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In this lesson, you are expected to:

 Organize test data using tables and graphs
 Interpret frequency distribution of test data

Statistics- is the branch of science that deals with the collection, presentation, analysis and
interpretation of quantitative data.
Two branches of statistics:
1. Descriptive statistics- deals with collecting, describing, and analyzing asset of data
without drawing conclusion (or inferences) about a large group of data.
2. Inferential statistics- is concern with the analysis of a subset of data leading to
predictions or inferences about the entire set of data, without dealing with each
individual in the population. It means that, inferences can be derived from the
population, using only a sample or a part of the population.
Variables- refer to a characteristics whereby the member of the group vary or differ from one
another. For instance, the member of the group may vary in sex, age, eye color, intelligence,
attitude and others.
Variables According To Continuity of Values
1. Continuous variables- these are variables whose level can take continuous value.
Example are height, weight, length, and width.
2. Discrete variables- these are variables whose values or level can not take the form of
decimals. Example : the size or member of a particular family, number of students in a
Variables according to scale of measurement:
1. Nominal variable- refers to a property of the member of a group defined by an
operation which allows making of statement only of quality or differences. We may
state that one member is the same or different from other. For example, individuals
may be classified according to their skin color. Color is an example of nominal variable.
2. Ordinal variable- this is a property defined by an operation whereby members of the
particular group are ranked. Example is when you ranked individual according to
aggressiveness, cooperativeness, and other qualities by ranking them.
3. Interval data- refers to a property defined by an operation which permits making of
statements of equality of intervals rather than just statement of sameness or difference
and greater than or less than. An interval variables does not have a “true” zero point.
The measurement for fahrenheit and centigrade temperature, consider four objects a,
b, c d.
Test data are better appreciated and communicated if they are arranged, organized and
presented in a clear and concise manner. Good presentation requires designing a table that can
be read easily and quickly. Tables and graphs are common tools that help readers better
understand the test results that are conveyed to concern groups like teachers, students
administrators , which are used as basis in developing programs to improve learning of

How do we present data graphically?

We must be familiar with the saying, “ A picture is worth a thousand words.” In a similar vein,
“ a graph can be worth a hundred or a thousand numbers” The use of tables may not enough
to give a clear picture of the properties of a group of test scores. If a numbers presented in
tables are transformed into visual model, the reader becomes more interested in reading the
Types of Graph:
1. Histogram-A histogram is a type of graph appropriate for quantitative data such as test
score. This graph consist of columns, each has base that represents one class interval
and its height represents the number of observation or simply the frequency in that
class interval.

2. Frequency polygon. This is used for quantitative data, and it is one of the most common
used methods in presenting test scores. It is the line graph of a frequency polygon. It is
similar to histogram, but instead of bars, it uses lines to compare sets of test data in the
same axis.

3. Cumulative Frequency Polygon- this graph is quite different from a frequency polygon
because the cumulative frequencies are plotted. You plot the point above the exact
limits of the interval. As such, a cumulative polygon gives a picture of the number of
observations that falls below a certain score instead of the frequency within a class
4. Bar Graph- is often used to present frequencies in categories of a qualitative variable. It
look very similar to a histogram, constructed in the same manner, but spaces are in
between the consecutive bars. The columns represent the categories and the height of
each bar represent the frequencies. The independent variable is usually plotted in the x-
axis, while the dependent variable is on the y-axis.

. Pie Graph- one commonly used method to represent categorical data is the use of
circle graph. The size of the pie is determined by the percentage of students who belong
in each category.

Which graph is best?

No one can give a definite answer to this question. We cannot say what is the
best. The histogram is the easiest in many caeses of quantitative data, but it may not be
appealing if you want to make a comparison of the performance of two or more groups.
Bar graph work well with qualitative data and if you want to compare the performance
of subgroups of examinee.Frequency and perecntage polygon are useful for traeting
quantitative data. Cumulative polygon becomes more useful for the comparison of
groups with unequal number because frequencies hve been converted into percentage.

What are the variations on the shapes of frequency distributions?

