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Shintoism and Buddhism Score  

Practice Quiz

1. People that visit a sh ine or festival to offer prayers and offe ings to a Kami for the purpose of
wishes and to get id of bad luck are
practicers of Buddhism.
T T ue

F False

2. Place yourself in a role of a practicer of Buddhism to answer

this following question. What would you do if you were following the Eightfold
A Taking the time to visit a local store to steal one of their store items. 

B Lying to my mother that tomo row is a school holiday so I can get away with not tu ning in my
assignment on time. 

C Helping my younger sibling get across the street while being on the lookout for in-coming cars
in order to avoid car accidents and inju y. 

D Staying in a f iendship that only makes me feel disregarded and used because I still choose to
think of them as my f iend.  

3. Based on your knowledge of Buddhism beliefs, complete

the diagram by filling in the blank.
4. According to what you know about Shintoism, what could be worshipped because it holds
spi itual power or tama?
A Nature

B Buddha

C Food

D Pu ity

5. The above picture displays a symbol of what

A Shintoism

B Buddhism

C Judaism

D Ch istianity 

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