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Bezier Curve

Bezier curve is defined in terms of location of (n+1) points. These points are call data or
control points. They form the vertices of what is called control or Bezier shape curve which
uniquely defined curve shape . Only first and last control points or vertices lie on the curve. The
other vertices define the order derivatives & shape of the curve. The curve is also always tangent to
the 1st and last polygon segment.
In addition the curve shape tends to follow the polygon shape.These 3 observation enable to
user to sketch or predict the curve shape once its control points are given
P(u) = ΣpiBi, n(u)
0 <= u <= 1
Order of defining the control points changes the resulting curve concequently.The arrow
provided on each curve is defined by the following polynomial of deg
P(u) = Σ piBi, n(u)
0 <= u <= 1
When P(u) is any point on the curve and pi is a control point Bi,n are the Bertern
Polynomial. The Bernstein polynomial serves as the blending or basis function for the Bezier curve
& is given by
Bi,n(u) = c(n,i)ui(1-u)(n-1)
c(n, i ) -+ Binomial coefficient

Advantages of Bezier Curve

The shape of Bezier curve is controlled by its defining points only. 1st derivative & not used
in the curve development as in case of cubic spline as this allows the relationship between
Input(lines) 7 output(curves).The order or the degree of Bezier curve is variable & is related to the
number of points defining it. (n+1) points defined nth degree curve which permits higher order
continuity. This is not the case for cubic for the spline where the degree always cubic for the spline
segment. The cubic spline because it has higher order derivatives.

The curve doesn’t pass through control points which may be inconvenient for some
designers. The curve lacks the local control. It only has global control nature. If one control points
is changes. Therefore the designed can not selectively changes. Therefore the designed can not
selectively change the part of curve.
Characteristics or properties of Bezier Curve
1. The curve interpolates the first and last control points that is it passes through P0 and Pn
2. The curve is tangent , to the 1st and last segment of charterers
3. The curve is symmetric with respect to u & (1-u).This means that the sequance of control
points defining the curve can be reversed without change of curve shape that is reversing the
direction of parametrization doesn't change the curve shape.
4. Each control point is most influential on the curve shape, therefore each control points is
weighed by it’s blending function for each u value
5. The curve shape can be modified by either changing one or more vertices of it’s polygon or
by keeping the polygon fix & specifying multiple coincides points at vertex.
6. Closed Bezier curve can sample generated by closing it’s charterer polygon or choosing P0
& Pn to be coincident.

B-Spline Curve

1. B-spline curves provide another effective method besides that of Bezier of generating curves
defined by polygon.
2. In facts, B-spline curves have proper & powerful generation Bezier curve .In additional to
sharing most of advantages of Bezier curve they have following advantages.
3. They provide local control of curve shape as opposed the global control by using spatial set
of bending function that provides local influence.
4. They also provide the ability to add control points without increasing the degree of curve:
5. B-spline curve has ability to interpolate or approximate the given set of data points.
Interpolation is useful in displaying or engineering results such as stress & displacement
distribution in a part while approximation is good to is useful when the designer is having
6. In contrast to Bezier curve the theory of B-spline curve the theory of B-spline curve
separates the degree of resulting curve from the given control points .while 4 control points
always control cubic Bezier curve. They can generate linear, quadratic /cubic B-spline
curve. This flexibility in degree of resulting curve is achieved by choosing basic (blending
function) of B-spline curve with an additional degree of freedom that did not exist in
Bustian polynomial (Bezier curve).This basic function of B-spline, Thus the name B-spline
Similar to Bezier curve a B spline is defined by (n+1) control point & is given by the equation
p(μ) = Σ PiNiK(μ)
0<= μ <= μ max
PiNiK(μ) are B-spline function K is control the deg(K-1),of the resulting B-spline curve.
Characteristics & properties of B-spline Curve

1. The local control of the curve can be achieved by changing the position of control point,
using multiple control point, using multiple characters by placing several points at the same
location or by choosing the different degree.
2. The B-spline curve passes through 1st & last control points P0 & Pn+1 & is tangent to the 1st
& last segment of the control polygon,similar to the Bezier curve
3. Increasing the degree of the curve tighten it. In general , less the degree closure the curve
gets to control point. K =1 a zero degree curve results the curve then becomes the control
point. K=1 a zero degree curve then become the control point themselves. When K=2 the
curve becomes polygon segment themselves.
4. Second degree curve is always tangent to the middle of internal polygon segment.
5. If K = the number of control points (n+1) then the resulting curve becomes a Beizer curve
6. Multiple control points induce regions of high curvature of B-spline curve. This is useful in
creating sharp corner in curve.
7. Increasing degree of curve makes it more difficult to control & to calculate accurately.
Therefore the cubic B-spline curve is sufficient for large number of application.

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