Frequency distribution is an arrangement of a se of observations. These
observation in the field of education or other sciences are empirical data that illustrate
situation in the real world. It is reasonable to expect that there will be variation in the
shapes of frequency distributions.
What is skewness?
It is the degree of asymmetry of a graph or describe the degree of departure of
the score from the symmetry. The skewness of a score distribution only tells about the
performance of the students, but not the reasons about their performance.
The skewness coefficient (Sk) can be solved using the formula. Sk = 3 (X՟ - X՟ )
Where x՟ = mean value X՟ = median value
Skewness can be classified according to the skewness coefficient.

a) Negatively skewed
b) Symmetrical distribution
c) Positively skewed
d) Kurtosis

Positively Skewed Negatively Skewed Normal Distribution

Sk ¿ 0 Sk < 0 Sk = 0
Skewde to the right; this Skewed to the left; meaning, The score are normally
means that the thin end tail the thin end tail of the curve distributed.
of the curve goes to the right goes to the left part of the
part of the distribution. distribution.
Most of the scores are low; Most of the scores are high;It is symmetrical to the
hence most of the students hence most of the students mean; the end tails of the
got scores below the mean got scores above the mean curve can be extended
value. indefinitely in both side and
asymptotic to the horizontal
Mean value is greater than Mean value is less than the The value of the mean,
the median and the mode median and the mode values. median and mode are equal.
values. Example: Mean = 50, Example: Mean = 43, Median
Median = 47 and Mode = 43 – 47 and the Mode - 50

Poor performance of the Outstanding performance of Most of the students got a

students; this could be the students could be score within the mean value;
attributed to the following: attributed to the following: hence, most of the students
1. Ineffective methods of 1.The group of students are have average performance.
teaching and intelligent.
instruction. 2 There is enough time to
2. Students are not finish the examination.
ready to take the 3.Very easy test items.
examination. 4.Effective instruction.
3. Test items are very 5.students prepared
difficult themselves for the
4. The time given to examination.
answer the test is not

Example Problem:
Find the coefficient of skewness of the scores of 30 grade V pupils in a 45 item test in
Mathematics. . the Mean is 38.50, the median is 35.25 and the standard deviation is 2.50

Sk = 3 ( X҃ - X҃ )
= 3 ( 38.50 – 35.25 ) /2.50
= 3 ( 3.25 ) / 2.50
= 9.75 / 2.50
Sk= 3.0

Example 2: Find the coefficient of skewness of the scores of 30 grade pupils in a 45 item test in
Malabayan. The mean is 39.50, median is 42.50 and the standard deviation is 3.25

Sk = 3( x՟ - x҃ ) / s = 3( 39.50 – 42.50) /3.25 = -3/ 3.25 Sk - -0.92

Sk = -0.92, so the value is negative. The score distribution is negatively skewed. Most of the
students scores are above the mean. Thus the student performed well in the said examination.

Kurtosis- it is the flatness of the distribution, which is also the consequence of how high
or peaked the distribution is.
Platykurtic- platy, meaning broad or flat.
Mesokurtic- meso meaning intermediate distribution
Leptokurtic—lepto meaning narrow distribution

Lesson 8: Analysis, interpretation, and Use of Test Data

In this lesson you are expected to:
 Analyze, interpret, and use test data applying
a) Measures of central tendency
b) Measures of variability
c) Measures of position
d) Measures of covariability
Construction of frequency distribution
Example: Given the following scores in a psychology test, make a frequency table:
Raw Scores: 47 56 42 28 56 41 56 55 82 78 50 55
57 38 62 52 66 65 72 37 47 42 68 62
54 48 52 47 44 39 53 48 42 54 62 68
48 56 42 60
Step 1. Compute the Range: R = HS - LS R= Range HS – Highest score LS = Lowest score
= 82 – 28
= 54
Step 2. Divide the range by 10 to 15 to determine the acceptable size of the interval.
54/ 10 = 5.4 = 5 Therefor the size of the class interval is 5
Step 3. Organized the class interval .
The lowest interval begins with the number that is multiple of the interval size. Since
the lowest score is 28 and the size of the class interval is 5. So we begin with 25.
Step 4. Tally each score to the category of class interval it belong to:
Step 5. Compute the midpoint
Step 6. Compute the cumulative distribution for less than and greater than
Step 7. Compute the relative frequency distribution

