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Proposal for the international cultural festival in London

In this proposal, I will be discussing my suggestions for the Netherlands’ contribution to the
international festival in London.

National Product

The Netherlands has lots of flat ground, with no mountains in sight. Because of this space available,
the Netherlands has a lot of farmers. The country possesses a great number of Frisian cows, who are
necessary when it comes to our most sold export product; cheese. When looking at the country’s
history, we find that there have always been loads of cheese markets. This is the main reason I am
suggesting organizing a cheese tasting.


What is special about the Dutch are their traditional clothes. Everyone in the country used to wear
clogs all day because of the poor weather conditions. The Dutch wore them even at events like
weddings or dance competitions. To show off this large cultural piece of history I suggest hiring
people to do the clog dance, which is famous in the Netherlands.


Besides the two characteristics of the Netherlands I mentioned earlier; cheese and clogs, there is
another product I would like to introduce you to. The country’s famous ‘poffertjes’ are known as
Dutch mini pancakes. This dish is typically Dutch. When visiting a party or a festival, or even going
shopping, you will most likely find this dish too. So my third and last suggestion is to set up a
‘poffertjeskraam’ at the festival, where people can all taste this national dish.

My proposal would make visitors experience the Dutch real and cultural view of the country’s history
and traditions that have been around for a long time. I hope this proposal met your expectations.

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