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Name: Sheikh Karim, Sherma M.


ID NUMBER: 210606


1. Why do all sugars give a positive result for Molisch’s test?

- This is due to the fact that Molisch's test involves treating samples with sulfuric acid, which
dehydrates the sugars and converts them to hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) (pentoses, like ribose or
deoxyribose, are dehydrated to furfural). These molecules are aldehydes, just like sugars, and when
1- naphthol is added, each aldehyde (either HMF or furfural) interacts with two 1-naphthol
molecules to produce a purple chemical, indicating carbohydrate.

2. What compounds other than -naphthol can be used as a reagent for the test?
- In addition to naphthol compounds, thymol compounds can also be used. Or Thymol compounds
are more stable compounds than naphthol and applies to insoluble carbohydrates.

3. Why is it important to use freshly prepared Fehling’s reagent?

- The pH of Barfoed`s reagent is decrease than that of Benedict's reagent, and the heating time is
shortened to 2 minutes. And their distinction is that Benedict's take a look at determines if the
pattern is a decreasing sugar, whilst Barfoed's take a look at determines whether or not it's far a
monosaccharide or disaccharide.

4) How are the conditions for Barfoed’s test different from those for Benedict’s test?
- The benedicts test is known for reducing sugars from free or potentially free aldehydes or ketone
groups. The aldehyde is oxidized while the copper is reduced and it precipitates and the color alters
from blue to orange/red. While the Barfooed’s test is only reducing sugars from the
monosaccharides, although it is similar to Benedict’s test but it has lower pH (Potential of
Hydrogen) and shorter in time. Only the monosaccharides will reduce copper and alter in color due
to the formation of orange/red precipitate.

5. Account for the black precipitate in Nylander’s test

- The black precipitate produced in Nylander`s check is referred to as steel bismuth. It`s commonly
fashioned while glucose or fructose reduces the bismuth oxynitrate in an alkaline state.

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