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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102, 114038 (2020)

Magnetic corrections to the boson self-coupling and boson-fermion coupling

in the linear sigma model with quarks
Alejandro Ayala ,1,2 José Luis Hernández ,1 L. A. Hernández ,1,2,3 Ricardo L. S. Farias ,4 and R. Zamora 5,6
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Apartado Postal 70-543, CdMx 04510, Mexico
Centre for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, and Department of Physics,
University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala 90000, Mexico
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil
Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Diego Portales, Casilla 298-V, Santiago, Chile
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aeroespaciales (CIDCA),
Fuerza Aérea de Chile, Casilla 8020744, Santiago, Chile

(Received 1 October 2020; accepted 7 December 2020; published 29 December 2020)

We compute the magnetic-field-induced modifications to the boson self-coupling and the boson-fermion
coupling, in the static limit, using an effective model of QCD, the linear sigma model with quarks. The
former is computed for arbitrary field strengths as well as using the strong field approximation. The latter is
obtained in the strong field limit. The arbitrary field result for the boson self-coupling depends on the
ultraviolet renormalization scale, and this dependence cannot be removed by a simple vacuum subtraction.
Using the strong field result as a guide, we find the appropriate choice for this scale and discuss the physical
implications. The boson-fermion coupling depends on the Schwinger phase, and we show how this phase
can be treated consistently in such a way that the magnetic-field-induced vertex modification is both gauge
invariant and can be written with an explicit factor corresponding to energy-momentum conservation for
the external particles. Both couplings show a modest decrease with the field strength.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.114038

I. INTRODUCTION presence of electromagnetic fields [16–28]. Different effec-

tive QCD models [29–56] and LQCD simulations [57–63]
The effects of magnetic fields on the properties of
as well as holographic QCD models [64–67] have been used
strongly interacting matter have gathered a great deal of
to describe the behavior of light meson masses. More
interest over the last several years. The main driving
recently, efforts have also been carried out to describe
motivation is the lattice QCD (LQCD) discovery of the
the behavior of light baryons in the presence of magnetic
inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC) phenomenon [1],
fields [68–71]. In particular, the recent LQCD results for
whereby for temperatures above that of chiral restoration,
the magnetic-field-driven modifications of neutral and
the quark-antiquark condensate decreases and the chiral
charged mesons show that the neutral pion mass monoton-
restoration temperature itself also decreases, as a function
ically decreases, whereas the mass of the charged pions
of the field intensity. The origin of IMC has been
monotonically increases, both as functions of the field
intensively studied; see, for example, Refs. [2–15].
intensity [57,72]. The former cannot be fully reproduced
In addition, much effort has also been devoted to studying
by calculations within effective models that do not consider
the basic properties of magnetized hadronic degrees of
accounting for magnetic field modifications of the
freedom. The subject is important—e.g., for systems such
couplings [73,74].
as cold neutron stars and heavy-ion collisions. As is well
When the linear sigma model with quarks (LSMq) is
known, the nuclear equation of state is affected by baryon
used as an effective QCD model, it has been shown that the
and meson masses and couplings, which motivates studies
IMC can be reasonably well described when temperature,
aimed to understand how these parameters change in the
as well as magnetic field corrections, are incorporated into
self-energies and couplings [6,8]. The decreasing of the
neutral pion mass with the magnetic field strength can also
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of be understood when, in the weak field limit, the meson self-
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to coupling is dressed to include magnetic field effects [75]. In
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, order to find out whether or not the behavior of the pion
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. masses can be described over a wider range of magnetic

2470-0010=2020=102(11)=114038(16) 114038-1 Published by the American Physical Society

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)

field intensities in the LSMq, it is important to compute 1 1

π − ¼ pffiffiffi ðπ 1 þ iπ 2 Þ; π þ ¼ pffiffiffi ðπ 1 − iπ 2 Þ: ð3Þ
the magnetic-field-induced corrections to the interaction 2 2
In this work, we address this question and compute the λ is the boson’s self-coupling, and g is the fermion-boson
one-loop magnetic field corrections to the boson self- coupling. a2 > 0 is the mass parameter. Equation (1) can be
coupling and the boson-fermion coupling in the LSMq. written in terms of the charged and neutral-pion degrees of
In doing so, we address some important details involving freedom as
the effects introduced by the renormalization scale, as well
as those introduced by the Schwinger phase in calculations 1 a2
involving three particles propagating within loops in the L ¼ ½ð∂ μ σÞ2 þ ð∂ μ π 0 Þ2  þ ∂ μ π − ∂ μ π þ þ ðσ 2 þ π 20 Þ
2 2
presence of magnetic fields. The work is organized as λ
follows: In Sec. II, we introduce the LSMq, writing the þ a2 π − π þ − ðσ 4 þ 4σ 2 π − π þ þ 2σ 2 π 0 þ 4π 2− π 2þ
Lagrangian in terms of the charged pion degrees of freedom
and including an explicit symmetry-breaking term. In þ 4π − π þ π 20 þ π 40 Þ þ iψ̄=
∂ ψ − gψ̄ψσ − igγ 5 ψ̄ðτþ π þ
Sec. III, we recall the way the magnetic field effects are þ τ− π − þ τ3 π 0 Þψ; ð4Þ
introduced for the propagators of charged bosons and
fermions. In Sec. IV, we compute the modification to where we introduce the combination of Pauli matrices
the boson self-coupling in the presence of a magnetic field.
We show that the modification depends on the renormal- 1 1
τþ ¼ pffiffiffi ðτ1 þ iτ2 Þ; τ− ¼ pffiffiffi ðτ1 − iτ2 Þ: ð5Þ
ization scale, and that for this to match the result obtained in 2 2
the strong field limit, one needs to resort to a suitable choice
for this scale. In Sec. V, we compute the magnetic-field- After chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken, the field
induced modification to the boson-fermion coupling and σ acquires a nonvanishing vacuum expectation value
discuss in detail the effect of the Schwinger phase. We σ → σ þ v, which breaks the SUð2ÞL × SUð2ÞR symmetry
show that this leads to a plausible result respecting energy- down to SUð2ÞLþR , resulting in the Lagrangian
momentum conservation for the external particles when
these are described as plane waves, and thus when we 1 1
L ¼ ∂ μ σ∂ μ σ þ ∂ μ π 0 ∂ μ π 0 þ ∂ μ π − ∂ μ π þ
neglect propagation over large space-time intervals. Finally, 2 2
we summarize and provide an outlook of our results in 1 2 2 1 2 2
− mσ σ − mπ π 0 − m2π π − π þ þ iψ̄= ∂ψ
Sec. VI, leaving for the appendixes the details of the 2 2
calculation of the boson self-coupling and the boson- − mf ψ̄ψ þ Lint − V tree ; ð6Þ
fermion coupling.
where the interaction Lagrangian is defined as
The LSMq is an effective theory that captures the Lint ¼ − σ 4 − λvσ 3 − λv3 σ − λσ 2 π − π þ − 2λvσπ − π þ
approximate chiral symmetry of QCD. It describes the
λ λ
interactions among small-mass mesons and quarks. We − σ 2 π 20 − λvσπ 20 − λπ 2− π 2þ − λπ − π þ π 20 − π 40
work with a Lagrangian invariant under SUð2ÞL × SUð2ÞR 2 4
chiral transformations þ a2 vσ − gψ̄ψσ − igγ 5 ψ̄ðτþ π þ þ τ− π − þ τ3 π 0 Þψ;
1 1 a2 λ
L ¼ ð∂ μ σÞ2 þ ð∂ μ π⃗ Þ2 þ ðσ 2 þ π⃗ 2 Þ − ðσ 2 þ π⃗ 2 Þ2
2 2 2 4 and the tree-level potential can be expressed as
þ iψ̄γ μ ∂ μ ψ − igγ 5 ψ̄ τ⃗ ·⃗π ψ − gψ̄ψσ; ð1Þ
a2 2 λ 4
V tree ¼ − v þ v: ð8Þ
where τ⃗ ¼ ðτ1 ; τ2 ; τ3 Þ are the Pauli matrices, 2 4
  As can be seen from Eqs. (6), (7), and (8), there are new
ψ L;R ¼ ; ð2Þ terms which depend on v. In particular, the fields develop
d L;R dynamic masses given by

