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Subject Matter: Read and Write of decimals through Ten thousandths
COT Date: April 22, 2021
School: Jose T. Cuyos Sr. II Integrated School
“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”
-C.S Lewis

“A mentor is someone who

tells you what you don’t want
to hear, who has you see what
you don’t want to see, so you
can be who you have always
known you could be.”

“As a teacher in this modern

education, integrating technology in
teaching and learning process helps
the teacher in delivering the lessons
and let the pupils easily grasps the
lesson through video presentation.”


Subject Matter: PHASES OF THE MOON
COT Date: May 27, 2021
School: Jose T. Cuyos Sr. II Integrated School

“Keep your pupils motivated at all

times, in a real scenario, pupils have
only 3-5 minutes of attention span,
thus, teachers must have prepared
activities, to keep them alive and
active all throughout your discussion.”

“Engage your learners to

independently answer the task you’re
given, to build their confidence and
for them to know and feel that they

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