RF(%) = (100) CF / TF

Class interval Tally Frequency (f) Midpoint (M) CF < CF> RF (%)
80 – 84 I 1 82 40 1 2.50
75 – 79 I 1 77 39 2 2.50
70- 74 I 1 72 38 3 2.50
65 - 69 IIII 4 67 37 7 10.00
60 - 64 IIII 4 62 33 11 10.00
55 - 59 VII 7 57 29 18 17.50
50 – 54 VI 6 52 22 24 15.00
45 - 49 VI 6 47 16 30 15. 00
40 - 44 VI 6 42 10 36 15.00
35 - 39 III 3 37 4 39 7.50
30 - 34 0 0 32 1 39 ____
25 – 29 I 1 27 1 40 2.50
What are measures of central tendency?
The word measure of central tendency “ means the central location or point of
convergence of a set of values. In other words a measure of central tendency gives a single
value that represents a given set of scores. The three commonly used measures of central
tendency are the mean, median, and the mode.
a) Mean- referred to as the arithmetic mean or average
 Used when the data are interval level of measurement
 Used when the frequency distribution is irregular, symmetrical or normal
 Measure stability
 Easily affected by extreme score
 The sum of each scores distance from the mean is zero
Mean for Ungroup Data:
X՟ = ∑X / N X՟- mean ∑X – sum of all the number of cases N= total number of
Example.-- 8 7 10 3 4 6
X՟ = ∑X / N = 8 + 7 + 10 + 1 + 4 + 6
= 36 / 6
= 6
Example -- 84 92 93 92 87 88 92
X՟ =∑X / N = 84 + 92 + 93 + 92 + 87 + 88 + 92 + 85
= 89.125
Mean for Group Data:
Class Interval f M fM
80 – 84 3 82 246
75- - 79 3 77 231
70 - 74 3 72 216
65 - 69 6 67 402
60 - 64 6 62 372
55- 59 9 57 513
50 - 54 8 52 416
45 - 49 8 47 376
40 - 44 8 42 336
35 - 39 5 37 185
30 - 34 2 32 64
25 - 29 3 27 81
N= 64 ∑fM= 3438

X՟ = ∑fM / N
= 3438 / 64
= 53. 72

b) Median-is the value that divides the ranked score into halves, or the middle value of the
ranked scores. If the number of scores is odd, then there is only one middle value that
gives the median. However, if the number of scores in the set is even number, then
there are two middle values divided by two. But arrange the set of score from lowest to
 Used when the data are in ordinal level of measurement
 Used when the frequency distribution is irregular or skewed
 Used when the middle most score is desired
 Used when there are extreme scores
 Not affected by the extreme scores because it is a positional measure
Median gor Ungrouped data:
Example 1: 8 7 12 5 10 3 1
1 3 5 7 8 10 12

Example 2: 77 88 95 80 90 84
77 80 84 88 90 95
= 84 + 88
= 86
Median for Group Data:
Formula : md = LBmd + i ( n/2 – F )
where: md = median
LBmd = the lower boundaries of the median class
I = class size
N = total number of cases or observation
F = cumulative frequency less than before the median class
Fmd = frequency of the median class
1. Compute the cumulative frequency less than
2. Fing ½ of n
3. Locate the class interval in which the middle class fall, and determine the exact limits
of this interval
4. Apply the formula by substituting the given value

Class interval f Cum f <

80 – 84 3 64 1 / 2 N = 64 / 2
75 - 79 3 61 = 32
70 - 74 3 58
65 - 69 6 55 N = 64
60 - 64 6 49
55 – 59 9 43 i=5
50 - 54 8 34
45 - 49 8 26 fmd = 8
40 - 44 8 18
35 - 39 5 10 F = 26
30 - 34 2 5 LB = 49.5
25 - 29 3 3
N = 64