is a SUð2ÞL;R doublet, σ is a real scalar field, and m2σ ¼ 3λv2 − a2 ; m2π ¼ λv2 − a2 ; mf ¼ gv: ð9Þ
π⃗ ¼ ðπ 1 ; π 2 ; π 3 Þ is a triplet of real scalar fields. π 3 corre-
sponds to the neutral pion, whereas the charged ones are The tree-level potential develops a minimum, called the
represented by the combinations vacuum expectation value of the σ field, namely

v0 ¼ : ð10Þ
Notice that when v ¼ v0 , the linear term in σ vanishes and
the pions become massless. However, the σ and quark fields
remain massive.
In order to include a finite vacuum pion mass, one adds
an explicit symmetry-breaking term in the Lagrangian of
Eq. (6) such that FIG. 2. Quark-meson interactions in the LSMq. Dashed lines
represent the neutral and charged pions, whereas the double
m2π lines represent the σ. Solid lines represent the quarks. Thin solid
L → L0 ¼ L þ vðσ þ vÞ: ð11Þ lines represent the d quark, and thick solid lines represent the u
2 quark.
This term modifies the tree-level potential. In particular, the
minimum is shifted such that equivalent lines and a factor of i coming from the action,
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi these are displayed in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows the
a2 þ m2π vertices arising in the meson sector, and Fig. 2 shows the
v0 → v00 ¼ : ð12Þ
λ quark-meson vertices. Dashed lines represent the neutral
and charged pions, and double lines represent the σ,
Correspondingly, the expressions for the masses, evaluated whereas thin solid lines represent the d quark and thick
at the minimum obtained after the explicit breaking of the solid lines represent the u quark.
symmetry, are given by
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi III. MAGNETIC-FIELD-DEPENDENT BOSON
a2 þ m2π
In order to consider the propagation of the charged
m2σ ðv00 Þ ¼ 2a2 þ 3m2π ;
modes within a magnetized background, we make the
m2π ðv00 Þ ¼ m2π : ð13Þ minimal substitution

Furthermore, from Eq. (9), we can get an expression for the ∂ μ → Dμ ¼ ∂ μ þ iqAμ ; ð15Þ
parameter a, which is given by
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where q is the particle’s electric charge and Aμ is the vector
m2σ − 3m2π potential. Choosing the magnetic field to point in the
a¼ : ð14Þ ⃗ ¼ Bẑ, and working in
2 direction of the ẑ axis, namely B
an arbitrary gauge, we have
Setting mπ ¼ 140 MeV and mσ ¼ 400–600 MeV, we
get a ¼ 225–390 MeV. 1
Aμ ðxÞ ¼ xν Fνμ þ ∂ μ ΛðxÞ; ð16Þ
We conclude this section by listing the Feynman rules 2
deduced from the Lagrangian density in Eq. (7). After
accounting for the number of permutations for a set of where Λ is a well-behaved function which describes a
gauge transformation from the symmetric gauge to an
arbitrary gauge.
Notice that the ordinary derivative becomes the covariant
derivative only for particles with a nonvanishing electric
charge. As a consequence, the propagation of charged bosons
and fermions is described by propagators in the presence of a
constant magnetic field. Using Schwinger’s proper time
representation, the fermion propagator can be written as
Sðx; x0 Þ ¼ eiΦðx;x Þ Sðx − x0 Þ; ð17Þ

where Φðx; x0 Þ is the Schwinger phase given by

FIG. 1. Meson interactions in the LSMq. Dashed lines are used Z x0  
0 μ 1 μν 0
to represent the neutral and charged pions, whereas double lines Φðx; x Þ ¼ q dξμ A ðξÞ þ F ðξ − x Þν ð18Þ
represent the σ. x 2

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)
and represents the translationally and gauge noninvariant part 2p2⊥
Dn ðpÞ ¼ 2ðp
=k þ mf ÞOþ L0n
of the propagator in the presence of a magnetic background. jqf Bj
Using Eq. (16) with Eq. (18), the Schwinger phase can be  2 
computed using the expression − 0 2p⊥
=k þ mf ÞO Ln−1
− 2ðp
jqf Bj
1 2p⊥
Φðx; x0 Þ ¼ q xμ Fμν x0ν þ Λðx0 Þ − ΛðxÞ : ð19Þ þ 4p=⊥ L1n−1 ; ð26Þ
2 jqf Bj

The translationally and gauge-invariant part of the propagator

is provided by Sðx − x0 Þ, which can be expressed in terms of and Lmn ðxÞ are the generalized Laguerre polynomials. In
its Fourier transform as Eq. (26), the operators O are defined as
d4 p 0
Sðx − x0 Þ ¼ SðpÞe−ip·ðx−x Þ ; ð20Þ 1
ð2πÞ4 O ¼ ð1  iγ 1 γ 2 signðqBÞÞ: ð27Þ

Z   We now proceed to use the interaction vertices and the

tanðjq BjsÞ
∞ ds is p2k −p2⊥ jq fBjs −m2f þiϵ magnetic-field-dependent propagators to find the one-loop
SðpÞ ¼ e f
corrections to the boson self-coupling and boson-fermion
0 cosðjqf BjsÞ
 coupling in the presence of a magnetic field.
× ðcosðjqf BjsÞ þ γ 1 γ 2 sinðjqf BjsÞsignðqf BÞÞ
× ðmf þ p
cosðjqf BjsÞ
The magnetic-field-induced corrections to the boson
In a similar fashion, for a charged scalar field we have self-coupling λ can be obtained at one-loop order from
the Feynman diagram depicted in Fig. 3, where the loop
0 pions are the charged ones. In our approximation, the
Dðx; x0 Þ ¼ eiΦðx;x Þ Dðx − x0 Þ;
Z external particles are taken as plane waves—that is, the
0 d4 p 0 states they represent do not experience the effects of
Dðx − x Þ ¼ 4
DðpÞe−ip·ðx−x Þ ; ð22Þ
ð2πÞ the magnetic field. The only particles affected by the
magnetic background are the charged loop particles.
with With this approach, we intend to capture the distinction
between the modification of the interaction, that in a
Z ∞ ds isðp2 −p2
tanðjqb BjsÞ
−m2 þiϵÞ perturbative approach is a short-distance effect, from the
DðpÞ ¼ e k ⊥ jqb Bjs b ; ð23Þ asymptotic propagation of the external particles, which
0 cosðjqb BjsÞ
corresponds to a long-distance effect. Therefore, since the
where the boson and fermion masses and electric charges are correction we look for is, in this sense, independent of
mb , qb and mf , qf , respectively. whether the external bosons are charged or neutral, the
The propagators in Eqs. (21) and (23) can also be electric charge of the external particles is irrelevant. Thus,
expanded as a sum over Landau levels. In this last the correction we look for is written as
representation, the expressions for the charged scalar and
fermion propagators are given by

−jq ⊥Bj
∞ ð−1Þn L0n ðjqb Bj

iDðpÞ ¼ 2ie b ;
p2k − m2b − ð2n þ 1Þjqb Bj þ iϵ

−jq ⊥Bj X

ð−1Þn Dn ðpÞ
iSðpÞ ¼ ie f ; ð25Þ FIG. 3. Feynman diagram representing the magnetic correction
p2 − m2f − 2njqf Bj þ iϵ
n¼0 k to the boson self-coupling at one loop. The loop particles are
considered as electrically charged, whereas the external ones can
respectively, where be either charged or neutral.

