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TOEFL listening Conversation - Extension For Paper

1. Why does the student go to see the professor?

she wanted to discuss about her paper and asking some extension time
for her paper’s deadline
2. What is the student's paper about?
history of jazz in new York city, specifically in the 50s
3. What is the Professor's comment about the topic of The History of Jazz
in NYC?
it's a bit too ambitious for ten pages paper and the subject is very broad
4. Why does the student want to interview her friend's grandfather?
because that man has a close relation to the artist she is researching
5. What does the professor ask the student do on the due date of the
Turn in the outline of the paper, and the questions for the interview.
6. Please write the script of the conversations from the beginning till
minutes of 1.40
Narrator: listen to a conversation between a student and the professor
Professor: Oh, Hi! Melanie how are you doing?
Student: I’m good thanks. I just have some questions about this paper for your
class, do you have the second to talk about it now?
Professor: oh yes no problem, i have about twenty minutes before my next
class. will that be enough time?
Student: Yeah i think so, Okay. So the thing is you know I’m writing my paper
on the history of jazz in new York city
Professor: Alright. Well, that's a pretty broad subject
Student: well actually I’m focusing on a specific decade the fifty's and on and
I’m only doing it on a few specific artists
Professor: OH, Okay. because i was going to say that seemed a bit too
ambitious for a ten-page paper
Student: Yeah. No, it’s not the subject I’m having trouble with. Actually, the
paper is practically writing itself I mean I’ve got a lot to say and it's going pretty
well. the thing is I have this idea that I make it better and I was wondering if
there's any way I could get an extension I mean I know it's due next week right
TOEFL listening Conversation - Extension For Paper

Professor: That’s right, on Monday. but I don't understand it sounds like you're
doing so well. Why do you need more time?
Student: Uhm, yeah, well. i could write the paper as is and turn it it on time
and it would be fine
Professor: But
Student: But I was just talking to one of my friends whose family has lived in
New York for ever and it turns out that her grandfather was actually there in
the period of jazz I’m writing about. I mean he was a jazz musician and he
actually, like, personally knew the artist I’m writing about
Professor: You’re kidding? well that’s a coincidence

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