Md = LBmd + i (n / 2 – F )
= 49.5 + 5 ( 32 – 26 )
= 49.5 + 5 ( 6/ 8)
= 49.5 + 30 / 8
= 49.5 + 3.75
= 53.25

c) Mode- is the easiest measure of central tendency to obtain. It is the score or value with
the highest frequency in the set of scores.
 Used when the data are in the nominal level of measurement
Used when the quick answer is needed
used when the score distribution is normal
Mode for Ungroup Data: Example; 8 3 15 6 5 10 20 18
Mode for Grouped Data:

Find the mode for the data below:

Class interval f
80 - 84 3 The mode (Mo) is 57 because the class 55-59 has the
75 –79 3 largest frequency and 57 is the midpoint.
70 - 74 3
65 - 69 6
60 - 64 6
55 – 59 9
50 – 54 8
45 – 49 8
40 – 44 8
35 - 39 5
30 – 34 2
25 - 29 3
N = 64

Types of Mode:
1. Unimodal- is a score distribution that consist of one mode
2. Bimodal is a score distribution that consist of two modes.
3. Trimodal is a score distribution that consist of three modes

What are measure of variation?

Measure of variation indicates “variability,” “spread,” or scatter”. Measure of variation give us
the estimate to determine how the scores are compressed which contributes to the flatness or
peakedness of the distribution.
1. Range- is the difference between the highest and the lowest scores in a distribution
2. Variance and standard Deviation
Standard deviation is the most widely used measure of variability and is considered as
the most accurate to represent the deviations of individual scores from the mean values
in the distributions. It is also known as the square root of the variance. Variance – is one
of the most important measures of variation. It shows variation from the mean.
Steps in solving variance of ungrouped data:
1. Solve for the mean value
2. Subtract the mean value from each score.
3. Square the difference betwee the mean and each score
4. Find the sum
5. Solve for the population variance or sample variance using the formula of ungrouped
Population Standard deviation
Ơ = √ ∑ ( X - ⴤ)2
Sample standard deviation

S = √ ∑ ( x - x՟ ) 2

Steps in solving standard Deviation of Ungrouped data:

1. Solve for the mean value
2. Subtract the mean value from each score
3. Square the difference between the mean and each score
4. Find the sum
5. Solve for the population deviation or sample standard deviation using the formula of
ungrouped data
Note: if the variance is already solved, take the square root of the variance to get the
value of the standard deviation.
Below are the scores of 10 students in Mathematics quiz consists of 20 items.
Compute the population and sample variance and the population and sample standard

x x- X՟ (x - X՟ )2
6 -7 49
8 -5 25
9 -4 16
10 -3 9
13 0 0
15 2 4
16 3 9
16 3 9
17 4 16
20 7 49
∑ = 130 ∑(x-x՟ ) =186
X՟ = 13

Population Variance: ơ = ∑ ( X - ⴤ )2
= 186 / 10
= 18.6
Sample Variance:
S 2 = ∑ ( x - x՟ ) 2
= 186 / 10 – 1
= 186 / 9
= 20.67

Population standard deviation: ơ = √ ∑(X - ⴤ )2

= √ 186 / 10
= √ 18.6
= 4.31
Sample standard deviation:
S2 = 20.67
S = √ 20.67
S = 4.55
Relative Measure of Variation:
Coefficient of variation shows a variation relative to the mean. It is used to compare two
or more groups of distribution of scores. Usually expressed in percent, the smaller the value of
the coefficient of variation the more homogeneous the score are. On the other hand, the higher
the value of the coefficient of variation, the more dispersed the scores are in that particular
The formula in computing the coefficient of variation: CV – s /x՟ (100%) where: s =
standard deviation x՟ = mean value
Find the coefficient of variation of the given data belowz:

