely meal, but I wish I (not eat) … so much.
• I wish I (study) harder for my exams. I'm not going to pass.
• I wish you (not leave) … your dirty shoes in your bedroom!
• I'm afraid I have no idea where Pat has gone. I wish I (know) …
• I really enjoyed our trip to the theatre. I wish we (go) … more often.


Practice 12








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