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Good afternoon teacher, in this oportunity mi clasmate and I are going to present a job interview

simulation. Lets start

E: Good afternoon miss Rivera, I’m pleased to meet you. How are You?

S: Good afternoon, I'm fine, thanks for inviting me to job interview.

E: Thank you too.This time we need a legal adviser, and we can give you the job if you pass the filter

S: Of course, I can take over that job

E: Do you know what the job consists of?

S:Yes, Yes, I have to prepare legal documents, give legal advice, interpret the law and other
responsibilities, I just quit my job because I can't travel constantly.

E: Okay, where did you graduate?

S:I graduated from the UTP university, and I have to continue specializing to achieve other degrees

E: Excellent, tell me about your experience in this legal field

S: I have experience working as a paralegal in the Santa Judicial Branch as well as in the Trebejo buffet.


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