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MAT NO: C021018

June 2023


3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents the research methodology employed to investigate the effectiveness of the
Dormitory Prep Attendance System. It outlines the research design, research method, research
site, target population, sample and sample technique, research instruments, data collection and
presentation methods, Data analysis, and ethical considerations. The chosen methodology
ensures the collection of reliable and valid data while upholding ethical principles and protecting
the rights and privacy of the participants.

3.2 Research Design

The research design for this study is a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and
qualitative data collection methods. This approach allows for a comprehensive exploration of the
effectiveness of the Dormitory Prep Attendance System by capturing both numerical data on
attendance rates and qualitative insights into the experiences and perceptions of the users.

3.3 Research Method

The research method employed in this study is a combination of survey questionnaires and semi-
structured interviews. The survey questionnaires will be used to collect quantitative data on
student attendance rates, user satisfaction, and system usability. The semi-structured interviews
will provide in-depth qualitative insights into participants' experiences, challenges, and
suggestions regarding the system. This mixed-methods approach will provide a holistic
understanding of the effectiveness of the Dormitory Prep Attendance System.
3.4 Research Site

The research will be conducted at Light International School, which serves as the research site
for this study. Light International School was chosen due to its relevance to the research topic
and its implementation of the Dormitory Prep Attendance System. The school provides an ideal
setting to examine the effectiveness of the system and gather valuable insights from students and
Dormitory Staff members as well as parents who will directly interact with it.

Light International School is renowned for its diverse student population and commitment to
educational excellence. It offers a wide range of academic programs and provides residential
facilities for students, including dormitories. The the Dormitory Prep Attendance System is
utilized within these dormitories to track and monitor student attendance during study sessions.

The school's supportive administration and cooperation from the faculty members will facilitate
the smooth implementation of the research activities. Permission and access to the dormitory
facilities will be obtained from the school administration, ensuring that the study can be
conducted effectively and efficiently.

The selection of Light International School as the research site ensures that the findings from this
study will be contextually relevant and applicable to similar educational settings. The data
collected from the participants within this specific research site will provide valuable insights
into the experiences, challenges, and perceptions related to to the Dormitory Prep Attendance

The research site's characteristics, such as its diverse student body, the availability of dormitory
facilities, and the implementation of the attendance system, make it an ideal location to gather
comprehensive data for the study's objectives. By conducting the reseach at Light International
School, the study aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on dorm attendance
systems and provide practical implications for educational institutions.
3.5 Target Population

The target population for this study consists of students, ,parents, menters and dormitory staff at
the Light International School who utilize the Dormitory Prep Attendance System. Students from
different grade levels and faculty members involved in managing the attendance system will be
included in the study. The inclusion criteria for participants will be based on their active usage
and familiarity with the system.

3.6 Sample and Sample Technique

A purposive sampling technique will be used to select participants for this study. Participants will
be selected based on their direct involvement with the Dormitory Prep Attendance System. A
sample size will be targeted to ensure a diverse range of perspectives and experiences.

3.7 Research Instrument/Tool

The research instruments going to be used in this study include survey questionnaires and semi-
structured interview guides. The survey questionnaires will be designed based on validated
scales and instruments from previous studies, incorporating relevant constructs identified in the
literature review. Likert scales, multiple-choice questions, and rating scales will be used to
measure participants' perceptions, attitudes, and satisfaction levels. The semi-structured
interview guides will be developed based on the research objectives and themes identified in the
literature review, allowing for open-ended responses and detailed insights from participants.

Validity and |reliability of data collection intsr

3.8 Data Collection and Presentation

Data collection will be carried out through a combination of online survey platforms for the
questionnaires and face-to-face for the qualitative data. Participants will be provided with clear
instructions on how to complete the survey questionnaires, and interviews will be conducted in a
comfortable and confidential setting. All data collected will be securely stored and analyzed
using appropriate statistical techniques for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative

The data collected will be presented using descriptive statistics, such as means, frequencies, and
percentages, for the quantitative data. Qualitative data will be transcribed, coded, and analyzed
thematically to identify key themes and patterns. Findings from both the quantitative and
qualitative data will be integrated and presented in a comprehensive manner to address the
research objectives and answer the research questions.