Section A Section B Section C

10 10 10
10 13 10
10 15 11
14 15 11
14 15 12
16 15 12
17 16 12
18 16 15
18 16 17
19 16 20
19 17 20
20 20 20
∑x = 185 ∑x = 184 ∑x = 170
n = 12 n = 12 N = 12
x՟ = 15.42 x՟ = 15.33 x՟ = 14.17
S = 3.75 S = 2.35 S = 4.04
CVa = s / x՟ (100%) Interpretation:
= 3.75 / 15,42 ( 100%) The CVA is 24.32%, CVB = is 15.33% , CVC = 28.51%
= 0.2432 x 100% which means that the scores in section B are less
CVA = 24.32 % scattered than the scores in section A and C. In
Other words, the scores in section B are more
CVB = s / x՟ (100%) homogeneous than the scores in section A and
= 2.35 / 15.33 ( 100%) section C. Another way to interpret the three
= o.1533 x 100% score distribution is that the scores in section C
CVB = 15.33% are more spread out than the scores in section A
And section B or the scores in section C are
CVC = s / x՟ ( 100%) more heterogeneous than the scores in section A
= 4.04 / 14.17 x 100% and section B.
= 0.2851 x 100%
CVC = 28.51%

What are measures of position?

While measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion are used often in
assessment, there are other methods of describing data distributions such as measures of
position or location. What are this measures?
Quartile.- divides a set of scores into four equal parts, with one fourth of the data values in
each part. This means about 25% of the data falls at or below the first quartile (Q 1) ; 50% of the
data falls at or below the 2nd quartile (Q2) and 75% falls at or below the third quartile (Q3)
Notice that Q2 is also the median.
Example: Given the following scores; find the first quartile, 3 rd quartile, and quartile
deviation. 90 85 85 86 100 105 109 110 88 105 100 112
Steps: 1. Arrange the scores in the decreasing order.
2.From the bottom, find the points below which 25% of the score value and 75 % of the
score value fall.
3.Find the average of the two scores in each of these points to determine Q 1 and Q3
4.Find Q using the formula
Q = Q3 – Q1

109 Q3 = 109 + 105
Upper half 105 2
105 = 107
Lower half 88 Q1 = 88 + 86
86 2
85 = 87

In the above example, the upper and lower 50% contains even center values, so the median in
each half is the average of the two center values; consequently, applying the formula; Q3 – Q1
gives the quartile deviation. Q = 107 – 87
= 10
Formula for ungrouped data:
Percentile deviation = P90 – P10
Decile = D9 – D1
Interquartile range = Q3 – Q1

What are standard scores?

To get more information about the performance of one student, collect the raw score, the
mean, and the standard deviation. Determine how far below or above the mean in standard
deviation units is the obtained raw score.. Raw score can be converted into standard scores.
From this, we can determine an individual performs well in a given subject or examination. or
compared to the performance of the whole class.
The z- score value indicates the distance between the given raw score and the mean value
in units of the standard deviation. The z-score is positive when the raw score is above the
mean, while the z is negative when the raw score is below the mean
The formula of z-score is: z = x - ս
z = x - x՟
where : z = z-value
x = raw score
s = sample standard score
x‾= sample mean
ơ = population standard deviation
ս = population mean
Example: Using the data about John Michael’s score in Business Statistics and Marketing
Management, compute the z-score.

T- score = 10z + 50
Business Statistics Marketing Management
raw score (x) = 82 raw score (x) = 78
mean score (x՟) = 85 mean score (x՟) = 70
standard deviation (s) = 3 standard deviation (s) = 4

Z-score in Business Statistics z- score in marketing Management

Z = x – x՟ = 78 – 70 / 4
= 82 – 85 / 3 =8/4 = +2
= -3 / 3
T- score equivalent of Business Statistics
T – scoreBS = 10z + 50
= 10 (-1) + 50
= -10 + 50
T -scoreBS = 40

T-score equivalent of Marketing Management

T – scoreMM = 10z + 50
= 10 (2) + 50
= 20 + 50
T-scoreMM = 70
A z-score of -1 is equivalent to a T-score of 40, and z-score of +2 is equivalent to a T-score
of 70. The negative value is eliminated in the T-score equivalent. Therefore, John Michael
performed better in Marketing management than in Business Statistics due to a higher value of
T-score which is equal to 70.
Standard Nine (Stanine)
Another type of standard score is the standard nine-point scale which is also known as
stanine; the origin word is sta(ndard) + nine. A stanine is a nine pointgrading scale ranging from
1 to 9; 1 being the lowest and 9 is the highest. Stanine grading is easier to understand than the
other standard score models. The descriptive interpretation of stanine 1, 2, 3 is below average,
stanine 4, 5, 6 is average, and stanine 7, 8, 9 is above average.