d4 k field strength result of Eq. (30), it is necessary that μ depends
−i6λΓBλ ¼ ð−2iλÞiDπ− ðkÞð−2iλÞ on jqb Bj. In fact, the match is obtained when μ2 is explicitly
chosen as μ2 ¼ m2π þ 2jqb Bj, for which the arbitrary field
× iDπ− ðk þ p þ rÞ þ CC; ð28Þ
strength result becomes
where CC denotes the charge conjugate term, and the   2   2

subindex in the boson propagator indicates the propagating λ mπ þ 2jqb Bj 0 jqb Bj þ mπ
ΓBλ ¼ − ln − ψ :
species. Notice that since the loop involves the same 12π 2 2jqb Bj 2jqb Bj
propagating particle, the Schwinger phase vanishes. ð34Þ
According to the explicit computation shown in

Appendix A and in the static limit p0 , r0 → 0, ⃗p ¼ r⃗ ¼ 0, With this choice, the result reproduces the behavior of the
we obtain coupling in both extreme limiting values of jqb Bj, and it is
 also compatible with the behavior of the coupling found in
λ 1 0 jqb Bj þ mπ
ΓBλ ¼ − − γ þ ln ð4πÞ − ψ Ref. [75] for the weak field case. This behavior is shown in
12π 2 ε
2jqb Bj Fig. 4, where we plot the effective magnetic-field-dependent
μ boson self-coupling λeff ¼ λð1 þ ΓBλ Þ as a function of the
þ ln ; ð29Þ
2jqb Bj field strength. In contrast, when μ is taken at a fixed value, the
arbitrary field result does not match the LLL case. We
where ψ 0 is the digamma function and jqb Bj ¼ jeBj. In the interpret this result as signaling that when the field strength
modified minimal subtraction scheme MS, the first three is the largest energy scale, μ needs to be taken also as this large
terms in Eq. (29) are associated with the corresponding vertex scale, since otherwise the computation is not consistent when
counterterm. Therefore, the finite magnetic correction to the the strength of the magnetic field surpasses a given fixed
boson self-coupling is given by scale. At the same time, when the field strength vanishes, the
  2    only remaining energy scale is the pion mass, and μ needs to
λ μ 0 jqb Bj þ mπ
be taken solely as this energy scale. Furthermore, notice that
ΓBλ ¼− ln −ψ : ð30Þ 2jqb Bj corresponds to the square of the energy gap between
12π 2 2jqb Bj 2jqb Bj
Landau levels, and thus that in order for μ to correspond to the
Notice that the result in Eq. (30) depends on the ultraviolet
renormalization scale μ. In order to gain some insight on the
appropriate choice of this scale, we can compare this result
with the one obtained in the strong field limit, where, as a
good approximation, one can consider just the lowest Landau
level (LLL) contribution, n ¼ 0, for the charged boson
propagators of Eq. (24), namely
− ⊥
2ie jqb Bj
iDLLL ðpÞ ¼ 2 : ð31Þ
pk − m2b − jqb Bj þ iϵ

Therefore, using Eq. (31) with Eq. (28), and working also in
the static limit, the magnetic correction to the boson self-
coupling in the LLL is given by
FIG. 4. Comparison of the magnetic field dependence of
λ jqb Bj the effective boson self-coupling λeff ¼ λð1 þ ΓBλ Þ in the
λ ¼− 2 ; ð32Þ arbitrary field approach and the strong field limit, both computed
6π jqb Bj þ m2π
in the static limit. For the calculation, we use λ ¼ 0.5 and
mπ ¼ 0.140 GeV. Shown are the cases where for the arbitrary
which is independent of μ. On the other hand, in the absence
field intensity calculation, the ultraviolet renormalization scale μ2
of a magnetic field, it is easy to show that the one-loop
is taken as m2π þ 2jqb Bj (red dashed line), μ2 ¼ 2jqb Bj (green
correction to the boson self-coupling is given by
dotted line), and a fixed value μ2 ¼ m2π (purple dashed line).
 2 Notice that, although the choice μ2 ¼ 2jqb Bj does give a good
λ μ
Γλ ¼ − 2
ln 2 : ð33Þ description of the LLL result for large field strengths, when
12π mπ jqb Bj ¼ 0 the effective coupling diverges, which signals that this
choice is not appropriate. For the rest of the cases, the self-
Notice that in order to obtain the limits when jqb Bj → 0 in coupling relative change from the vacuum value is rather small, of
Eq. (33), and when jqb Bj → ∞ in Eq. (32), from the arbitrary order 0.8%.

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)
largest energy scale, it is important that for large values of the d4 s d4 t d4 k iΦ1;l −ip·y
field strength, μ2 is taken as the square of this energy gap. In I B1;g ¼ d4 xd4 yd4 x e e
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4
contrast, as also shown in Fig. 4, the usual prescription pffiffiffi
[34,76], whereby one just subtracts the vacuum correction, × ð 2gγ 5 Þe−is·ðx−yÞ iSd ðsÞð−gγ 5 Þeiq·x e−it·ðz−xÞ
represented by the purple dashed line computed with × iSd ðtÞð 2gγ 5 Þe−ik·ðy−zÞ iDπ− ðkÞeir·z þ CC: ð36Þ
μ2 ¼ m2π , behaves opposite to what is expected from the
result obtained using the LLL propagator. Since the latter The information from the Schwinger phases is contained in
provides a reliable approximation for large field strengths, we the function Φ1;l ðx; y; zÞ. This function depends on the
conclude that a simple vacuum subtraction prescription leads space-time points located at the vertices. For the calculation
to a nonreliable limit for large values of the field strength. to have a solid physical meaning, this phase should be a
gauge-invariant quantity. We proceed to show this fact
TO THE BOSON-FERMION COUPLING Notice that the total Schwinger phase Φ1;t associated
with the Feynman diagram in Fig. 5(a) contains not only the
The magnetic corrections to the coupling constant g at information of the space-time points at the interaction
one-loop level can be obtained from the sum of the three vertices x, y, z, but also the information coming from the
Feynman diagrams depicted in Fig. 5. Since the correction external space-time points a, b, c. Therefore Φ1;t is given
can be obtained from the sum of the allowed Feynman explicitly by
diagrams coupling one boson and two quarks, here we
consider the magnetic correction to the boson-fermion Φ1;t ¼ Φd ðx; yÞ þ Φπ− ðy; zÞ þ Φd ðz; xÞ þ Φu ðy; bÞ
coupling for the choice of external particles shown in
Fig. 5. Also, as discussed in the previous section, since the þ Φu ðc; zÞ: ð37Þ
use of propagators in the LLL approximation provides a
reliable description in the case of the strong field limit, we Using Eq. (19) with Eq. (37), we have
hereby restrict ourselves to this case using the LLL
1 1
approximation, Eq. (31), for the boson propagator and Φ1;t ¼ − qd Fμν ðyμ xν þ xμ zν Þ − qπ− Fμν zμ yν
the fermion propagator also in the LLL, given by 2 2
− qu Fμν ðbμ yν þ zμ cν Þ þ qu ½ΛðbÞ − ΛðcÞ: ð38Þ
⊥ k=k þ mf 2
iSLLL ðkÞ ¼ 2ie jqf Bj
O : ð35Þ
kk − m2f þ iϵ
2 Notice that terms depending on Λ evaluated at the internal
space-time points add up to zero. Therefore, the integration
over the configuration space becomes independent of the
We start by computing the contribution from the diagram gauge choice. However, this would not be the case were we
in Fig. 5(a). We first compute the quantity I B1;g, which is just to consider the phase factors associated with the
particles within the loop, since the result of the integration
given explicitly by
would then become gauge dependent. This observation is
essential, since otherwise one faces a nonconservation of
electric charge at each vertex when just considering the
phases within the loop. On the other hand, Eq. (38) contains
a mixing between the phases associated with loop particles,
Φ1;l , and the phases from external particles, Φext , where the
last term is associated with the external charged lines in the
diagram and can be written as

