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 The average weather conditions studied and 

over a long period of time in Eastern

Africa are viewed as a great resource to the development of the region. Discuss.
 To what extent is the climate of Eastern Africa a great resource to the development
of the region?
 Examine the influence of climate on the development of Eastern African countries.
 Discuss the view that the climate of Africa is a great resource to the development of the

Candidate is expected to define clime.

Climate is the average atmospheric weather condition of a place recorded and studied for a long period of
time usually 35 years and above.

Candidate is expected to mention the types of climate that exist in Africa.

Eastern Africa as a region has varied climatic types like equatorial climate with heavy rainfall of over
1500mm pa, hot temperatures of over 270c , montane climate, savannah climate, semi-arid etc.

NB candidates should at least attach characteristics and location of each.

Candidate is expected to indicate how climate is a resource as shown below:

 Supports crop cultivation since 80% of East Africa’s agriculture is rain fed due to heavy
equatorial rainfall which supports the growth of tea, coffee. Seasonal savannah rain fall supports
the growth of sorghum and millet thus supplying food to man and major cash crops.
 Encourages the supply of power and energy for example equatorial heavy rainfall supports the
flow of rivers like Nile for generating HEP, semi desert supports generation of solar energy due
to hot temperature, equatorial supports wood fuel due to equatorial rain forests.
 Supports fishing due to the heavy equatorial rain fall that supports lakes with various fish species
thus boosting fishing.
 Promotes tourism for example cold Montane forms glacial features that attract tourists, savannah
climate forms savannah grass land for national parks thus attracting tourists.
 Promotes transport for example the clear skies of the semi- arid climate promotes aviation, heavy
equatorial rainfall fills rivers and supports water transport thus promoting transport and
 Promotes forestry and lumbering activities for example the equatorial rain forests supported by
the heavy convectional rain fall, montane forests supported by the heavy orographic rain fall in
hilly areas.
 Supports mining in semi-arid areas around Lake Albert where hot temperatures promote
evaporation and crystallization to form salt pallets.
 Promotes industrialization in equatorial areas by supplying water and agricultural raw materials
for industrial development.
 Wind supports the operation of wind mills for harnessing water during dry spells in dry regions.
 Climate is a key factor in soil formation as it determines and influences soil forming processes
that account for the nature of soil formed and concentration of agricultural activities.
 Climate variation also account for population distribution
Candidate is expected to indicate how this climate has hindered development in some

However, the climate of Eastern Africa has hindered the development of the region in the
following ways:

o Heavy rainfall in equatorial region promotes flooding by rivers leading to displacement

of people and destruction of property.
o Semi-desert climate leads to scarcity of water and pasture for animals leading to death of
animals causing losses to pastoralists
o Heavy relief rainfall in montane climate triggers landslides after soils getting saturated
and elastic and resultant loss of life and destruction of property.
o Hot desert climate limits crop cultivation due to scanty rainfall that reduces soil moisture
leading to crop failure thus food shortage.
o Heavy equatorial climate promotes leaching hence reducing soil fertility and productivity
which is disastrous to crop cultivation.
o Heavy rain fall in the montane climate promotes soil erosion that lowers soil fertility and
crop yield on mountain slopes.
o High glaciated mountains experience very cold temperatures which limit varied land use
types notably settlement and crop cultivation.

2nd coursework Question

The highlands of Eastern Africa hold the key to the development of the region. With
reference to specific examples in Eastern Africa, examine the above statement.

The Course work must be HAND WRITTEN

Maximum of 5 pages
Submit NOT LATER THAN 13TH/03/2021 Saturday 4pm
NB. Please note that no coursework will be received beyond this date and time

John Calvin Esagu Osegge

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