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Assessment Center Simulation

In-Tray merupakan simulasi dari situasi nyata yang dihadapi
peserta dalam menjalankan tugas sehari-hari. Bentuk dari
simulasi ini adalah kumpulan memo atau dokumen kerja yang
harus direspon oleh peserta. Peserta diminta mencermati
setiap memo dalam In-tray untuk mengidentifikasikan
permasalahan dan hubungan antar memo, kemudian peserta
diminta untuk menyimpulkan permasalahan secara
keseluruhan, dan merencanakan alur tindakan untuk
mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
• An in-tray exercise is a simulation used to assess the aptitude of potential
employees as part of the employment selection process.

• Candidates will be presented with a business-related scenario,

accompanied by a list of related tasks including telephone calls, emails,
complaints and reports. It is then up to the individual to prioritise each task
in accordance with its perceived importance.

• In-tray exercises are used by many companies as part of the selection

process and they commonly appear as part of the interview stage.
What Skills Are Being Tested With an In-Tray Exercise?

• The in-tray exercise is a major component of most assessment centres because of

the variety of skills, knowledge and attitudes that can be tested.
• The reason that the in-tray exercise is so widely used is that it allows the assessors
to observe a candidate’s behaviour during the exercise. This is fundamentally
different from an interview, in which candidates are predominantly judged on what
they say.
• The behaviour shown during the in-tray exercise will then be compared to the key
behavioural criteria that have been specified for that role.
• Always remember that in-tray exercises are designed to judge how well you exhibit
the required behaviours of the job you are applying for. This is by assessing to what
extent you can:
# Exhibit the correct level of knowledge
# Display the right type of skills
# Demonstrate the attitudes of the role
How an In-Tray Exercise is Structured (1)

In-tray exercises can take a variety of formats. The two most popular are:
• You are given between 12 to 30 in-tray items that you have to prioritise and action.
This is done by answering a series of multiple-choice questions.
• You are given between 12 to 30 in-tray items which you have to prioritise and action.
This is followed by an interview with an assessor in which you are expected to justify
your decisions.
During the in-tray exercise, you will usually be asked to assume a particular role as an
employee of a fictitious organisation and work through a pile of correspondence in your 

The in-tray items will be specifically designed to measure job skills such as:

• Ability to organise and prioritise work
• Analytical skills
• Communication with team members and customers
• Written communication skills
• Delegation
How an In-Tray Exercise is Structured (2)

Assesee’s brief might be something unexpected. For example, may be told that it is the
first day of new job as a deputy headteacher and given a list of thirty tasks and memos to
prioritise and action. This type of scenario may occur even if applying for a job that has
nothing to do with education.

Don’t make the mistake of worrying about the topic. Assesee will be judged on how well it
can handle complex information, determine priorities, make decisions within time limits,
display sensitivity to potential problems and communicate clearly.

The type of issues can be asked to review and action will usually reflect the nature of the
role that have applied for. Remember, this does not necessarily mean that the scenario
will be based on assesee industry or sector.
For example:
• If you are applying for a strategic role, then it's likely that a significant number of your 
in-tray items will be designed to test your strategic decision making.
• If you are applying for a management role, the in-tray items are more likely to raise
issues about team-building, coaching, motivation and other management issues.
How an In-Tray Exercise is Structured (3)

For the majority of in-tray exercises, will be given the following information:

• Details of role and responsibilities
• Key issues and objectives of the organisation
• An organisational chart or description
• A list of the staff that report to supervisor (where applicable)
• A list of key employees that asesee may need to interact with during the exercise
• Third-party relationships and activities
• A calendar of the next two to three months
Untuk setiap tahap simulasi, pada intinya, aktivitas dan tugas utama seorang Assessor dalam
proses assessment adalah melakukan pengamatan, pencatatan, penggolongan dan penilaian
atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai konsep ORCE (Observe, Record, Classify, dan Evaluation).
Selama menjalani proses simulasi-simulasi dalam Assessment (PA, Group Discussion, In-
Tray, Presentation dan Interview), Assessor bertugas melakukan :
(a)    Observation/Pengamatan yaitu mengamati perilaku para peserta selama menjalankan
aktivitas-aktivitas didalam Assessment .
(b)   Recording/Merekam yaitu proses membuat catatan tertulis mengenai perilaku peserta
secara verbatim pada waktu kejadiannya untuk dianalisa kemudian. Perilaku dalam hal ini
meliputi tindakan dan perkataan Assesse, yang nantinya akan berfungsi sebagai bukti-bukti
untuk kinerja dan kemampuan.
(c)    Classification/Penggolongan yaitu proses menggolongkan perilaku yang diamati dan
mencatat didalam berbagai dimensi kompetensi yang dapat diamati.
(d)   Evaluation/Menilai yaitu menilai kinerja para peserta pada tiap dimensi kompetensi
dengan memberikan penilaian berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang telah terkumpul.
Pertemuan pekan depan (25 Maret 2021)
kita akan melakukan praktik simulasi in-tray
Thanks for Attention

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