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Highlight specific aspects of the position that excite you, such as the responsibilities, projects, or

technologies involved.

3. Explain how the role aligns with your career aspirations and how it will help you grow both personally
and professionally.

6 strategies I used to overcome rambling and be more concise:

1/ Bring notes to help me recall stories for common interview questions

2/ Use frameworks like STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to organize my responses

3/ Use the "Rule of Three" when I respond to a question - I don't share more than 3 bullet points or
items (people can't keep track of more than 3 items at a time)

Example: Three changes really stood out that impacted our company. These changes were X, Y, and Z…

4/ Pause more between my thoughts (you don't have to be talking every second)

5 Limit my responses to 60-90 seconds

6/ Practice by recording myself (I recommend video to see your body language, hand gestures, etc.)

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