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YACAS, NATHANIEL R. CFE 104_ 3223 SEA BSME-3 04/13/2023 1. St. Paul's letter to the Galatians (3:26-29) highlights inclusivity and equality. Discuss the relevance of this to the CICM mission as an intemational community? Cite a doable action that will serve as your contribution in the promotion of inclusivity and equality in our school. (10 points) ANSWER: in today’s society, inclusivity and equality are two of the most important values that we should uphold. As a member of this community, it is my responsibility to contribute to the promotion of these values. One action that | can take to serve as my contribution in the promotion of inclusivity and equality is by volunteering for organizations that advocate for these causes. Volunteering for such organizations will allow me to work with like-minded individuals who share the same passion for inclusivity and equality. Through this, | can help organize events and activities that promote awareness and educate people about the importance of these values. Additionally, | can also participate in outreach programs where we can reach out to marginalized communities and provide them with support. By taking part in such actions, | believe that we can create a more inclusive and equal society where everyone is treated with respect regardless of their race, gender, or social status. It may seem like a small contribution but every little effort counts towards making a positive change in our community 2. The CICM as an international and multicultural organization has made Jesus’ liberating presence alive in the situations where they are most needed. As SEA student, how can you manifest Jesus’ liberating presence in your family and community. (10 points) ANSWER: As a sea student, it is essential to manifest Jesus’ liberating presence in our family and community. We can do this by being a role model for others, showing love and compassion towards those around us, and spreading the gospel of Christ. One way we can manifest Jesus’ presence is by living life that reflects His teachings. This means being honest, kind, and forgiving towards others. By doing so, we can inspire those around us to live a more Christlike life. Another way we can manifest Jesus’ presence is by actively serving our community. This could involve volunteering at local charities or participating in outreach programs that help those in need. Lastly, we can spread the gospel of Christ through our words and actions. By sharing our faith with others and demonstrating the love of God in all that we do, we can help bring people closer to Him. 3. The CICM missions are usually in the “irontiers” that clearly speaks of their dedication to the Incarnate Word. As SEA student, How can you concretely support this CICM mission and the CICM missionaries? (20 points) ANSWER: As a sea student, there are several ways in which | can concretely support the CICM mission and the CICM missionaries. Firstly, | can actively participate in fundraising activities organized by the CICM to support their mission work. This could involve donating money or organizing events to raise funds for their cause. Secondly, | can spread awareness about the work of the CICM missionaries among my peers and community. This could involve sharing information about their mission work through social media platforms or organizing talks and presentations to educate others about their efforts. Thirdly, | can offer my time and skills to assist the CICM missionaries in their work. This could involve volunteering at one of their missions or offering my expertise in areas such as education, healthcare or technology. As a sea student, | have a responsibility to support those who are working towards making our world a better place. By actively supporting the CICM mission and its missionaries, we can make a positive impact on society and help those who are most in need.

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