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Florencia Baez,

Edelayehu Blanco and

Dennise Castillo
2022 - 2023

Image Restrictions in companies
1. Discussion topic.........................................................................................................2
2. Members.....................................................................................................................2
3. Parts of the debate......................................................................................................2
4. Rules...........................................................................................................................2
5. Scoring system...........................................................................................................3
6. Development of the debate.........................................................................................4
6.1 Initial speeches....................................................................................................4
6.2 Debate.................................................................................................................5
6.3 Questions round..................................................................................................5
6.4 Final speech........................................................................................................5
7. Score table..................................................................................................................5
8. Conclusion..................................................................................................................5

1. Discussion topic
“Image restrictions at the working place”
The debate is going to discuss the importance of having a specific external image at the
workplace and when being hired.

2. Members
 Moderator: Dennise Alejandra Castillo Tinoco
 Writers of the document: Lusmila Baez and Edelayehu Blanco

Group in favor Group against

Lusmila Batista Alba Canalejo
Inés Exposito Carlota de Bien
Glatson Dias Mikel Aramendia
Karla Aparacio Iago Alonso
Claudia Cano Aitana Cáceres
Leandro Camacho Lucía Fernandez
Lucía García Eva Fernandez
Elyn Bayer

3. Parts of the debate

Part 1: Initial speech (1 minute per group)
Each group must present their position choosing a spokesperson to make a short
introduction about their opinion related to the debate theme.
Part 2: Debate (less than 35 mins)
Each group will have the opportunity to discuss their point of view by raising their
hand, if the moderator has allowed you to speak.
Part 3: Question round (20 minutes)
The groups will have 5 minutes to think of three questions to make to the opposite
group about the previous discussion.
Part 4: Final speech (1 minute per group)
The groups, through another spokesperson, will present a final conclusion of the topic
refuting the position of the opposing group.

4. Rules
1. You must respect people from your group and from the other group. Insulting,
verbally or physically attacking will be penalized with 5 points less.
2. You can ask the teacher about vocabulary or grammar doubts, but never
speaking in Spanish. That will be penalized with 3 points less.
3. It is forbidden to speak if it's not your turn. In that case you will be penalized
with 3 points less.
4. Do not interrupt your mates. If you talk over someone will cost 2 points.
5. If the moderator considers that someone is not answering what is being asked,
she can interrupt and give the floor to another person.
6. If any group exceeds their time to talk, the moderator can intervene.
7. It is ONLY allowed to read in the initial speech, data and the final speech. Apart
from that case you will be penalized with 3 points less.
8. The debate will conclude with a winner according to the judgment of the
9. A person wont be allowed to speak for more than 3 consecutive turns, the
moderator won´t give the word to said person.
10. Those who don´t participate will be penalized with a writing in which the
maximum score will be 5, and with a minimum extension of 750 words.
11. Lack of participation will be penalized with -3 points for the group.
12. The group that doesn´t deliver the speeches on time will be penalized with 3
points less.

5. Scoring system
 Group in favor:

Part 1: Initial speech. Score out of 5 for each group.

Part 2: Debate. Score out of 20 for each group.
Part 3: Question round. Score out of 10 for each group.
Part 4: Final speech. Score out of 5 for each group.

 Group against:

Part 1: Initial speech. Score out of 5 for each group.

Part 2: Debate. Score out of 100 for each group.
Part 3: Question round. Score out of 10 for each group.
Part 4: Final speech. Score out of 5 for each group.

6. Development of the debate
Group in favor
Our group is formed by Lucía, Lusmila, Leandro, Claudia, Inés, Glas and Karla.
We are in favor of restrictions regarding the physical appearance of people at work,
since it is good to maintain a good image at work because employees represent and can
help to achieve more benefits to the company.
Personal image is important because what is transmitted at work is more than the
appearance of the person itself, but goes beyond the wardrobe, behavior, hygiene, with
these aspects you can help convey security, confidence and empathy.
Group against
The reason why companies shouldn’t impose image restrictions is why we think that
self-esteem and expressing yourself is one of the most important things nowadays,

taking a look into our society, we are settled to be different and have our priorities and
tastes depending on the person and their life circumstances.

There are a lot of stimuli that can change people's perception and the way they look;
people also tend to judge based on their first impression.
That's why a lot of individuals are scared to express themselves and we think that's a
very negative behavior in our society, even that the standards of this society are
changing, we still find a lot of issues related to this topic, in our opinion is not fair to
judge based on looks, a person has skills feelings, a life… that can make a bigger and a
better opinion from a person.

