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Logan Boehm

1. Why are committees necessary for today’s healthcare organizations? 

Committees allow for certain tasks to be broken down into less complex problems. It
also removes the burden from one persons shoulders on having to make a decision. 1

2. What are two committee benefits and two committee limitations? 

One benefit of a committee is having many brains working on one task and another is
being able to solve an issue in a shorter amount of time. One limitation is that not all
committees can come to a consensus and another is that the dissenting opinion does
not always get heard. 1

3. What should a supervisor consider in order to operate committees


Everyone needs to be allowed to voice their opinions and that the meeting needs to be
conducted in an efficient manner. 1

4. How is an informal organization structured? What are its costs and

benefits? How does it exert power over its formal organization? 

Informal organizations tend to have a “leader” that organizes the group that is not
technically recognized but everyone follows. Typically the informal leader is the
most liked among the group.1

5. What are three ways in which a supervisor can improve relationships

between himself/herself and an informal group and its leader? 

By allowing the group to be involved in decision making, by allowing the informal

leader to make minor decisions, and by not dissolving their informal leadership

1. Amirabadi Zadeh H, Maleki MR, Salehi M, Watankhah S. An Exploration of the Role of Hospital
Committees to Enhance Productivity. Glob J Health Sci. 2015;8(3):199-209. doi:10.5539/gjhs.v8n3p199

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