Φext ¼ − qu Fμν ðbμ xν þ xμ cν Þ þ qu ½ΛðbÞ − ΛðcÞ: ð39Þ
In order to separate these contributions, we write

Φ1;t ¼ Φ1;l þ Φext : ð40Þ

We resort to considering that the external particles can be

FIG. 5. Feynman diagrams that contribute to the boson-fermion described as plane waves. Physically, this means that
coupling at one-loop order. The diagrams show the case with a we consider the propagation of the external particles
neutral pion and two u quarks as the external particles. during short distances and times. In this manner, we neglect


long-distance effects introduced when the magnetic field Next, we compute the contribution from the Feynman
acts over the external particles. Therefore, we can take yμ ≈ diagram depicted in Fig. 5(b). This contribution can be
bμ and zμ ≈ cμ such that obtained from the function I B2;g , which is given by

1 Z Z
Φ1;t ¼ − qu Fμν ðbμ xν þ xμ cν Þ þ qu ½ΛðbÞ − ΛðcÞ; 4 4 4 d4 s d4 t d4 k iΦ2;l −ip·y
2 I B2;g ¼ d xd yd z e e
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4
− qπ− Fμν ðyμ xν þ zμ yν þ xμ zν Þ: ð41Þ × ðgγ 5 Þe−is·ðx−yÞ iSu ðsÞðgγ 5 Þeiq·x e−it·ðz−xÞ
× iSu ðtÞðgγ 5 Þe−ik·ðy−zÞ iDπ0 ðkÞeir·z þ CC: ð47Þ
Using this approximation, we can separate the phase factors
coming from external and internal loop particles. Thus, for In a similar fashion, we first compute the Schwinger phase
the computation of the magnetic field correction for the associated with the whole diagram in Fig. 5(b)—namely,
coupling g, we need only to account for the last term in
Eq. (41), whereas the first and second terms in Eq. (41) are Φ2;t ¼ Φu ðx; yÞ þ Φu ðz; xÞ þ Φu ðy; bÞ þ Φu ðc; zÞ: ð48Þ
associated with the external phase given by Eq. (39).
Therefore, we have Using Eq. (19) with Eq. (48), we get

1 1
Φ1;l ¼ − qπ− Fμν ðyμ xν þ zμ yν þ xμ zν Þ: ð42Þ Φ2;t ¼ − Fμν qu ðyμ xν þ bμ yν þ xμ zν þ zμ cν Þ
2 2
þ qu ½ΛðbÞ − ΛðcÞ: ð49Þ
It is important to note that the contribution from the
Schwinger phase is gauge invariant. Using the fact that Once again, terms that depend on Λ, evaluated at internal
F21 ¼ −F12 ¼ jBj and qπ− ¼ −jej, we get
points, vanish. On the other hand, the Schwinger phase
associated with the tree-level diagram is given by Eq. (39).
Φ1;l ¼ jeBjεij ðxi yj þ yi zj þ zi xj Þ; i; j ¼ 1; 2; ð43Þ Adding and subtracting the first term from this equation
2 and Eq. (49), we have
where εij is the Levi-Civita symbol. Having identified the 1
Schwinger phase contribution, we can perform the inte- Φ2;t ¼ − Fμν qu ðyμ xν þ bμ yν þ xμ zν þ zμ cν Þ
gration over coordinates. Upon doing so, we obtain the
energy-momentum conservation for the external particles, þ qu ½ΛðbÞ − ΛðcÞ − qu Fμν ðbμ xν þ xμ cν Þ
and can write 2
þ qu Fμν ðbμ xν þ xμ cν Þ: ð50Þ
I B1;g ¼ ð2πÞ4 δð4Þ ðp − r − qÞgγ 5 ΓB1;g ; ð44Þ 2
Assuming that yμ ≈ bμ and zμ ≈ cμ (short space-time
where gγ 5 Γ1;g is identified as the contribution to the interval propagation after the interaction), we can write
magnetic field correction to the vertex, given explicitly by
Z Φ2;t ¼ − qu Fμν ðbμ xν þ xμ cν Þ þ qu ½ΛðbÞ − ΛðcÞ: ð51Þ
d2 s⊥ d2 t⊥ d4 k pffiffiffi 5 2
gγ 5 ΓB1;g ¼ ð 2gγ ÞiSd ðkk þ pk ; s⊥ Þ
π 2 jeBj2 ð2πÞ4
pffiffiffi This result coincides with Eq. (39). Therefore, we can
× ð−gγ 5 ÞiSd ðkk þ rk ; t⊥ Þð 2gγ 5 ÞiDπ− ðkk ; k⊥ Þ conclude that the Schwinger phase associated with the loop
2 particles vanishes:
× eijeBjεij ðs−q−tÞi ðs−p−kÞj þ CC: ð45Þ
Φ2;l ¼ 0: ð52Þ
Following the procedure explicitly shown in Appendix B
⃗ we get
and the static limit p0 ¼ r0 ¼ mf and ⃗p ¼ r⃗ ¼ 0,
Upon integration over configuration space, we can identify
Z the contribution to the magnetic correction from this
g2 jeBj 1 u diagram, gγ 5 Γ2;g , as
1;g ¼
ΓLLL du 2
16π 2 m2f 0 u þ αð1 − uÞ
ð2 − uÞu I B2;g ¼ ð2πÞ4 δð4Þ ðp − r − qÞgγ 5 Γ2;g : ð53Þ
× 1þ 2 ; ð46Þ
u þ αð1 − uÞ
Again, notice that by using this approximation, we recover
where α ¼ ðm2π þ jeBjÞ=m2f . the energy-momentum conservation for the external

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)

particles, whereas the magnetic correction is associated

with the loop and can be expressed as

d4 k
gγ 5 ΓB2;g ¼ ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ pÞðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ rÞ
× ðgγ 5 ÞiDπ0 ðkÞ þ CC: ð54Þ

The computation of this quantity is explicitly performed in

Appendix B in the strong field limit and can be expressed as

g2 1 ∞ 3k2

2;g ¼ − du dk⊥ k⊥ e− jeBj
2π 2 m2f 0 0
  FIG. 6. Magnetic field dependence of the effective boson-
u ð2 − uÞu fermion coupling geff ¼ gð1 þ ΓBg Þ in the static limit and the
× 2 1þ 2 ; ð55Þ
u þ βð1 − uÞ u þ βð1 − uÞ strong field approximation. For the calculation we used g ¼ 0.5,
mπ ¼ 0.140 GeV, mf ¼ 0.3 GeV, and the two values mσ ¼ 0.4,
0.6 GeV. In both cases, geff monotonically decreases in an interval
where β ¼ ðk2⊥ þ m2π Þ=m2f . jeBj ¼ 1–5 GeV2 . Notice that the relative change with regard to
The diagram in Fig. 5(c) can be computed from the the vacuum is of order 0.5% and 1%, respectively.
quantity I B3;g, given explicitly by
Z Z g2 1 ∞ 3k2

d4 s d4 t d4 k iΦ3;l −ip·y ΓLLL
3;g ¼ 2 2 du dk⊥ k⊥ e− jeBj
I B3;g ¼ d4 xd4 yd4 z e e 2π mf 0 0
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4  
u ð2 − uÞu
× ð−igÞe−is·ðx−yÞ iS ðsÞðgγ 5 Þeiq·x e−it·ðz−xÞ × 2 1þ 2 ; ð60Þ
u þ γð1 − uÞ u þ γð1 − uÞ
× iSu ðtÞð−igÞe−ik·ðy−zÞ iDσ ðkÞeir·z þ CC: ð56Þ
where γ ¼ ðk2⊥ þ m2σ Þ=m2f .
In a similar fashion, one can compute the Schwinger phase The total magnetic correction to the boson-fermion
from this loop, Φ3;l ðx; y; zÞ. It is easy to see that this phase coupling in the strong field limit is given by the sum of
satisfies Φ3;t ¼ Φ2;t , and therefore, the internal Schwinger the three contributions—namely,
phase vanishes when considering short-range propagation
of the external particles—namely, ΓLLL
g ¼ ΓLLL
1;g þ Γ2;g þ Γ3;g :

The effective boson-fermion coupling, geff , is thus given by

Φ3;l ¼ 0: ð57Þ
geff ¼ gð1 þ ΓLLL
g Þ: ð62Þ
After performing the integration over the configuration
space, we obtain the relation between I B3;g and the con- Figure 6 shows the behavior of the boson-fermion coupling
tribution to the magnetic correction to the boson-fermion as a function of the field strength. For the calculation we set
coupling, gγ 5 Γ3;g , given by mπ ¼ 0.140 GeV, mf ¼ 0.3 GeV and mσ ¼ 0.4, 0.6 GeV.
Notice that the coupling decreases monotonically over a
large range of the field strength. However, the relative
I B3;g ¼ ð2πÞ4 δð4Þ ðp − r − qÞgγ 5 Γ3;g ; ð58Þ change is rather small.