Use this graph as a basis of analyzing stanine results.

When assigning a grade using stanine, the first thing to do is to arrange the scores of the
students from lowest to highest. The lowest 4% of the group will receive a grade of 1, with
description of very poor; the next 7% will receive a grade of 2, with a description of poor; 12%
will receive a grade of 3 with below average description; 17% will receive a grade of 4 as slightly
below average; 20% will receive a grade of 5 as average; 17% will receive a grade of 6 as slightly
average; 12% will receive a grade of 7 as considerably above average; 7% will receive a grade of
8 and can be describe as superior; and the upper 4% of the group will receive a grade of 9 and
described as very superior or the highest.
The table below summarizes the grading system using stanine. It indicates the percentage
of scores in each stanine and the corresponding description.
Stanine Percentage Description
of scores
1 4% Very poor
2 7% Poor
3 12% Below average
4 17% Slightly below average
5 20% Average
6 17% Slightly above average
7 12% Considerably above average
8 7% Superior
9 4% Very superior
Percentile rank
Another way of converting a raw score to a standard score is the percentile rank. A
percentile rank indicates a student relative position in a group in terms of the percentage of
group members whose scores lie at or below a given score.
Example: If the raw score of Ryan in a certain test was 45, which is equal to a percentile
rank of 98, 98% of his classmate would get a score equal to or lower than 45. This can be
written as PR98 is equal to 45.
Characteristics of percentile rank:
1. Recentile rank describes the best performance in terms of the percentage of students
having lower score and not the percentage of items answered correctly.
2. Percentile rank is always specific to a particular group.
3. Percentile rank is not equally spaced on the scale.

What are measures of covariability or relationship?

Measures of coavariability tell us to a certain extent the relationship between two tests or
two factors. When we are interested in finding the degree of relationship between two scores,
we are dealing with the correlation between two variables.
Correlation refers to the extent to which the distribution are linearly related or associated
between two variables. The correlation coefficient (rxy) is also known as the Pearson Product
Correlation Coefficient. Coefficient correlation ranges fron -1 to +1. There are three kind of
correlation based on correlation coefficient. There are two ways of identifying the correlation
between the two variables; 1) using the formula, 2) using the scatter plot or scattergram
The various types of relationships are illustrated in the following scatter-plot diagram:
1. Positive correlation
High score in distribution x are associated with high scores in distribution y. Low
scores in distribution x are associated with low scores in distribution y. This mean that
as the value of x increases, the value of y increases too or as the value of x decreases,
they-value also decreases.
Negative correlation
High scores in distribution x are associated with low scores in distribution y. Low scores in
distribution x are associated with high scores in distribution y.This mean that as the value of x
increases, the value of y decreases
Zero correlation
Zero correlation means that there is no association between the scores in distribution x
and distribution y. No single line can be drawn that best fit to all point

Interpreting Correlation Coefficient

-1 Perfect negative correlation
-.75 Very high negative correlation
-.50 High negative correlation
-.25 Moderate small negative correlation
0 No correlation
+.25 Moderate small positive correlation
+.50 High positive correlation
+.75 Very high positive correlation
+1 Perfect positive correlation

Any body who wants to interpret the result of the coefficient of correlation should be
guided by the following:
1. The relationship of two variables does not necessarily mean that one is the cause or the
effect of the other variable. It does not imply cause-effect relationship.
2. When the computed r is high, it does not necessarily mean that one factor is strongly
dependent on the other. This is shown by height and intelligence of people. Making
correlation here does not make any sense at all.
On the other hand, when the computed r is small it does not necessarily mean that
one factor has no dependence on the other factor. This may be applicable to IQ and
grades in school. A low grade would suggest that a student did not make use of his time
in studying.
3. If there is a reason to believe that the two variables are related and the computed r is
high, these two variables are really meant as associated.

