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Data Analysis Paper (Independent sample t-test)

Independent sample t-Test

A. Is Research Question
B. the growth of the plant significantly different between the organic liquid-based animal manure foliar
fertilizer concentrations of 20% and 40%?

C. SPSS Result
Group Statistics

PLANT N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

TWENTY TWENTY 10 10.1000 1.10050 .34801

FORTY 10 11.1000 .87560 .27689

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval of the


F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper

TWENTY Equal variances

.005 .944 -2.249 18 .037 -1.00000 .44472 -1.93433 -.06567

Equal variances
-2.249 17.135 .038 -1.00000 .44472 -1.93772 -.06228
not assumed
D. APA Table

Table 1

Testing the effectiveness of the 20% and 40% concentrations using a paired-samples t-test for
statistically significant differences.
Group M SD t df p-value

20% 10.1000 1.10050 -2.249 18 .037

40% 11.1000 .87560 -2.249 17.135 .038

*significant at 0.05 level

E. Analysis and Interpretation

The Independent Sample t-test findings for the 20% and 40% concentrations are presented in Table 1. The
p-values are, respectively,.037 for the 20% and.038 for the 40%. The null hypothesis is rejected since the
p-values are less than 0.05 and the alpha of significance is 0.05. Since the effects of the 20% and 40%
concentrations of the Organic Liquid-Based Animal Waste Foliar Fertilizer on plant growth are
significantly different from one another, either of the two concentrations may be preferable to the other.

F. Raw Data


1 11 12
2 12 10
3 10 11
4 8 12
5 10 10
6  10  12
7 9 11
8 10 12
9 11 11
10 10 10

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