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Green Chemistry

Green chemistry is a chemical approach aimed at developing environmentally, economically

and socially sustainable chemical products and processes. It is an approach aimed at
reducing or eliminating the negative impact of chemistry on the environment and society,
while ensuring the economics of chemical processes and products.

These are the principles of green chemistry:

1. Prevention: It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste

after it is formed.

-Preventing the creation of waste is the best option we have in general. Unrecyclable waste is almost
always formed, so preventing it completely is a great advance, because it would all be much easier to
manage if there were much less waste from minute one, which In itself, waste is not generated when an
experiment is carried out.

2. Designing Safer Chemicals: Chemical products should be designed to

minimize their toxicity and should be made using environmentally benign
synthesis routes.

-This is another detail that we no longer try to reduce the impact of toxic waste, but in this case we are
already trying to prevent it completely and thus stop producing it unnecessarily. The prevention of toxic
waste is one of the most important issues that must be addressed. try if we want to stop and minimize the
damage of global warming.
3. Atom Economy: Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the
incorporation of all materials used in the process into the final product.
-This also talks about preventing unnecessary expenses but already at an atomic level, and making sure that
everything is used at a moderately adequate level, being called green chemistry is based to a large extent
on controlling waste.

4. Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses: Wherever practicable, synthetic

methods should be designed to use and generate substances that possess
little or no toxicity to human health and the environment.
-This principle of green chemistry states that synthetic methods should be designed to use and produce
substances with little toxicity to human health and the environment. This principle is applied in reality as
chemists and companies adopt sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact and increase the
safety of their products and processes. They design less toxic solvents, identify alternatives to hazardous
reagents, and governments and international organizations regulate the production and use of chemicals to
promote safer and more sustainable alternatives.
5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries: The use of auxiliary substances (e.g.
solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made unnecessary wherever
possible and innocuous when used.
-This principle of green chemistry reflects what I am going to comment on a little later, it reflects the
obsession that these principles and all the measures against climate change have with reducing unnecessary
expenses or other pollutants that can be somewhere other than the nature better. This can help a lot to try
to keep an ecosystem safe, thanks to climate change, many ecosystems have come to see themselves
damaged by tons of garbage that have ended up there and without any concern on the part of those who
have created them.
6. Design for Energy Efficiency: Energy requirements of chemical processes
should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and
should be minimized.
-This principle of green chemistry stipulates that chemical processes must be energy-efficient and
environmentally friendly. This is achieved by selecting processes and technologies that reduce the amount of
energy required, recovering and reusing energy, and optimizing reaction conditions to reduce waste. In
practice, this principle is applied by introducing practices and technologies that reduce energy consumption
and greenhouse gas emissions in chemical processes, including the introduction of renewable energy sources
and increased efficiency. Energy of plants and processes.

7. Use of Renewable Feedstocks: A raw material or feedstock should be

renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and economically
-I think this is one of the most important points of all, the importance of using renewable materials, almost
the entire base of green chemistry is based, which is to use fewer resources and more efficiently. This is
the most important point from my point of view. since the problem of global pollution is not that we
produce a lot (which also has a part of that since there are already 8 billion people on the planet and we
consume a lot) but because it is angry since most of the waste could be avoid it if we were all a little
aware of the damage they do. Here I am going to leave a small graph that we can see that we are already
making a change, that it does not compensate for the previous years of contamination but that it is

Looking for a graph to be able to give an example at this point I realized something that is sad, before I had
seen a graph that did show that we had lowered the tons of CO2, but it was only in Spain. Everything in the
world continues to rise And this occurs thanks to the fact that most of the factories that are the ones that
largely produce CO2 (which is a greenhouse gas and the main cause of climate change) are in Asian
8. Reduce Derivatives: Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups,
protection/ deprotection, temporary modification of physical/chemical
processes) should be minimized or avoided if possible because such steps
require additional reagents and can generate waste.

9. Catalysis: Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to

stoichiometric reagents.
10. Design for Degradation: Chemical products should be designed so that at
the end of their function they break down into innocuous degradation
products and do not persist in the environment.

11. Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention: Analytical methodologies need

to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and
control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.

12. Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention: Substances and the
form of a substance used


This work has made me reflect on the number of measures and the concern in the world about
climate change. The truth is that people are concerned about the health of the planet and that is
something that deep down makes me feel good. Knowing that people are Being worried about a
common threat is something very nice, but we are not in a fairy tale, and here the problem is not the
simple citizen who is constantly bombarded with news that they have to recycle or the world will heat
up and it will be all your guilt for not having recycled. It seems silly to me knowing that 90% of
pollution is caused by companies or businesses. I believe that the average citizen is being used as
the main culprit for not throwing things in the correct trash and for not recycling the batteries and then
there are millions of tons of contaminated water thrown away by large farms and they wash their
hands knowing that the people will continue to believe that we are to blame. Now I am not saying no
Let's stop recycling or stop taking care of the planet as it deserves. But what I am saying is that you
have to have a lot of guts to put the citizens as guilty of all the shit that multinationals and companies
create. Because That is something else here are the Zara stores but here almost nothing is
produced. In fact, here I am going to leave you a list of the stores that Inditex has associated (which
is the company behind Zara and many well-known stores that in Spain).

Countrys Spain Portugal Turkey Pakistan India Banglade China


Providers 162 151 194 48 99 129 415

Associated 443 888 1,790 163 430 440 3,035


Workers on 19,546 49,647 383,032 381,607 435,469 845,779 652,808

the supplier
As we can see in this table, it is very recurring that massive factories are made in Asian countries
where the minimum output is much less, here I leave a small comparison in dollars
In Spain the minimum wage is 1,114.45 dollars
In China the minimum wage is 284.79
For them it is paradise because there, take advantage that the workers are super cheap, they can
produce a lot of polluting because the Chinese government has few regulations for climate change,
and this is a shame how they make us guilty for not recycling batteries when they (I mean the big
companies) are the ones that pollute the most. I could leave this here, but the situation is much more
complex, obviously the clothes that are made in China in those textile paradises go somewhere, and
The cheapest thing is to transport it by sea, from China to Barcelona by boat there is a long journey
and that is another way to raise the carbon footprint that each citizen has a lot. Thanks to that we
have made maritime transport also pollute a lot and it is a shame.

In summary, as a consumer we find ourselves in an ethical dilemma in which we should stop buying clothes in
these places where we do not know where they come from, the problem is that the industry has grown so
much that it is almost impossible to buy clothes that are beautiful and at a reasonable price. price that is not
exaggerated. I believe that this is more of the person, you decide to worry a little about the clothes you wear
and the story behind it, and therefore support solidarity initiatives to help those large companies stop
contaminate or focus on other problems such as green chemesty and the issue is to help, no matter how

Now if I go with green chemistry, I think that it should not be the number one priority right now. I consider that it
is not very useful and that it has a great risk, reducing the rate of future research, and that can not be I think
that if it gets along it would be perfect because it will be another extra help against climate change. But if it
doesn't get along knowing that it can delay future discoveries and even spoil super useful projects. Look, I
agree to put certain measures in the production of clothing, or reduce the consumption of meat and make the
animals that are there in the farms have better living conditions. But start to put norms and rules to something
as necessary as the investigation. It does not seem absurd to me It is something that is too useful to invest in
making it more sustainable. It seems to me that more should be invested in research and not in how to make it
more sustainable. It is as if we set standards to breathe and make it only You can breathe once every 5
seconds because you also produce CO2. Of course, everything is done with good intentions, but I think there
are more important problems like the one I mentioned before and not in making chemistry more sustainable.



Zara/Asia:Inditex aumenta sus fábricas en Bangladesh desde la tragedia de 2013 » Galicia

Grafica barcos:¿Cuánto contamina cada tipo de barco? - Mapas de El Orden Mundial - EOM

Industra textil:La Industria textil en Bangladesh | Oftex Exportación


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