Z In this work, we have computed the magnetic-field-

4 induced corrections to the boson self-coupling and to the
gγ 5 ΓB3;g ¼ ð−igÞiSu ðk þ pÞðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ rÞ
ð2πÞ4 boson-fermion coupling in the LSMq, in the static limit.
For the former, we have performed the computation for an
× ð−igÞiDσ ðkÞ þ CC: ð59Þ arbitrary field strength, as well as in the strong field
approximation. For the latter, we worked in the strong
Once again, using the LLL propagators and following the field limit. We have shown that the full magnetic field
explicit procedure shown in Appendix B, we get corrections for the boson self-coupling depend on the


ultraviolet renormalization scale, and that this dependence F.); and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio
cannot be removed by the usual vacuum subtraction. The Grande do Sul (FAPERGS), Grants No. 19/2551-0000690-
reason for this behavior is that for a fixed ultraviolet 0 and No. 19/2551-0001948-3 (R. L. S. F.).
renormalization scale, the calculation is not valid any
longer when the field strength surpasses that fixed value,
thus becoming the largest energy scale. Taking as a guide APPENDIX A: MAGNETIC CORRECTIONS
the result in the strong field limit, we have found the TO THE BOSON SELF-COUPLING
appropriate choice for the renormalization scale that
To compute the magnetic correction to the boson self-
produces the expected behavior for the two extreme
coupling, we start from the Landau level representation of
limits—namely, when the field vanishes, or when this
the charged boson propagator in Eq. (24) and use it in the
becomes very large.
expression for the magnetic correction to λ given by
For the calculation of the effective boson-fermion
coupling, we have shown that when considering that the Z
external charged particles propagate only during short d4 k
−i6λΓBλ ¼ ð−2iλÞiDBπ− ðkÞð−2iλÞ
space-time intervals, the effects coming from the ð2πÞ4
Schwinger phase become gauge invariant, and that the × iDBπ− ðk þ p þ rÞ þ CC: ðA1Þ
usual energy-momentum conservation can be factored out
from the vertex function.
Performing a Wick rotation in k and s ¼ r þ p, such that
Recall that vertex corrections are functions of arbitrary
k0 → ik4 and s0 → is4 , then
values of the external particle’s momenta. In this work, we
have considered the static limit approximation whereby the
vertices are computed for vanishing external momenta. We k2k → −k2Ek ; ðk þ sÞ2k → −ðk þ sÞ2Ek ; d4 k → id4 kE : ðA2Þ
emphasize that this approximation goes in hand with the
short-distance approximation whereby the motion of these We now introduce two Schwinger parameters, x1 , x2 ,
particles is considered to happen during very short times, so d2 x ¼ dx1 dx2 , such that the magnetic correction can be
as to also neglect the magnetic field effects that would written as
otherwise build up during large times, deviating the motion
of external charged particles from free propagation. Within Z Z X

16 d4 kE
these approximations, the effective boson self-coupling ΓBλ ¼ − λ d2 x 0 0
2 Ln ðs1 ÞLm ðs2 Þ
rn1 rm
and boson-fermion coupling show a modest monotonic 3 ð2πÞ4 n;m¼0
decrease over a large interval of magnetic field strengths. k2 ðkþsÞ2
−jq ⊥Bj− jq Bj⊥ −x1 ½αðkEk Þþjqb Bj−x2 ½βðkEk Þþjqb Bj
The results of this work can now be used to find the ×e b b ; ðA3Þ
corrections to the mass of neutral and charged pions
introduced by magnetic field effects. Other possible sce- where
narios of physical interest where the findings of this work
can have a potential impact include the properties of the s1 ¼ 2k2⊥ =jqb Bj; s2 ¼ 2ðk þ sÞ2⊥ =jqb Bj;
nuclear equation of state within dense and compact
astrophysical objects, such as the cores of neutron stars, αðkEk Þ ¼ k2Ek þ m2π − iϵ;
which are affected by magnetic-field-dependent baryon and βðkEk Þ ¼ ðk þ sÞ2Ek þ m2π − iϵ; ðA4Þ
meson masses and couplings, and the shear and bulk
viscosity in quark-meson matter. The first of these topics
is currently being actively pursued and will be soon and ri ¼ −e−2jqb Bjxi , i ¼ 1, 2. Using the generating func-
reported elsewhere. tion of Laguerre polynomials


1 r
− i s
rni L0n ðsi Þ ¼ e 1−ri i ; ðA5Þ
The authors are indebted to Jorge Castaño for useful n¼0
1 − ri
discussions. This work was supported in part by UNAM-
DGAPA-PAPIIT Grant No. IG100219 and by Consejo we obtain
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Grants No. A1-S-7655
and No. A1-S-16215. L. A. H. acknowledges support from 16 e−ðx1 þx2 Þjqb Bj
a PAPIIT-DGAPA-UNAM fellowship. R. Zamora ΓBλ ¼− λ d2 x Iðx ; x ÞJðx1 ; x2 Þ;
3 ð1 − r1 Þð1 − r2 Þ 1 2
acknowledges support from FONDECYT (Chile) under
Grant No. 1200483. This work is partially supported by ðA6Þ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico (CNPq), Grant No. 304758/2017-5 (R. L. S. where we define

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)

Z 2
d2 k⊥ −jqk⊥Bjð1−2ηðx1 ÞÞ−ðkþsÞ ⊥ ð1−2ηðx ÞÞ
First, to find Iðx1 ; x2 Þ, we consider the change of variables
Iðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ 2
e b jqb Bj 2
Z d−2
d kEk −x αðk Þ−x βðk Þ 1 − 2ηðx2 Þ
Jðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ μ4−d e 1 Ek 2 Ek ; q ⊥ ¼ k⊥ þ s ; ðA9Þ
ð2πÞd−2 2ð1 − ηðx1 Þ − ηðx2 ÞÞ ⊥
ηðxi Þ ¼ 2jq Bjx ; ðA7Þ
e b i þ 1
and the identity
with i ¼ 1, 2 and ϵ → 0. To carry out the integrals, we use
dimensional regularization, namely
1 − 2ηðxi Þ ¼ tanhðjqb Bjxi Þ: ðA10Þ
Z 4 Z d−2 Z 2
d kE d kEk d k⊥
→ μ4−d : ðA8Þ
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞd−2 ð2πÞ2 Completing the square, we have

jqb Bj=4π tanhðjqb Bjx1 Þ tanhðjqb Bjx2 Þ 2
Iðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ exp − s : ðA11Þ
tanhðjqb Bjx1 Þ þ tanhðjqb Bjx2 Þ jqb Bjðtanhðjqb Bjx1 Þ þ tanhðjqb Bjx2 ÞÞ ⊥