6.2 Debate

Group in favor Group against

 The constitution says that the  Data: between 15 and 20 of adult
companies have a right of people that have tattoos.
choosing.  Imposing image restrictions can
 The companies want to have an be against their freedom of
image barrier and be presented as speech, everyone should be free
sophisticated. to “dress” however they feel
 Imagine that you work in the comfortable with.
army, there you can’t have tattoos  It is discriminatory
or piercings.  Based on data information, we
 People don't take seriously people should represent ourselves with
with tattoos and bad image, that is our own identity when being in a
something that has nothing to do job interview,etc.
with a company, but with people's  30% of people with tattoos are
opinions. fired every year for having them.
 Sometimes image restrictions  People should be seen as equally
have a reason behind them, professional, regardless of what
security and health reasons. accessories they have within
 Companies want people to look a themselves. 
certain way because they reflect  Restrictions can limit personal
the company. freedom and can make people
 The restrictions are created uncomfortable.
because people have a previous  Having tattoos, piercings, etc,
thought (as a society) does not mean that they have less
 People can get distracted with the skills than others who don´t (e.g:
others appearance. military enlistment).
 The uniform is also useful to  Data: Comparison between
differentiate customers from England and Spain, workers and
employees. people in general are used to other
 The appearance is very important, workers shaving them.
is a way of attracting.  We need to modernize the actual
 If the company wants to have restrictions, talking in general and

image restrictions, that is a rule not only in specific cases, as
and should me followed. people are expressing themselves
 The use of uniforms limits the more and more over the years.
social discriminations.  Companies usually hire people for
 Wearing uniforms saves time their image and they don't even
when going to work. have the right qualifications to
 Uniforms prevent your own complete the required work.
clothes for getting damaged  Restrictions are okay as long as
people are not judged by who
they are.
 Our society nowadays is more
advanced than it was before when
these restrictions were made.
 These restrictions also apply to
the weight someone has in most
 It's useless to be a well dressed
person if you act in a bad way
towards others and do your work
in an incorrect way, we need
people with abilities to do what is
 If in the streets we see in a normal
way that people have these
accessories, we should also see
them in a normal way inside of
the professional world.
 You don't need to be well dressed
and wear uniforms, if so,
companies could arrange a dress
code with certain colors
depending on what your activities
 It also depends on the economic
power of each person, so people
should not be judged for how they
dress because that does not
determine their qualifications.
 Tattoos are a way of expression
for someone.
 If someone has a negative
ideology, or discriminates against
other people, they wouldn't be
able to work facing the public.
 The type of work that needs to be
executed can vary if any of the
requirements are not compatible
with someone's personality (e.g:
high heels being a requirement for

a specific type of job).

6.3 Questions round

Group in favor
1. Are you willing to lose a qualified or profesional worker just because you
don't like 
If you are a doctor or a professional I wouldn´t trust you.
2. Are your image restrictions based on a industrial standard or are they really
established by the company
Depending on the job, some jobs require a uniform.
3. Won't you let your future children have tattoos or let them look like they want
just for a fear of what will happen with them in society?
I can offer advice, but I would´t restrict their image.
4. Do you really think that a highly qualified doctor, just because of having
tattoos, can't save lives anymore?
No, but that doesn't mean there are no restrictions

Group against
1. If two people with the same qualifications come to an interview but one
comes in tracksuits and another better dressed, who would you hire?
I would choose the one that has more skills, good body language, more
2. How would they adapt the constraints to suit past and newer generations? 
Using non-offensive tattoos, no discrimination against people. 
3. What would you wear to an interview if you wanted to make a good
impression on a company and there were no restrictions?
I would just be myself.
4. Imagine you go to the doctor, his hair is messy, he smells dirty and has a
lot of tattoos. Would you trust that man to inspect you?
The bad smell and the tattoos have no relation at all between them,
smell is related to hygiene, while tattoos are some one's personal
choices and we are no one to judge their preferences. 

6.4 Final speech

 Group in favor
The issue of clothing and image restrictions on employees is a controversial and often
debated issue. Some argue that restrictions are necessary to maintain a professional and
consistent appearance in the company, while others argue that restrictions are a
limitation on freedom of expression and can create an uncomfortable work environment
for employees.

In my opinion, I believe that clothing and image restrictions can be beneficial in certain
contexts and for certain jobs, such as those that require a high level of interaction with
customers or where appearance is important to the company’s image. However, it is also
important to consider the cultural and social context in which the dress policy is applied,
and to ensure that no employee is discriminated against because of their gender identity
or expression.
Ultimately, I believe that any dress and image restrictions policy must be balanced and
fair, and must carefully consider the potential impacts on work culture and employee
 Group against
I stand before you today to argue against the idea that tattoos and piercings should be
restricted in the workplace. In today's society, more and more people are expressing
their individuality through body modifications such as tattoos and piercings.
Unfortunately, many employers still hold outdated views on this issue, believing that
tattoos and piercings are unprofessional and should not be allowed in the workplace. In
conclusion, I urge you to reject the notion that tattoos and piercings should be restricted
in the workplace. Doing so would be unfair, unjustified, and would ultimately hinder
progress towards a more diverse and inclusive society. Let us embrace individuality and
celebrate the unique qualities that make each of us who we are.

7. Score table
Topic Group in favor Group against
1. Initial speech 17 18
2. Debate -17 -36
3. Question round 20 20
4. Final speech 20 20
TOTAL 40 32

8. Conclusion
The winning group is the one in favor, despite having less arguments, theirs have been
more organized, they haven´t interrupted as much as the other team and the group
against has spoken multiple times in Spanish.

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