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Self-Awareness Assignment Template and Instructions

 Life Defining Events

“What’s my story”

 Since I was a little girl I have always liked soccer. In my school I couldn't play
soccer because it was an all-girls school and the peruvian culture didn't allow it.
Then when I go to the University I found out if there was a girls' soccer team
and they said yes, but they didn't have organized schedules and there weren't
many girls playing. So I decided to call up all the girls who wanted to play and I
formed a women's futsal team and we won the five years that I was studying
industrial and systems engineering. With these circumstances I learned to
organize my study time and my training time. I also learned how to organize,
manage and lead a small group of people and finally achieve the goal of

 I learned to organize my study time and my time for training; I also learned to
lead a small group of people. All the girls had different schedules and times
available, so it was difficult for us to get together to train. That's why I had to
distribute the schedules equally so that they didn't cross with the girls'
schedules and that most of them could attend the training. Then I divided the
tasks of each girl, for example, one was in charge of carrying the balls and
vests, another was in charge of separating the camp from the university where
we were going to train, and so we all took turns to perform the tasks.

 In a future job, I may be able to organize and lead a group of people with
different thoughts or time available. In the text of this course you can find this:
“Following from this,House &Podsakoff (1994)illustrated that charismatic
leadership relies on inspirational communication to followers.. I think that
communication between people is basic to lead a group of people” (Lignon,
Gina Scott, Samuel T. Hunter and Michael D. Mumford. Development of
outstanding leadership: A life narrative approach. The Leadership Quarterly 19
(2008) 312–334).

 Stress Management and Life Balance.

 When I have stressful situations I usually relax with music or distract myself with
something else for a few minutes so I can clear my mind and not think about it.
Then I follow the task I have to do, in a better mood, with a positive outlook and
thinking about possible solutions to the problem. For example, when the
university would cancel our soccer camp, I would get stressed out because I
had to find another field to train on and I would start calling all my contacts to
get one. (Positive outcome). Another example is when the girl in charge of the
ball didn't show up for training, so we couldn't train. I called her several times
and she didn't answer, finally I apologized to the girls because we couldn't train
(negative outcome).

 The stressors I have encountered are the little time available for the girls to
train, because each one had classes at different times and we could never train
all together. That's why we decided to train on Sundays all together, and the
rest of the week those who had free time. In a future situation I could handle it
better by talking to them and seeing their availability of time to organize us from
the beginning.
 Always keep a positive attitude, think about possible quick and easy solutions.
Find the balance between positive and negative emotions. Take a break from
negative information. Always exercise or do some hobby to distract yourself and
not think so much about the problems. Relax, take a trip or listen to music.
Relate to people from different cultures and make friends.

 Implications for my Leadership Performance and Style

 Impact/Implications of Personality (from NEO/IPIP results).

Motivation: A leader always has to inspire and motivate the other

members of his team to do their best and accomplish the desired tasks.
Delegation: A leader must know how to share responsibilities and tasks
to the other members of the team. A leader who wants to do everything
is not a good example. He or she has to accompany the others in the
process, correct them and help them in what they need.
Communication: A leader must be able to explain clearly the indications
and tasks to the other members. He must also know how to listen and
have constant communication with others

 Impact/Implications of Results from Self-Assessment Tools.

Strategic thinking - By thinking strategically, a leader can identify in

advance how to respond to various situations, taking into account new
competitors entering the market. Although every leader is different,
there are some indispensable skills for strategic leaders.
Team building skills - A good leader recognizes that they are only as
good as the people around them. He must have constant
communication with them and must know how to delegate functions,
finally he must know how to support and correct others when they need

 My distinctive leadership competencies.

 Routinely, I served as a leader. I always try to train people, and improve myself.
In difficult situations, with the help of books, forums, and calmly try to find the
root of the problem and give possible solutions
 I do it better when I trust myself, my knowledge. Also my strengths are: creative
mind, sensitivity and facility to talk to people.
 I perform better as a leader, usually in challenging environments and difficult
situations. I always try to calm people down and have good communication with
everyone to see the problem and its solutions. It's related; my skills are practical
and sensitive and warm.
 My ex-boss because he's a person who always talked to me and helped me
with what I needed. Every day I learned something new and he always gave me
 I plan to take other courses to help strengthen my performance. In addition, I
need to work more on stress management, because I tend to get stressed out
quickly when something doesn't work out

Personality Assessment
Openess to Experience Agreeableness

Neuroticism Conscientiousness

Personal Domain
Developing Self

Problem Solving and 2

Life-long learning
decision Making 1

Setting and Achieving

Managing Stress
Current Level Target Level
Interpersonal Domain
Managing Conflict

Oral & Written 2 Building Positive

Communication 1 Relationships

Managing Followership
Current Level Target Level

Management Domain
Strategic Management

Teamwork Organizing

Providing Feedback Staffing

Empowering &

Current Level Target Level

Interpersonal Domain
Motivating & Inspiring

Creating Cultures and 2 Building Power &

Identity 1 Influence

Adapting Leadership
Leading Change

Current Level Target Level

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