Next, Jðx1 ; x2 Þ can be found using the change of variables

qEk ¼ kEk þ s : ðA12Þ
x1 þ x2 Ek

Carrying out the integral and using d ¼ 4 − 2ε, we obtain

2ε 1 x x
− 1 2 s2 −ðx þx Þm2
Jðx1 ; x2 Þ ¼ μ e x1 þx2 Ek 1 2 π : ðA13Þ
4πðx1 þ x2 Þ

Using the identities

e−xi jqb Bj 1
¼ ; ðA14Þ
1 − ri 2 cosh ðjqb Bjxi Þ

1 1 1
¼ ðA15Þ
sinh ðjqb Bjðx1 þ x2 ÞÞ tanhðjqb Bjx1 Þ þ tanhðjqb Bjx2 Þ cosh ðjqb Bjx1 Þ cosh ðjqb Bjx2 Þ

together with Eqs. (A11) and (A13), we get

λ 2 ð4πμ2 Þε jqb Bj tanhðjqb Bjx1 Þ tanhðjqb Bjx2 Þ 2
ΓBλ ¼ − d x exp − s
12π 2 ðx1 þ x2 Þ1−ε sinh ðjqb Bjðx1 þ x2 ÞÞ jqb Bjðtanhðjqb Bjx1 Þ þ tanhðjqb Bjx2 ÞÞ ⊥
× exp − 1 2 s2Ek − ðx1 þ x2 Þm2π : ðA16Þ
x1 þ x2

We perform the change of variables

x1 ¼ sð1 − yÞ; x2 ¼ sy; dx1 dx2 ¼ sdsdy: ðA17Þ

These variables have the domains 0 < y < 1 and s > 0. Substituting these new variables, we obtain

Z Z  
λ ∞ 1
2 εjqb Bj tanhðjqb Bjsð1 − yÞÞ tanhðjqb BjsyÞ 2
ΓBλ ¼− ds dyð4πμ sÞ exp − s
12π 2 0 0 sinh ðjqb BjsÞ jqb Bjðtanhðjqb Bjsð1 − yÞÞ þ tanhðjqb BjsyÞÞ ⊥
× exp ½−syð1 − yÞs2Ek − sm2π : ðA18Þ


Equation (A18) is the general expression for the magnetic 1

Φ1;l ¼ jeBjεij ðxi yj þ yi zj þ zi xj Þ; i; j ¼ 1; 2: ðB2Þ
correction to the boson self-coupling. Notice that this 2
expression contains a divergence that should be regular-
ized. Considering the static limit in Eq. (A18), which The integration over configuration space can be performed
implies that s2Ek → 0 and s2⊥ ¼ 0, the general magnetic using the factorization between parallel and perpendicular
correction reduces to components. Recall that for four-vectors aμ and bμ ,
λ ∞ jqb Bj
aμ bμ ¼ a0 b0 − a1 b1 − a2 b2 − a3 b3 ¼ ak · bk − a⊥ · b⊥ :
ΓBλ ¼− dsð4πμ2 sÞε e−smπ : ðA19Þ
12π 2 0 sinh ðjqb BjsÞ
Notice that in this limit, both integrals can be solved
analytically: Thus, integrating over configuration space and taking into
Z  ε account Eq. (B3) to include the Schwinger phase contri-
∞ sε e−smπ 1 1 bution, we obtain
ds ¼ Γðε þ 1Þ
0 sinh ðjqb BjsÞ jqb Bj 2jqb Bj
jq Bj þ m2π ð2Þ d4 s d4 t d4 k 4
× ζ ε þ 1; b ; ðA20Þ I B1;g ¼ δ ðp − q − rÞ⊥ ð2πÞ10
2jqb Bj ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 jeBj2
× δð2Þ ðs − q − tÞk δð2Þ ðp − s þ kÞk δð2Þ ðt − k − rÞk
where ζ is the Hurwitz zeta function. Considering an pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
expansion for ε → 0, we have × ð 2gγ 5 ÞiSd ðsÞð−gγ 5 ÞiSd ðtÞð 2gγ 5 ÞiDπ− ðkÞ
 ε   × eijeBjεij ðs−q−tÞi ðs−p−kÞj þ CC: ðB4Þ
4πμ2 4πμ2
≈ 1 þ ε ln ;
2jqb Bj 2jqb Bj
We first integrate over d2 sk and d2 tk , using the Dirac delta
Γðε þ 1Þ ≈ 1 − εγ E ; distributions to get
jqb Bj þ m2π 1 0 jqb Bj þ mπ
ζ ε þ 1; ≈ −ψ ; ðA21Þ Z
2jqb Bj ε 2jqb Bj 4 ð4Þ d2 s⊥ d2 t⊥ d4 k pffiffiffi 5
I B1;g ¼ ð2πÞ δ ðp − q − rÞ ð 2gγ Þ
π 2 jeBj2 ð2πÞ4
where ψ 0 is the digamma function. Therefore, we finally pffiffiffi
obtain × iSd ðkk þ pk ; s⊥ Þð−gγ 5 ÞiSd ðkk þ rk ; t⊥ Þð 2gγ 5 Þ
 × iDπ− ðkk ; k⊥ ÞeijeBjεij ðs−q−tÞi ðs−p−kÞj þ CC: ðB5Þ
λ 1 0 jqb Bj þ mπ
Γλ ¼ −
− γ E þ ln ð4πÞ − ψ
12π 2 ε 2jqb Bj
 2  Notice that with this procedure, we can identify the Dirac
μ delta distribution for energy-momentum conservation in
þ ln ; ðA22Þ
2jqb Bj Eq. (B5) such that

where jqb Bj ¼ jeBj. I B1;g ¼ ð2πÞ4 δð4Þ ðp − r − qÞgγ 5 ΓB1;g : ðB6Þ

APPENDIX B: MAGNETIC CORRECTIONS TO The contribution to the magnetic correction to the boson-
THE BOSON-FERMION COUPLING IN THE fermion coupling, gγ 5 ΓB1;g , is thus given by
d2 s⊥ d2 t⊥ d4 k pffiffiffi 5
We start writing the contribution from the diagram in gγ 5 ΓB1;g ¼ ð 2gγ ÞiSd ðkk þ pk ; s⊥ Þ
Fig. 5(a), which can be obtained from the expression π 2 jeBj2 ð2πÞ4
Z Z × ð−gγ 5 ÞiSd ðkk þ rk ; t⊥ Þð 2gγ 5 ÞiDπ− ðkk ; k⊥ Þ
d4 s d4 t d4 k iΦ1;l −ip·y
I B1;g ¼ d4 xd4 yd4 x e e 2
× eijeBjεij ðs−q−tÞi ðs−p−kÞj þ CC: ðB7Þ
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4
× ð 2gγ 5 Þe−is·ðx−yÞ iSd ðsÞð−gγ 5 Þeiq·x e−it·ðz−xÞ
pffiffiffi Equation (B7) is general enough and could be computed
× iSd ðtÞð 2gγ 5 Þe−ik·ðy−zÞ iDπ− ðkÞeir·z þ CC; ðB1Þ using either the complete propagators or approximations to
them. In this work, we consider the propagators in the
where the Schwinger phase contribution is finite and is strong field limit. Substituting Eqs. (31) and (35) and
given by adding the charge conjugate contribution, we have

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)

