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Marina Rodrigo Ramos


Task 1:

Where do you live?

I live in Valencia.

Who is your favorite actor or actress?

Mario Casas.

What did you like for breakfast?

I love having pancakes.

Have you ever been to the USA?

I’ve never been.

What’s your favorite drink?

My favorite drink is pepsi.

Task 2: Tell us about the area you live and why you have joined the community service club.

I live in "la Malvarrosa". It's a little problematic neighborhood and that's why I joined the club. I want to help

Task 3:

Hello. I see you are new to our club. I’ve been a member for 6 months now. Why did you decide to join?
Hi, I’m Marina. I have many reasons why I have joined but if I had to choose one it would be because it is a way to
help others, to help improve the community in which we live.

What do you enjoy about helping your community?

I enjoy many things about helping people, but if I had to pick one, it would be the gratitude shown by the people
we help. Sometimes people only think of themselves and don't see that other people need their help.

I heard that the club is going to post pictures of us on social media. Do you support this idea?
I definitely support the idea because it's a way for people to know what we do and it's also beneficial for the club
because it can help more people join.

Task 4:

Informal email
Hi Carlos,
Did you read the email that the club just sent? The truth does not seem like a bad idea to me because it is not a lot
of money. What do you think about the idea?
Marina Rodrigo Ramos
Formal email
Dear Club Secretary,
Having read the email and I am writing to express my feelings on the introduction of a membership fee of $50 per
On the one hand, I think it is an incredible idea since, as you said, that money would help pay for future projectors
as well as make it possible for the club to continue operating.
On the other hand, there are people who will not think the same as me and who will not want to pay the
membership. That is why I thought we could have a charity market so people can buy the things we sell. I had
thought that we could sell cakes, pies, things that we no longer use...among many other things.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me in case that you find an alternative option.
Yours faithfully,
Marina Rodrigo

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