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The first Boer war

Autor: Sánchez R. Angélica M.

Profesor: Neidha R. Oropeza R

Maracay, marzo de 2023

Author: Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle
Date of birth: 22 de mayo de 1859
Death: 7 de julio de 1930
(Doctor and British writer)
Literary period: 1899 – 1902 (Victorian age)
Title: “The Great Boer War”
Published on: 1900th

“The first Boer war” was considered as a imperialistic war that took place in the
Victorian age belonging in the XIX century, the British Empire invaded a great part of the
African continent with the main purpose of expanding and being the owner of that area;
Boers were a great group of farmers that belong to Netherlands, they took place of the
southern african regions after the independence movement from Spain, they tried to conquer
some countries next to them but they could not do it, so they sailed to Africa in the specific
“Cape región” where they could settled with succes in that place.

In 1815 the British bought the “Cape colony” owning that place, after this event the
Boers migrated to Transvaal (northern region) and Orange (western region) left a great parte
of the place to the British; on 1844 the British allowed the entrance of “the adventurers” who
causes a huge disturbance bringing about the Boers send a warning against their disorder but
the British did not pay attention to it provoking the beginning of the war being in the year
1899 where the British empire and its supremacy gained advantage due to the mayority of
their soldiers and advanced thecnology that they used in that time getting the victory on 1900
and on 1910 they took a great part of southern of Africa such as “Cape colony” and “Natal”.

From a general point of view previously described, I can observe the importance to
know about the human history, culture etc..since this gives us a real and critical discernment
about what could happened in the past with the purpose so that we can understand and learn
about what is happening currently, as a general society we are living the consequences of
certain events that happened in the world, in general the wars are performed with the
intentions of change, to conquer a place, to take control of political situations and so on.


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