Computation for correlation for raw scores data between performance scores in Reading
and Problem Solving.
X Y X2 Y2 XY
Reading Problem solving
4 6 16 36 24
9 11 81 121 99
4 5 16 25 20
11 10 121 100 110
12 8 144 64 96
5 5 25 25 25
7 10 49 100 70
5 8 25 64 40
6 9 36 81 54
2 5 4 25 10
2 2
∑X = 65 ∑Y = 77 ∑X = 517 ∑Y =614 ∑XY= 548

r = N∑XY - ∑X ∑Y
√ N[∑X2 – (∑X)2] √ N[∑Y2 – (∑Y2) ]

= 10 (548) – (65) (77)

√ [10 (517) – (65)] [ 10 (641) – (77) 2

= 5480 - 5005
√ (5170 – 4225 ) (6410 – 5929 )

= 475
√ (945) (481)

= 475
√ 454545

= 475
r= 0.7045 This coefficient indicates a moderate correlation between performance in
reading and problem solving.
Lesson 9: Grading and reporting of Test Result

In this lesson, you are expected to learn how to:

 Assess and communicate leaners’ level of achievement and performance
through fair, accurate, and meaningful grading and reporting method.
Grading and reporting are fundamental elements in the teaching-learning process.
Assignment of grades represent the teacher’s assessment of the learners’ performance on the
test and on the desired learning outcomes as a whole. As such, it is important that the bases
and criteria for grading and reporting test results are clearly established and articulated from
the very start of the course. Besides grades are symbolic representation that summarize the
quality of leaner’s work and level of achievement. Teachers should ensure that grading and
reporting of learners’ test result are meaningful, fair , and accurate.

What are the purposes of grading and reporting learners’ test performance?
 They are one of the way to communicate the level of learning of the learners in
specific course content.
 They give feedback on what specific topics learners have mastered and what
they need to focus more when they review for summative assessment.
 Grades serve as a motivator for learners to study and do better in the next test
to maintain or improve their final grade.
 Grades also give parent, who have the greatest stake in learners education,
information about their children achievement.
 They provide teachers some bases for improving their teaching and learning
practices and for identifying learners who need further educational intervention.
 They also useful to school administrators who want to evaluate the effectiveness
of the instructional programs in developing the needed skills and competencies
of the learners.
Type of Grading System:
1. Criterion-Reference grading system- in this grading system, the student performance is
evaluated against a certain criteria or standard. The student must get a grade higher
than or equal to a given standard to pass a certain test. Criterion-referenced grading is
premised on the assumption that learners’ performance is independent of the
performance of the other learners in the class.
Some types of criterion-referenced grades:
a) Pass or Fail Grade – this type is most appropriate if the test or assessment is primarily or
entirely to make a pass or fail decision. In this type of scoring, a standard or cut-off score
is preset, and a learner is given a score of Pass if he /she surpassed the expected level of
performance. Pass or fail is most appropriate for comprehensive or licensure exams
because there is no limit to the number of examinee who can pass or fail. Each
individual examinee’s performance is compare to an absolute standard and not to the
performance of others.
b) Letter grade- this is one of the most commonly used grading systems. Letter grades are
usually composed of five-level grading scale labeled from A to E oe F with A represent
the highest level of achievement or performance, and E or F the lowest grade.
1. While letter grades look simple and easy to understand, the true meaning of
letters is not always clear to learners, parents or other stakeholder. The teachers rating
and the stakeholders interpretation of the grade are often different. As such, it is
important that descriptors for each grade are included in the reporting shee to ensure
accurate interpretation of the letter grades.
Descriptors for letter grades:
Letter grades Interpretation
A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Poor
E Unacceptable
2. Another disadvantage of letter grades is that the cut-off between grade categories are
always arbitrary and difficult to justify. Example of a score of C ranges from 76 to 85.
Learner who get a grade of 76 and other who get 85 will both get the same letter grade
despite of the nine point difference.
3. Plus (+) and Minus (-) grades.- this grading provides a more detailed descriptions of the
level of learners achievement or performance by dividing each grade category into three
(+) /(-) letter grades Interpretation
A+ Excellent
A Superior
A- Very Good
B+ Good
B Very satisfactory
B- High average
C+ Average
C fair
C- Pass
D Conditional
E/F Failed

