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Maravilla, Justine Lloyd O.



Reflection Questions

1. What qualities do I have that make me a potential team leader?

I am a first-year accounting student who possesses a number of traits that could help me lead a
team. Strong communication skills, self-assurance, analytical thinking, organizational skills, and empathy
are among my many strengths. I can lead a team effectively if I am able to communicate thoughts
clearly, arrange and prioritize duties, and comprehend and connect with team members.

2. Which leadership style do I most identify or relate with?

There are several leadership styles, and the one I most identify or relate with may depend on my
personality and the situation I am in. As an accounting student, I find that the transformational
leadership style resonates with me. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate team members to
work towards a common goal, prioritize creativity and innovation, and lead by example.

3. How can I use the concepts I learned about transformational leadership in community service?

In community service, I can excite and inspire others to work together toward a common
objective by utilizing transformational leadership. As a transformational leader in a volunteer project, I
can establish a clear vision, set an excellent example, promote innovation and creativity, forge close
bonds with team members, and acknowledge and celebrate team accomplishments. These ideas may
encourage other people to engage in community service and strive toward a common objective.

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