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The element of Air is associated with the East in the Northern Hemisphere.

This is
the where the Sun rises, so this thinnest and most etherial of the elements is
associated with Sunrise...and new beginnings. It is associated with Springtime and
the wonder and curiosity of childhood.

The Archangel often called as Guardian of the Air is Raphael.

Raphael's name means "Healer of God." He is robed in gold, yellow, and blue. He
carries a caduceus, the wand entwined by two serpents used as a symbol of healing.
He rules science, knowledge, compassion, and healing.

Another Being who carries a caduceus, of course, is Mercury, messenger of the

Gods, who rules intellect, verbal expression, science, synthesis, and research.
Mercury is another Guardian of the Air.

The element of Air is, of course, associated with the sense of smell. While there are
scents we associate with each of the elements , the scents of Spring flowers come to
mind. And the scents we use for cleaning the air...lavender, lemongrass, and pine.
Incense is the magical tool of the East and the Air.

The element of Air is also associated with music. Of course, sound is transmitted
through airwaves. But Air provides the songs of the wind rustling in the trees. Of
all the songbirds. Of flutes and whistles. Of our own voices raised in song.
Certainly, one can associate certain types of instruments with each of the elements,
and we will, but Air is the element of that first creative urge to create beautiful

Angels are also associated with Air, although there are angels specifically
associated with each of the elements.

The realm of Air is the mind and mental activity. Air rules the ideas that come "out
of the blue." It offers the gift of clarity...the ability to perceive what is relevent and
useful in a given situation. It rules the process of sythesising ideas and concepts
from many different sources or disciplines into something that is cohesive and
comprehensive. It rules the communication of these ideas... writing and verbal
expression. It rules teaching. And it rules poetry.
The elementals associated with Air are called Sylphs. These are among the easiest
elementals to see, especially as a flash from the corner of your eye. They look like
small winged creatures in pastel colours who ride the airwaves..often they are
called fairies. They tend to be attracted to those who are quick thinking and quick
moving. They can be mischevious...blowing things about...rustling through your
hair...making sounds that distract you.

They can also help you with all of the following:

Magical Goals Aided By Air:

Group Work
Intellectual Skills
Overcoming Addictions
Tests and Examinations

You might wish to make an altar in the eastern part of your house to honour the
Element of Air and the Sylphs. Drape it and decorate it in pale blue, yellow, and
white. Offer feathers, dragonfly wings, pipes, pale blue stones, incense, herbs
sacred to air. Welcome the Element and the Sylphs to make this their home. Then
light the candles and incense on this altar when you read or write or study.

It may help when invoking the Element or elementals of Air to use the symbols
offered in the background of this page. An Air Invoking Pentagram Starts in the
upper right, moves to the upper left, and continues around to repeat this line. Air
can also be invoked using the circle with a dot in the middle, or a plain blue circle.
To release the element, draw the Air Releasing Pentagram shown in the bottom left
corner, which is a reversal of the Invoking Pentagram. If you use the blue circle or
circle with dot, see the winds blowing out through it, then see it folding in upon
itself and disappearing.

Psychological Qualities Associated with Air

Balanced Air Imbalanced Air

Clarity Arrogance
Creativity Boastfullness
Diligence Contempt
Discernment Dishonesty
Flexibility Emotional Coldness
Independence Frivolity
Joy Gossip
Optimism Paranoia
Teaching Ability Slyness

You can ask the Element of Air, or its Guardians or the Sylphs to help you develop
any of the postive traits listed above. To balance any of the negative traits, you may
need to appeal to the other three elements to help balance an overabundance of Air.

You can also call upon the Air elementals when you wish to work on healing for
the air or the atmosphere...ask them to help remove pollutants, to repair the ozone
layer, etc.

Herbs Associated with the Element of Air

Acacia Agaric Agrimony Almond
Anise Aspen Bean Benzoin
Bergamot Bistort Bittersweet Borage
Bracken Broom Caraway Celery
Chicory Clover Dandelion Dill
Dock Elecampagne Eyebright Fennel
Goldenrod Hops Lavender Lemongrass
Lemon Verbena Lily of the Valley Linden Mace
Male Fern Maple Marjoram Mastic
Meadowsweet Mint Mistletoe Mulberry
Parsley Pecan Pimpernel Pine
Pistachio Rice Summer Savory Senna
Slippery Elm Southernwood Star Anise

Gems and Stones Associated with the Element of Air

Aventurine Angelite Azurite Celestite
Kyanite Mica Pumice Sphene

Air Incense Air Oil

(from Cunningham)
4 parts Benzoin
2 parts Gum Mastic
5 drops Lavender
1 part Lavender
1 drop Lemongrass
1 part Wormwood
1 ounce carrier oil
1 pinch Mistletoe
(mistletoe is toxic, if used, burn

Other correspondences include the astrological signs of Libra, Gemini, and

Aquarius, and the Planets Mercury and Uranus.

Air rules the suit of Swords and is associated with the Magician, Justice, the Wheel
of Fortune, Temperance, and the Star in the Tarot.

A Sample Invocation to the East and the Air Element

Guardian of the East, wise and gentle Raphael:
Hold this corner of our circle and let the Air blow into it.
Send to us the beautiful Sylphs to help in our healing work.
Bless us with the music and strength of the winds,
The inspiration of the Sunrise,
The clarity and perception of the soaring eagle,
And the clear communicating power of language.

We feel you and welcome you.

Blessed Be.

Blessings of the Air to you...

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