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3.1 Research Methods

This study uses the method of in-depth interview, which is to interview among TVET
institution management level. Through interviews the researcher can obtain more
comprehensive data about something studied without conducting the interview
method, the data obtained by observation cannot provide a complete picture of what is
observed. Due to the pandemic, this interview method consists of data collection
through online by asking questions through WhatsApp. The duration of the interview
is 15 to 20 minutes and depends on the study respondents. The interview period was
conducted after obtaining the consent of the study respondents and the consent of the

In-Depth Interview

This study used the researcher as the main instrument who conducted the detailed
interviews based on the established guidelines. Any words mentioned by the study
participants are important data of this study. Relevant responses will be recorded
word for word. Through this research method, the information obtained, and the
understanding is more extensive and complete by "deepening" a particular topic. In-
depth interviews are broad, open, unstructured, and not necessarily permanent.

Interview Protocol

Among the types of interview protocols are structured interviews, semi-structured

interviews and unstructured interviews. In this study, a structured in-depth interview
protocol was selected to obtain key information related to the action and readiness of
TVET institution management level to suit with digital transformation in term of ICT
literacy, ICT Innovation, ICT adaptation and ICT acceleration to educators. The
interview protocol was constructed so that the interviewed individuals could convey
what they wanted to share (Liamputtong, 2014). The interview protocol was carefully
constructed based on the purpose of this study and literature review so that the main
questions to be asked were not left out. This method was chosen to allow questions
further submitted based on the answers of the study participants. The scope of the
probability study can also be expanded, and more new themes will emerge to draw
more conclusions. This means that most of the interviews are guided by a list of
questions to be explored, but the list is only used as a guide because the study is
flexible to ask for multiple views. In addition, this method allows the study to pay full
attention and listen to feedback from study participants carefully while in the field.
There are terms that can describe data sets and relationships between data sets to
answer pe research questions.

3.2 Purposeful Sampling

This qualitative study was conducted only in selected institution. Purposeful sampling
was used to select study participants among leaders in the TVET institution for in-
depth interviews. A key consideration in the purpose of sampling is who can provide
the best information to achieve the research goals. Study participants of 2 to 3 people
were selected for in-depth interviews. Study participants will be selected based on
their management position and experience in leadership positions within the
organization. Study participants consisted of heads, deputy heads, managers, or heads
in the human resources division within a TVET institution. Data collection will stop
after the researcher gets the saturation point from the research participants. An
interview protocol will be developed prior to the actual interview consisting of
instructions for the interview process and questions to be asked of the research

3.3 Data analysis

The data analysis of this study is using thematic and narrative methods where it is a
systematic process in managing and displaying the results of the study findings in a
way which is easy to understand. Data analysis involves the process of managing data
and synthesizing it data, review the results of the study findings as well as interpret
the results of the study findings. (Creswell, 2012). The data processing procedure in
Nvivo software contains three sequences of activities:

1) Theme creation

Theme creation stopped after researchers produced three to nine themes according to
recommendations from Creswell (2012). Researchers have repeated these analytical
steps in all three case studies of researchers. All the procedures are as shown in Figure
3.0. The researcher also conducted a cross case comparison. This involved a
comparison between the three case studies to obtain and distinguish themes for the
three case studies to create data reporting for sustainability of collaboration.

Figure 3.0: Flow chart for data analysis procedure

2) Data Presentation

This is the most evident and systematic method of displaying facts for ease of
understanding. All data is presented in a consistent and straightforward manner, and
decisions may be explained.

3) Verification and Conclusion

Construct the research questions' conclusions from the data analysis process's
acquisition. To ensure that the study's results are backed up by evidence from the
data. Following this, some steps should be taken, such as examining the relationship
between the data, checking the validity of the findings through evidence, looking for
evidence that contradicts the findings, considering an alternative perspective, such as
the understanding gained from the study, and cross-checking with the perspective of
the respondent or other research partner.

3.4 Validity of the Research Instrument

According to Lebar (2006), validity is related to the question of accuracy or

credibility a conclusion, description, interpretation or other form of statement or
report. The purpose for this validity is made is for the process of purification and
correction of the items in interview questionnaire so that it has the potential to provide
the information to be measured and studied in this study. This validation was done not
only to check the interview questions, but even review question items also constructed
by the researcher in terms of grammar and the use of sentences. In this study, the
validity of the instrument as an interview guide tool discussed before being used for
data collection before conducting the test validity. As a starting point, questions are
formed by asking for feedback from several experts were selected on the questions to
be asked in the interview guide deep. Experts consist of specifications in qualitative

3.5 Reliability

Reliability refers to the extent to which findings in a qualitative study can be

replicated (Merriam, 2015). For this qualitative research approach reliability is
grounded assuming there are repetitive studies as well as unique and able to provide
realities same decision. If the measurement or repetition of the interview is performed
a second time, third and so on are done, the values obtained are the same, then the
study done is to have high reliability including inventory verification semi-structured
questions by supervisors and field experts, pilot study, data triangulation, field note
reports and diaries, expert validation of constructed themes and validation of
respondents on interview data as well as verification of experts and achievements
expert evaluation through Cohen Kappa (Weigh, 2010).

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