Z 2 2 2
16ig2 d4 k −jqs⊥Bj−jqt⊥Bj−jq k−⊥ Bj Here, it is worth noting that in this computation, we assume
1;g ¼ d2 s⊥ d2 t⊥ e d d π that the values of the quark masses remain fixed to just their
π 2 jeBj2 ð2πÞ4
vacuum values, md ¼ mu ¼ mf . Then, taking the static
N1 2
× eijeBjεij ðs−q−tÞi ðs−p−kÞj ; ðB8Þ limit, p3 ¼ r3 ¼ 0 and p0 ¼ r0 ¼ mf , we get
A1 B1 C1
ūðpk ÞN 1 uðrk Þ ¼ ūðpk Þð−l2k þ 2m2f ðx þ yÞ
where we have defined for convenience the quantities
− m2f ðx þ yÞ2 Þuðrk Þ: ðB16Þ
N 1 ¼ ð=
kk þ p
=k þ md Þðmd − =
kk − =
rk Þ;
A1 ¼ ðkk þ pk Þ2 − m2d þ iϵ; Thus, once we consider ūðpk ÞΓLLL
1;g uðrk Þ and use Eq. (B16),
we get
B1 ¼ ðkk þ rk Þ2 − m2d þ iϵ;
Z Z  Z
C1 ¼ k2k − m2π − jeBj þ iϵ: ðB9Þ ig2 jeBj 1 d2 lk
1−x −l2k
1;g ¼ dx dy
2π 0 0 ð2πÞ2 ðl2k − Δ þ iϵÞ3
We also resort to work in the static limit, setting the 
perpendicular coordinates of external momenta to zero. On 2m2f ðx þ yÞ − m2f ðx þ yÞ2
þ ; ðB17Þ
doing so, we can integrate over the perpendicular coor- ðl2k − Δ þ iϵÞ3
dinates relative to the magnetic field. The result is given by
where with the above assumptions, Δ is simplified to
ig2 jeBj d2 kk N 1 become
1;g ¼ ; ðB10Þ
4π ð2πÞ2 A1 B1 C1
Δ ¼ m2f ðx þ yÞ2 þ ð1 − ðx þ yÞÞðm2π þ jeBjÞ: ðB18Þ
introducing the Feynman parametrization
Z 1 Z 1−x In order to integrate over d2 lk, we consider the following
1 2dy equations:
¼ dx :
A1 B1 C1 0 0 ðA1 x þ B1 y þ C1 ð1 − x − yÞÞ3 Z
dd−2 lk 1 i 1 1
μ4−d d−2 ðl2 − ΔÞ3
¼− þ OðεÞ; ðB19Þ
ð2πÞ k
4π 2 Δ2
The denominator of Eq. (B11) can be expressed as
Z l2k
dd−2 lk i 11
A1 x þ B1 y þ C1 ð1 − x − yÞ ¼ ðkk þ xpk þ yrk Þ − Δ þ iϵ; 2 μ4−d 2 3
¼ þ OðεÞ: ðB20Þ
ð2πÞ ðlk − ΔÞ
d−2 4π 2 Δ
According to Eqs. (B19) and (B20), we get
where Z Z 
g2 jeBj 1 1−x 1
ΓLLL ¼ dx dy
Δ ¼ ðxpk þ yrk Þ2 − xp2k þ xm2d − yr2k þ ym2d 1;g
16π 2 m2f 0 0 ðx þ yÞ þ αð1 − ðx þ yÞÞ2

þ ð1 − x − yÞðm2π þ jeBjÞ: ðB13Þ 2ðx þ yÞ − ðx þ yÞ2
þ ; ðB21Þ
ððx þ yÞ2 þ αð1 − ðx þ yÞÞÞ2
On the other hand, it is useful to consider the change of
variables as kk ¼ lk − xpk − yrk , dkk ¼ dlk . Then the where α ¼ ðm2π þ jeBjÞ=m2f . With the purpose of finding
numerator, N , can be written as the integral over Feynman parameters, consider the follow-
ing linear transformation:
N 1 ¼ −l2k − 2xypk · rk þ md p rk − xðx − 1Þp2k
=k − md =
− yðy − 1Þr2k − ð1 − x − yÞp rk þ m2d ;
=k = ðB14Þ u ¼ x þ y; v ¼ 1 − x: ðB22Þ

The Jacobian satisfies detðJÞ ¼ 1, and the region of

where we have already discarded linear terms of lk . At this integration becomes u ∈ ½0; 1 and v ∈ ½1 − u; 1. Thus,
point, we can use the Dirac equation for outgoing states,
Z Z 1
assuming that they are not affected by the external magnetic g2 jeBj 1 1
field. This means that the spinors satisfy the Dirac equation ΓLLL
1;g ¼ 2 2
du dv 2
16π mf 0 1−u u þ αð1 − uÞ
in vacuum:  
ð2 − uÞu
× 1þ 2 : ðB23Þ
ūðpk Þp
=k ¼ ūðpk Þmu ; rk uðrk Þ ¼ mu uðrk Þ:
= ðB15Þ u þ αð1 − uÞ


Performing the integration over dv, we get the final N 2 ¼ ð=

kk þ p
=k þ mu Þðmu − =
kk þ =
rk Þ;
expression for this contribution:
A2 ¼ ðkk þ pk Þ2 − m2u þ iϵ;
g2 jeBj 1 u B2 ¼ ðkk þ rk Þ2 − m2u þ iϵ;
1;g ¼ 2 2
du 2
16π mf 0 u þ αð1 − uÞ C2 ¼ k2 − m2π þ iϵ: ðB31Þ
ð2 − uÞu
× 1þ 2 : ðB24Þ We now introduce a Feynman parametrization in the same
u þ αð1 − uÞ
fashion of Eq. (B11). The denominator can be written as
We now proceed with I 2;g , which is given by
A2 x þ B2 y þ C2 ð1 − x − yÞ ¼ ðkk þ xpk þ yrk Þ2 − Δ⊥ þ iϵ;
Z Z ðB32Þ
d4 s d4 t d4 k iΦ2;l −ip·y
I B2;g ¼ d4 xd4 yd4 z e e
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4
× ðgγ 5 Þe−is·ðx−yÞ iSu ðsÞðgγ 5 Þeiq·x e−it·ðz−xÞ
× iSu ðtÞðgγ 5 Þe−ik·ðy−zÞ iDπ0 ðkÞeir·z þ CC: ðB25Þ Δ⊥ ¼ ðxpk þ yrk Þ2 − xp2k þ ðx þ yÞm2u − yr2k
þ ð1 − x − yÞðm2π þ k2⊥ Þ: ðB33Þ
Performing the integration over configuration space, we
have Let us consider the change of variable kk ¼ lk − xpk − yrk ,
Z dkk ¼ dlk ; then, in terms of these variables, the numerator
d4 s d4 t d4 k N 2 can be written as
I B2;g ¼ ð2πÞ12 δð4Þ ðs − t − qÞ
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4
× δð4Þ ðp − s þ kÞδð4Þ ðt − k − rÞðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðsÞ N 2 ¼ −l2k − 2xypk · rk þ mu p rk − xðx − 1Þp2k
=k − mu =

× ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðtÞðgγ 5 ÞiDπ0 ðkÞ þ CC: ðB26Þ − yðy − 1Þr2k − ð1 − x − yÞp rk þ m2u ;
=k = ðB34Þ

Integrating over d4 s and d4 t, we obtain where we have already discarded linear terms in lk . We
now use the Dirac equation for outgoing states once
Z we set pi ¼ ri ¼ 0, i ¼ 1, 2 and assume that these states
4 ð4Þ d4 k
I B2;g ¼ ð2πÞ δ ðp − r − qÞ ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ pÞ are not affected by the external magnetic field, according to
Eq. (B15). Finally, setting p3 ¼ r3 ¼ 0 and p0 ¼ r0 ¼ mu ,
× ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ rÞðgγ 5 ÞiDπ 0 ðkÞ þ CC: ðB27Þ we get

