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A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show
direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. Some examples of
prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on," "of," and "to.

The dog sits the table. What is wrong with the sentence? (E.g. it's missing a word; it doesn't make

In this sentence, it is unclear how the dog and the table are related to one another. A preposition gives
meaning to a sentence.

Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition

1. In our country, no one is ……………………….. the law.(on/over/above/in)

2. The big hall is ……………… the main road.(beside/below/under/into)

3. The three boys shared the fruits……………. themselves.(between/i/with/among)

4. The man fell……………….. the tree and broke his arm. (on/ along/off/over)

5. The main road to the city runs……………… the farms.(through/at/into/along)

6. During the holidays, I look …………….. my father’s cattle. (towards/up/after/on).

7. I look forward………………….. seeing you next week (at/to/for/in) sport.

8. The sad news quickly spread………………… the whole district. (on/ throughout/over/up

9. The robber was sentenced……………………… three years imprisonment. (for/in/onto/to)

10. Mother shared the cake……………….. me and my sister.(among/between/to/for)

11. What type of text is the comprehension passage above?


Adverbs of manner: it modifies or changes a sentence to tell us how something happens, such as
whether it was quickly or slowly. They're usually placed after the main verb or after the object.

Examples - Angrily, happily, easily, sadly, rudely, loudly, fluently, greedily, and so on

Adverbs of Place: Adverbs that change or qualify the meaning of a sentence by telling us where things
happen are defined as adverbs of place

Examples-Near, there, here, somewhere, inside, outside, ahead, top, bottom and so on.
Adverbs of time: tell us when an action happened, but also for how long, and how often.

Examples- Now, then, today, yesterday, tomorrow, late, early, tonight, again, soon etc.

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence on adverbs of place.

1. Close the door when you go ___________.

a. Out
b. Westward

c. Lightly

d. Here

2. The cat is hiding _______________ the couch.

a. On

b. Underneath

c. Somewhere

d. There

3. Will you be starting your plants ________________ or in a greenhouse?

a. Round

b. Home

c. Outside

d. Around

4. The ship sailed ________________, encountering heavy weather along the way.

a. Up

b. Down

c. Northwards

d. Backwards

5. When she saw me waiting, she ran __________________ me.

a. Around

b. Towards

c. Through

d. Forward

Adverbs of time

Yesterday today now last year all day for a year later since tomorrow
Choose the correct adverb of time from the box above to complete the following sentences

1. Goldilocks went to the Bears' house ___________.

2. I'm going to tidy my room _________.

3. I saw Sally __________.

4. I will call you ______.

5. I have to leave _________.

6. I saw that movie last _________.

7. She stayed in the Bears' house________.

8. My mother lived in France for a ________.

9. I have been going to this school _______ 1996.

Adverbs of manner

Angrily heavily annually nicely carefully usually remarkably luckily

Complete the following sentences using the suitable adverb of manner

1. The vendor spoke very __________.

2. She drives the car very_________.

3. He is _______ dressed.

4. We were ___________ fined.

5. Fees are charged in this school __________.

6. ___________, he escaped unhurt by the lion.s

7. They ______________ have breakfast at seven.

8. He works ___________ well.

**Creative: Writing a persuasive essay
Why learners should be allowed to use erasable pens at school

A persuasive essay is a type of academic writing that implies convincing a reader to accept the
arguments. Learners may use an emotional style that will make readers follow your ideas. But an
organized persuasive essay outline is required as well.

Begin with a topic sentence that reflects the argument of the thesis statement.

Support the argument with useful and informative quotes from sources such as books,

Make use of connectives or conjunctions to connect your points such as

Because, and, more also, another etc.


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