3.8.1 Quantitative Data Collection

Quantitative data will be collected through surveys administered to the participants. The survey
questionnaire will be designed to capture relevant information related to the effectiveness of the
Dormitory Prep Attendance System. It will include questions pertaining to system usability,
student attendance rates, user satisfaction, and other factors identified in the literature review.
The surveys will be conducted electronically, using online survey platforms for example Google
forms for ease of distribution and efficient data collection.

3.8.2 Qualitative Data Collection

Qualitative data will be collected through semi-structured interviews with a subset of

participants. The interviews will provide an opportunity to explore participants' experiences,
perceptions, and suggestions regarding the effectiveness of the Dormitory Prep Attendance
System in more depth. The interviews will be conducted face-to-face allowing for a personalized
and interactive conversation.
3.9 Data Analysis

The data collected in this study will be analyzed using appropriate analytical techniques to derive
meaningful insights and address the research questions and objectives. The data analysis process
will involve both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the effectiveness of the Dormitory Prep Attendance System.

3.9.1 Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data collected through the survey questionnaires will be analyzed using statistical
software, such as SPSS or Excel. The following analytical techniques will be employed:

Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, means, standard deviations, and
percentages, will be calculated to summarize the data and provide an overview of key variables,
including attendance rates, user satisfaction levels, and system usability.

3.9.2 Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews will be transcribed, coded, and
thematically analyzed. The following steps will be followed in the qualitative data analysis:

Transcription: The recorded interviews will be transcribed verbatim to create a textual

representation of the data. The transcripts will include detailed notes on participants' responses,
observations, and any relevant contextual information.

Coding: The transcripts will be coded by identifying recurring themes, concepts, or patterns that
emerge from the data. Codes will be assigned to specific segments of the text, capturing the
essence of participants' experiences, perceptions, and challenges related to the Dormitory Prep
Attendance System.
Theme Development: The coded segments will be grouped into broader themes based on their
similarities and connections. Themes will be identified through an iterative process of reading
and re-reading the data, ensuring that they accurately represent the participants' perspectives.

Interpretation and Analysis: The identified themes will be analyzed and interpreted to extract
meaningful insights. The analysis will involve examining the relationships between themes,
identifying patterns, and exploring variations in participants' responses

Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Data:

The findings frm the quantitative and qualitative analyses will be integrated to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of the Dormitory Prep Attendance System.
Convergent or divergent patterns between the two types of data will be explored, allowing for a
deeper understanding of the research questions and generating rich insights.

The results of the data analysis will be presented in a clear and organized manner using tables,
charts, graphs, and narrative descriptions. The findings will be aligned with the research
objectives and research questions, providing evidence-based conclusions and recommendations.

3.10 Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are of paramount importance in this study to protect the rights, privacy,
and well-being of the participants. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants,
ensuring they have a clear understanding of the study's purpose, procedures, potential risks, and
benefits. Confidentiality and anonymity of participants will be maintained throughout the study,
with all data stored securely and reported in aggregate form to prevent identification.

The research will be conducted in compliance with ethicall guidelines and regulations.
Institutional approval will be sought from the relevant ethics committee to ensure the study's
adherence to data protection protocols, ensuring the secure storage and handling of participant

3.11 Conclusion

This chapter has outlined the research methodology for investigating the effectiveness of the
Dormitory Prep Attendance System. The target population, comprising students, parents,
dormitory staff, and administrators from Light International school, has been identified as the
key stakeholders in this study. A purposive sampling technique will be used to select participants,
and the sample size will be determined based on data saturation. The data collection methods,
including surveys and interviews, will allow for the collection of both quantitative and
qualitative data. Ethical considerations will be maintained throughout the research process to
protect the rights and privacy of the participants.
3.12 References

Silverman, D. (2020). Doing qualitative research: A practical handbook (5th ed.). Sage

Bryman, A. (2016). Social research methods (5th ed.). Oxford University Press.

American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of

conduct. American Psychological Association.

Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2020). Qualitative data analysis: A methods
sourcebook (4th ed.). Sage Publications.

Follow-up questions: Rubin, H. J., & Rubin, I. S. (2012). Qualitative interviewing: The art of
hearing data (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.

Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate data analysis (8th
ed.). Cengage Learning.

Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics (4th ed.). SAGE Publications.

Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook
(2nd ed.). SAGE Publications.

Babbie, E. (2013). The practice of social research (13th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

British Psychological Society. (2018). Code of ethics and conduct for psychologists. British
Psychological Society.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed
methods approaches (5th ed.). Sage Publications.

Field, A. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th ed.). Sage Publications.

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