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Path of the Brewmaster 3rd-Level Path of the Brewmaster Feature

Years spent experimenting in breweries and kombu-

The right drink is welcome on any occasion. Mayhaps
cha clubs have given you a taste for fermentation and
you want to invigorate your body ahead of a bloody
experience in bar room brawls. You gain proficiency with
brawl, ruminate over a moral quandary, celebrate a sensa-
brewer’s supplies and you have a +1 bonus to attack and
tional dragon slaying, or fill your veins with liquid bread
damage rolls you make with improvised weapons. When
after a hard day’s slog through the elements. Knowing
you reach 10th level in this class, this bonus increases to
which drink to suggest for which occasion—and having
that drink on hand—is what separates a lay brewer from
a brewmaster. Ancestral Spirits
For a brewmaster, the act of brewing—a process 3rd-Level Path of the Brewmaster Feature
which can take months—is a practice in mindfulness. The act of refining ingredients, maintaining special yeast
Carrying their barrels and demijohns from place to place, cultures, and carefully monitoring a brew’s progress is a
you would be mistaken to construe these individuals as ritualistic practice through which you find connection
peaceful. This apparent tranquillity is but the calm before with your forebears and the natural world around you.
the storm, for when a brewmaster enters a rage, they do The beverages you brew are fortified with the spirits of
so fueled by the fermented products of their labours. your ancestors, imparting enhanced benefits to you.

CHAPTER XX | Classes 1
When you finish a long rest, you can use brewer’s Kombucha. A stimulating blend of fermented teas,
supplies to prepare a number of beverages equal to the this bubbly drink hones your reactions. You gain an addi-
number shown for your barbarian level in the Rages tional reaction each round that can be used only to make
column of the Barbarian table (maximum 6), choosing opportunity attacks. You can take only one reaction per
from the list below (you can choose the same option turn.
more than once). When you enter a rage, you can imbibe
Mead. Sweet, honey mead fuels your body. Your walk-
one of these beverages (choosing from those that you
ing speed increases by 10 feet and opportunity attacks
prepared) as part of the bonus action you use to enter
made against you have disadvantage.
the rage, gaining its benefits for the duration of the rage.
Undrunk beverages lose their potency when you finish a Sake. Strongly alcoholic, this clear liquid lends you
long rest. a bloody, single-mindedness. You have advantage on
Wisdom saving throws.
Kefir. A nutritious, creamy beverage, kefir fortifies
your body. You have advantage on Constitution saving Stout. Dark, liquid bread is a bonafide meal replace-
throws. ment. You regain 1d4 hit points at the start of each of
your turns, provided you have fewer than half your hit
point maximum. If you have more than half your hit
point maximum, you gain 1d4 temporary hit points
instead. This die increases to 1d8 when you reach 10th
level in this class.

Brewer’s Gut
6th-Level Path of the Brewmaster Feature

Over time, you’ve imbibed an amalgam of experimental

yeasts that have fortified your gut. When you finish a
short or long rest, you gain one of the following benefits
of your choice, which lasts until you finish a short or
long rest:
• Beer Jacket. You have resistance to cold damage,
and you don’t suffer the effects of extreme cold.
• Guts of Steel. You have resistance to poison dam-
• Liquid Courage. You are immune to the frightened
condition. As a bonus action, you can give a fright-
ened creature that is friendly to you and within your
reach a good-natured slap, ending the frightened
condition on it.

Ognjen Sporin; Previous: Ognjen Sporin

Drinking Buddies
10th-Level Path of the Brewmaster Feature

Sharing is caring. During a short or long rest,

you can spend 30 minutes crafting a pitcher of
beverages for up to 10 creatures. At the end of
the rest, each creature that drinks your bever-
age gains your choice of one of the following
benefits until it next finishes a short or long rest.
Undrunk beverages lose their potency when you
finish a short or long rest.
Ginger Ale. Fiery and stimulating, one can
react quickly. The creature has advantage on
initiative rolls.
Pulque. Good accompaniment for a drink-
ing song. The creature gains a bonus to Charis-
ma checks equal to your Constitution modifier
(minimum bonus of +1).
Warm Cider. A wholesome beverage. The
creature gains 3 temporary hit points at the start
of each of its turns.

Fermented Binge
14th-Level Path of the Brewmaster Feature

You have grown a strain of super yeast within

March 28th
yourself that you can activate when you enter a
rage. When you drink one of the beverages from
your Ancestral Spirits feature, you can enhance
the drink to gain an additional benefit based on
its type.
Kefir. You are immune to poison damage
and the poisoned condition and you have ad-
vantage on saving throws made to avoid or end
the exhaustion condition on yourself.
Kombucha. Making an opportunity attack
doesn’t cost you a reaction, but you can make
only one opportunity attack per turn, and can’t
do so on a turn that you use a reaction.
Mead. Your walking speed increases by an
additional 10 feet (20 feet total increase) and
you can take the Disengage action as a bonus
action on each of your turns.
Sake. You have resistance to psychic damage
and are immune to the charmed condition.
Stout. The number of hit points regained or
temporary hit points gained from this drink is
After you have used this feature, you can’t do
so again until you finish a short or long rest.

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