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Customs and traditions in Ciudad Hidalgo!!

In this occasion I talk you about a custom existent in my city Traditional Fair of the canned.

Since the year 1512 between Chichimec and Tarascan were the custom of giving the visitors or family capulines honeyed (canned). During the nineteenth century had in Ciudad Hidalgo market vendors, street corners vendors and outside the temples vendors offered canned honey: sweet corn, squash, sweet potato roots and other foods samples.

This custom became tradition, was increasing the variety of fruits and vegetables treated. In this form the visitors can enjoy the variety of honeyed: squashes, figs, sweet potatoes, bishops weed, peaches, prickly pears, etc., also can enjoy of the delicious milk sweets and the natural fruit ates.

For 16 years continuously held the traditional fair of the canned during holy week and during the first days of November at the Fair of all saints you can taste the wide variety of traditional sweets.

Mrs. Cira is who with her inventiveness has perfected the art of canning and founded a tradition that gives luster to our people.

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