At this point, we can identify the contribution to the ūðpk ÞN 2 uðrk Þ

magnetic correction from this diagram, gγ 5 ΓB2;g , which ¼ ūðpk Þð−l2k þ 2m2u ðx þ yÞ − m2u ðx þ yÞ2 Þuðrk Þ:
can be expressed as
4 ð4Þ
I B2;g ¼ ð2πÞ δ ðp − r − qÞgγ 5 ΓB2;g ; ðB28Þ
Thus, once we have considered ūðpk ÞΓLLL
2;g uðrk Þ, we have

where Z Z Z
1 1−x d2 k⊥ d2 lk − 2k2⊥
2;g ¼ −8ig dx dy e jqu Bj
d4 k 0 0 ð2πÞ4
gγ 5 ΓB2;g ¼ ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ pÞðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ rÞ  
ð2πÞ4 −l2k 2m2u ðx þ yÞ − m2u ðx þ yÞ2
× 2 þ ;
× ðgγ 5 ÞiDπ0 ðkÞ þ CC: ðB29Þ ðlk − Δ⊥ þ iϵÞ3 ðl2k − Δ⊥ þ iϵÞ3
Using Eqs. (31) and (35) to account for the strong field
limit, we have where Δ⊥ is simplified according to the previous assump-
Z tions to become
d4 k −ðkþpÞ
2 2

⊥ N2
2;g ¼ −4ig
e jqu Bj − jqu Bj ; ðB30Þ
ð2πÞ 4 A2 B2 C2 Δ⊥ ¼ m2u ðx þ yÞ2 þ ð1 − ðx þ yÞÞðk2⊥ þ m2π Þ: ðB37Þ

where we define The integral over d2 lk is found to be

ALEJANDRO AYALA et al. PHYS. REV. D 102, 114038 (2020)
Z Z 1−x Z 2
g2 1
d k⊥ −jq2k⊥Bj from which we can identify the contribution to the
2;g ¼ − dx dy e u
π 0 0 ð2πÞ2 magnetic correction according to the expression
1 2m2u ðx þ yÞ − m2u ðx þ yÞ2
× þ : ðB38Þ I B3;g ¼ ð2πÞ4 δð4Þ ðp − r − qÞgγ 5 Γ3;g ; ðB45Þ
Δ⊥ Δ2⊥

Using the change of variables given in Eq. (B22), the where

integral over dv can be performed to get
Z Z d4 k
g2 d2 k⊥ −jq2k⊥Bj
1 gγ 5 ΓB3;g ¼ ð−igÞiSu ðk þ pÞðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ rÞ
2;g ¼− 2 du e u ð2πÞ4
πmu 0 ð2πÞ2
  × ð−igÞiDσ ðkÞ þ CC: ðB46Þ
u ð2 − uÞu
× 2 1þ 2 ; ðB39Þ
u þ βð1 − uÞ u þ βð1 − uÞ
We now use the propagators for the charged particles in the
LLL. After simplifying and adding the contribution from
where β ¼ þ ðk2⊥ m2π Þ=m2u . We write the integration using
the charge conjugate diagram, we get
polar coordinates:
d4 k −ðkþpÞ
2 2
d2 k⊥ ¼ dk1 dk2 ¼ k⊥ dk⊥ dθ; ðB40Þ ⊥
⊥ N3
3;g ¼ 4ig
e jqu Bj − jqu Bj ; ðB47Þ
ð2πÞ A3 B3 C3
where k⊥ ¼ k21 þ k22 and θ ∈ ½0; 2π. Performing the
integral over dθ and substituting jqu Bj ¼ 2jeBj=3 and where we define
mu ¼ mf , we have
N 3 ¼ ðmu − =
kk − p
=k Þð=
kk þ =
rk þ mu Þ;
g2 1 ∞ 3k2

2;g ¼− 2 2 du dk⊥ k⊥ e − jeBj A3 ¼ ðkk þ pk Þ2 − m2u þ iϵ;
2π mf 0 0
  B3 ¼ ðkk þ rk Þ2 − m2u þ iϵ;
u ð2 − uÞu
× 2 1þ 2 : ðB41Þ C3 ¼ k2 − m2σ þ iϵ: ðB48Þ
u þ βð1 − uÞ u þ βð1 − uÞ

Finally, I B3;g can be written as The denominator can be written as

Z Z A3 x þ B3 y þ C3 ð1 − x − yÞ ¼ ðkk þ xpk þ yrk Þ2 − Δ⊥ þ iϵ;

4 4 4 d4 s d4 t d4 k iΦ3;l −ip·y
I B3;g ¼ d xd yd z e e
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ðB49Þ
× ð−igÞe−is·ðx−yÞ iSu ðsÞðgγ 5 Þeiq·x e−it·ðz−xÞ
× iSu ðtÞð−igÞe−ik·ðy−zÞ iDσ ðkÞeir·z þ CC: ðB42Þ

Δ⊥ ¼ ðxpk þ yrk Þ2 − xp2k þ ðx þ yÞm2u − yr2k

After integration over configuration space, we get
þ ð1 − x − yÞðm2σ þ k2⊥ Þ: ðB50Þ
Z 4 4 4
ds dt dk
I B3;g ¼ ð2πÞ12 δð4Þ ðs − t − qÞ
ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 ð2πÞ4 Using the change of variable kk ¼ lk − xpk − yrk ,
× δð4Þ ðp −sþ kÞδð4Þ ðt − k − rÞð−igÞiSu ðsÞ dkk ¼ dlk , the numerator, N 3 , can be written as
× ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðtÞð−igÞiDσ ðkÞ þ CC: ðB43Þ
N 3 ¼ −l2k − 2xypk · rk − mu p rk − xðx − 1Þp2k
=k þ mu =
Integrating over d4 s and d4 t, we have − yðy − 1Þr2k − ð1 − x − yÞp rk þ m2u ;
=k = ðB51Þ
4 ð4Þ d4 k
I B3;g ¼ ð2πÞ δ ðp − q − rÞ ð−igÞiSu ðk þ pÞ where we have neglected linear terms of lk . We proceed as
for the previous cases. We use Eq. (B15) and work in the
× ðgγ 5 ÞiSu ðk þ rÞð−igÞiDσ ðkÞ þ CC; ðB44Þ static limit, ⃗p ¼ r⃗ ¼ 0⃗ and p0 ¼ r0 ¼ mu , to obtain


ūðpk ÞN 3 uðrk Þ The last expression can be simplified if we consider the

change of variables given by Eq. (B22). After integration
¼ ūðpk Þð−l2k þ 2m2u ðx þ yÞ − m2u ðx þ yÞ2 Þuðrk Þ: over dv, we have
g2 d2 k⊥ −jq2k⊥Bj
Thus, the integral can be written as 3;g ¼
ΓLLL du e u
πm2u0 ð2πÞ2
Z 2 Z 1 Z 1−x Z 2  
2 d k⊥ d lk − 2k2⊥ u ð2 − uÞu
3;g ¼ 8ig dx dy e jqu Bj × 2 1þ 2 ; ðB56Þ
ð2πÞ2 0 0 ð2πÞ2 u þ γð1 − uÞ u þ γð1 − uÞ
−l2k 2m2u ðx þ yÞ − m2u ðx þ yÞ2
× 2 þ ;
ðlk − Δ⊥ þ iϵÞ3 ðl2k − Δ⊥ þ iϵÞ3 where γ ¼ ðk2⊥ þ m2σ Þ=m2u . We can now perform
ðB53Þ another integration after switching to polar coordinates
according to Eq. (B40). Performing the integration for dθ
where and substituting jqu Bj ¼ 2jeBj=3 and mu ¼ mf , we have
the final result
Δ⊥ ¼ m2u ðx þ yÞ2 þ ð1 − ðx þ yÞÞðk2⊥ þ m2σ Þ: ðB54Þ

Now, we can perform the integration over d2 lk to get Z Z

g2 1 ∞ 3k2

− jeBj
Z 2 Z 1 Z 1−x ΓLLL
3;g ¼ 2 2 du dk⊥ k⊥ e
g2 d k⊥ 2k2
−jq ⊥Bj 2π mf 0 0
3;g ¼ dx dye u
π ð2πÞ2 0 0 u ð2 − uÞu
  × 2 1þ 2 : ðB57Þ
1 2m2u ðx þ yÞ − m2u ðx þ yÞ2 u þ γð1 − uÞ u þ γð1 − uÞ
× þ : ðB55Þ
Δ⊥ Δ2⊥

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