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Data Generation Method

This chapter describes the data generation method used in the Participatory Action

Research study entitled "Design and Development of a Computerized Ordering System for

Corner Glovalg Enterprises." The study aimed to develop a computerized system that will

improve the ordering process of Corner Glovalg Enterprises by incorporating the perspectives

and feedback of its employees. The following sections provide details on the respondents and

sampling procedure, statistical formula (quantitative only), and data generation procedures used

in the study.

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

This study was conducted in Corner Glovalg Enterprise. The researchers chose the One-

on-one interview. It is a personal interview conducted individually with each respondent. This

method is strictly conversational and encourages respondents to provide detailed responses.

These face-to-face interviews typically last between thirty minutes and one hour. When

conducting an in-depth interview in person, it is easier to interpret the body language of the

respondents and match their responses.

Data Generation Procedures

Data were collected through conversational research, specifically through semi-structured

interviews with the selected participants. The interview method was chosen as it allowed for in-

depth exploration of the experiences and perspectives of the participants. The participants were

involved in the research process by providing feedback on the interview questions and providing

their perspectives on the issues being explored.

The interviews were conducted in a way that ensured that the participants felt

comfortable and empowered to share their experiences and perspectives. The interviews were

conducted in the participants' workplace and recorded to ensure accuracy and completeness of

the data.

After the data were collected, the transcripts were transcribed and analyzed using the

multiple regression analysis formula. The formula was used to identify the relationship between

the independent variables and the dependent variable (improvement in the ordering process). The

findings were then presented in a way that was accessible and understandable, using language

and concepts that were familiar to the management.

By following these data generation procedures, the study was able to develop a

computerized ordering system that was informed by the perspectives and feedback of the

employees of Corner Glovalg Enterprises. The study findings may be useful to other businesses

that are looking to improve their ordering process using multiple regression analysis and

conversational research methods.

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