4. Categorical Grades –this system of grading is generally more descriptive especially if

coupled with verbal label.
Example of categorical grade:
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Emerging Not exceeding
standards standards standards standards standards
Advanced Intermediate Basic Novice Below basic
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Inadequate
Expert Proficient Competent Apprentice Novice
Master Distinguished Proficient Intermediate Novice

What are the general guidelines in grading test or performance tasks?

1. Stick to the purpose of assessment.- it is important to determine the purpose of the
test. Will the assessment be used for diagnostic, formative andsummative.
2. Be guided by the desired learning outcomes. – the learners should be informed early on
what are expected of them insofar as learning outcomes are concerned, as well as how
they will be assessed and graded.
3. Developing grading criteria- grading criteria to be used in traditional tests, and
performance tasks should be made clear to the students. Similarly, learners should also
be informed of the weight of each criterion.
4. Informed learners what scoring methods are to be used.
5. Decide on what type of test scores to use.
What is the new grading system of the Philippine K-12 Program?
The grading system is describe as a standard and competency-based grading system, where
60 is the minimum grade needed to pass a specific learning area, which is transmuted to 75 in
the report card. The learners summative assessment based on three component: written work,
performance task and quarterly assessment.

Weight for the three components: For Grade 1 to 10

Component Lang /Ap/ EsP Science / Math Mapeh / EPP / TLE
Written work 30 % 40% 20%
Performance task 50% 40% 60%
Quarterly assessment 20% 20% 20%

Weight for the three components for the senior high school:
Emic track Tech Livelihood design& tracks
Acad Voc
Componen Core Immersion/research/ All other Immersion/research/
t subjec Business simulation/ subjects performance
tc performance
Written 40% 20%
work 30%
Performan 40% 60%
ce tasks 50%
Quarterly 20% 20%
assessmen 20%

The final grade for each subject is then computed by getting the average of the four
quarterly grades. All grades reflected in the report card are reported as whole number.
Example of report card:
Subject Area Quartely Final Grade
1 2 3 4
Filipino 86 88 85 90 87
English 83 82 83 85 83
Mathematics 87 92 93 95 92
Science 82 84 88 86 85
A.Panlipunan 90 92 92 93 92
EsP 80 83 85 88 84
EPP 86 82 85 83 84
Mapeh 90 92 93 94 92
General 87

How should grades communicated to different stakeholders?

Since grades serve as an important feedback about learners’ level of performance or
achievement, teachers should communicate the results to learners, their parents and other
stakeholders. If the result are to serve as a mechanism to inform learners on what, where, and
how they should improve in their work, and in learning as a whole, then an effective and
efficient reporting system should be in place. Teachers should come up with guidelines and
processes on how grades are to be communicated and presented to make them clear,
understandable, and relevant to the recipients.
First, the rationale or purpose of testing and the nature of the tests administered to the
learners should be clearly explained. It is important to infirm the students and their parents
that tests are only one of the several tools to assess their performance or achievement and that
they are not evaluated on the basis of one test alone.
Second, the meaning of test scores should be explained.
Finally, learners and parents should be made to understand the meaning or interpretation
of their test scores. Teachers have the better grasp of the learners capabilities in school. As,
such, they are in the best position to explain, especially to the parents, how far their test scores
are from their classmates or other learners in other classes, on what topics, subject area, or
competencies they are good at or should improve on, and whether or not they are working up
to their potential.

After the discussion on grading and reporting test scores, you are now ready to identify what
methods of scoring/ grading a and types of scores that you can employ in your assessment.

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